Everyone start sending gabe this email:

Originally posted by kinggi
How about ending all the mass hysteria over when half life 2 is coming out and make a public statement. Right now anything will do, including "we have no official release date." Gamestop says february, ebgames says november, vivendi says september 30th and sometime in october. So what is it?

How about we don't flood Gabe with e-mails?
Re: Re: Everyone start sending gabe this email:

Originally posted by Feath
How about we don't flood Gabe with e-mails?


What a sad state to be in. Its just a game, take some time to enjoy the finer things in life. It really doesnt matter when it comes out.
Spam penises get cut off by the knife. It's not nice, dingling dongs. :(
Originally posted by SheepFactory

What a sad state to be in. Its just a game, take some time to enjoy the finer things in life. It really doesnt matter when it comes out.

yeah, what he said, bitches.
Fool leave these mothers alone damnit. They work their asses off. Give it a break. They dont OWE you the damn game.
Originally posted by kinggi
How about ending all the mass hysteria over when half life 2 is coming out and make a public statement. Right now anything will do, including "we have no official release date." Gamestop says february, ebgames says november, vivendi says september 30th and sometime in october. So what is it?

Dude, just let it go, just let it go.

The game will come out, thats all you need to know. It doesn't matter if its today, tommorow, or 2004. Its coming out.

How about everyone just go do something else like vist some friends, go on a walk, and enjoy life like this game didn't exist. Theres no need to put extra pressure on valve just because you can't find something else to do. Besides all this hype for steam, I mean whats really new that makes it so exciting? Cs1.6?? Possiblity of new movies?? Just move on

you guys better not comment on half life 2's release date...ill be watching!!!
I bet if HL2 gets delayed its because Gabe spent too much time answering stupid spam emails and not finishing the game.