Ever wondered what the hell emo singers are yelling?

is there a link that's missing or something? ...Morrissey stands out in my mind as being both emo and incomprehensible when he sings ..but I like Morrisey so I guess I'm a emo-liker

"nannanan nnana london town nananannanan

hang the dj, hang the dj, hang the dj

then what is? urban dictionary says it's this:

"Punk music on estrogen. Often acoustic guitar with soft, high male vocals that dwell exessively on the singer's feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life. A form of music that diverged from punk in the '80s, the name "emo" is derived from the emotive style of the lyrics and music. "

sounds like the Smiths and Morrisey in general to me or at least they try to emulate him

so is Suede emo?
indie? they sold in the millions in the 90's ..oh I hate labels ..I absolutely never know what goes with what

incidentily in north america Suede is called London Suede (ya sounds stupid) cuz of trademark issues ..same with the Charlatans, they're called Charlatans UK here
Aye, Suede were quite popular back in the day, but I'm starting to think most music is just mashing together when it comes to genre....

So, there's Canadian variants of Suede and the Charlatans? Did you lad's ever get a "Shine" mix compilation CD? :D
Cormeh said:
Aye, Suede were quite popular back in the day, but I'm starting to think most music is just mashing together when it comes to genre....

So, there's Canadian variants of Suede and the Charlatans? Did you lad's ever get a "Shine" mix compilation CD? :D

the copyright laws here suck ..the person who owns the Suede name briefly toured with that name in the 70's and hasnt performed since (folk or bluegrass music I think). I'm not sure we ever had Shine released here ..but we do have quite a few shops that carry a lot of UK imports.
CptStern said:
the copyright laws here suck ..the person who owns the Suede name briefly toured with that name in the 70's and hasnt performed since (folk or bluegrass music I think). I'm not sure we ever had Shine released here ..but we do have quite a few shops that carry a lot of UK imports.
A 70's group?! Well, I suppose from their point of view if a popular young band selling lots of records and playing many gigs emerge, lets latch on and milk them for a few bucks.
Cormeh said:
A 70's group?! Well, I suppose from their point of view if a popular young band selling lots of records and playing many gigs emerge, lets latch on and milk them for a few bucks.

what makes it worse is that it's just embarrassing for us ..in interviews (when they were still popular) they make it a point of calling them by the London Suede or Charlatans UK ..it's cringe worthy

and now I'm off to listen to Birmingham Black Sabbath followed by some Liverpool Beatles and maybe even some Rolling Stones UK
CptStern said:
indie? they sold in the millions in the 90's ..oh I hate labels ..I absolutely never know what goes with what

incidentily in north america Suede is called London Suede (ya sounds stupid) cuz of trademark issues ..same with the Charlatans, they're called Charlatans UK here

Indie is the name of a genre because back in the day a lot of bands who played that style of music were on independant labels.You can have an indie band on a major label the same way you can have a pop band that isn't that popular.
Wow, that was funny to say the least

Who would have thought those were the words to emo songs, about cocks and beer
CptStern said:
what makes it worse is that it's just embarrassing for us ..in interviews (when they were still popular) they make it a point of calling them by the London Suede or Charlatans UK ..it's cringe worthy

and now I'm off to listen to Birmingham Black Sabbath followed by some Liverpool Beatles and maybe even some Rolling Stones UK
Don't forget the Glasgow Travis or Edinburgh Texas! :O

(That last one is brilliant :P).

Feath said:
Indie is the name of a genre because back in the day a lot of bands who played that style of music were on independant labels.You can have an indie band on a major label the same way you can have a pop band that isn't that popular.
Well played. :thumbs:
Feath said:
Indie is the name of a genre because back in the day a lot of bands who played that style of music were on independant labels.You can have an indie band on a major label the same way you can have a pop band that isn't that popular.

ya back in the 90's it actually meant something
I enjoy that song. I prefer to keep myself away from groups like Blink 182 or whatever but I actually like the climax of this song, the rest is crap. :|

He actually sings about killing himself: "We're going down, down in an earlier round. And honey, we're going down swinging. I'll be another one with a bullet. Let's cock it and pull it." which is funny.
WaterMelon34 said:
I enjoy that song. I prefer to keep myself away from groups like Blink 182 or whatever but I actually like the climax of this song, the rest is crap. :|

But when is a climax not enjoyable? When it's your dad's......
WaterMelon34 said:
Take a couple 9mm bullets to the head. :P
Seriously though, I like the song.

I don't have a gun.

Seriously, I don't have a gun.
WaterMelon34 said:
Try ze Amazon or teh Ebay. Is your head really big?

Yes :(

My friends call me moonface

Same here, the song grew into me, although I'm not fond of the lyrics.
lol don't any of you read the funny videos thread? This was posted weeks ago.

Awesome stuff.
I hate that kind of music, doesn't make sense and doesn't sound good.