Everyone - They said you couldn't do it!

.avi should be out tonight all going well :D

Just wait! Includes 3rd person views!
ComradeBadger said:
.avi should be out tonight all going well :D

Just wait! Includes 3rd person views!
Oh goody! Me can't wait. :bounce:
i cant find the dl link for the file on filefront. it takes me to an ad page. ive registered and everything
Don't need to be registered, but the link isn't working for some reason :(
i just watched it!.. insane!!. is all i can say

Can you give (if possible) a step by step of how to do it?? Even the grav gun jumping too!!.. Jumping up to the rocket like that is huge!
Am i blind ? I cant find ANY kind of "Click this to actually download the thing !"-Link on that site...

Or is it one of those sites that uses 2 Pixel Font-Size for their Download-Links ?

Edit :
NM, just the usual thing happening when blocking too many Cookies :D.
Glad you like it :)

Well, how you do it all depends on the object you are using.. make sure it's quite small and flat. If it's about sawblade size, crouch on the edge of the object and use the manipulator to grab the opposite edge, jump n sprint while doing this, and there you go. If it's bigger, stand on the edge, jump n manipulate n sprint.

I'm still a bit hit and miss with it :p but I'll work out a 100% method soon enough :D

[Direct link for lazy people: http://www.own-age.com/vids/mirrors.aspx?id=4405 ]
Best / Most useful video ever with a ch00n on in the background music. Everyone should download this, but only im allowed to use it.