Evil America strikes again...

Thats been it all along... another problem with the translation.
All your base are belong to U.S.

(Yes, I realise the lack of subtlety in this poorly put together joke. I need the toilet alright, its all I could come up with in such a short time)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Thats been it all along... another problem with the translation.
All your base are belong to U.S.

(Yes, I realise the lack of subtlety in this poorly put together joke. I need the toilet alright, its all I could come up with in such a short time)

Are you drunk again?
Foreign devils....

Those bloody imperialist Americans have done it again!

My science teacher said:
Bloody Americans, Its all their fault
As an American, I just want to say that we took the lake because we wanted it. It was nothing personal. Why, I still remember the meetings that were going on here in Denver. Turns out that Old Man Marple down the street needed some water for a bath, and well, things just got out of hand. Sorry, Russia.
wheres is my virginity?

the americans stole it
Ha, that was a funny read (the article AND the thread).

The Americans stole my bandwidth last time I played HL2: DM, causing me to be killed due to lag.

Damn Americans ;)
Everyone should now start blamming ridiculous things on america, such as lagg, or haxxors!
MarcoPollo said:
Everyone should now start blamming ridiculous things on america, such as lagg, or haxxors!

because of america, thousands starve in the DPRK (it is true, though...)

because of america, people die of ebola

because of america, people get AIDS/HIV

because of america, my dog got kidney diease

because of america, there is crime

and so on and so forth.....
I wonder what's the name of the old lady. She's going to become famous.
ahaha! like Mayor West from Family Guy! Brilliant...

Mayor West: "If I do this, will you stop stealing my water?"
Luke Perry :"Eh, sure"
2Fast4U said:
You know, these jokes are going to become a new 'all your base are belong to us'.

I never understood that thingy ''all your base are belong to us'' .
What does it actually mean or what's the joke about it?
Pashol nachuj, bush.
Official Communique from the old lady.
They could have had weapons of mass destruction under that lake!!