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i think scientists have already started work on making synthetic cells.

Anyhow for crap's sake you can observe evolution the second you try to kill off a strain of bacteria with an antibotic, then watch as the bacteria that are resistant multiply into a resistant strain. Do it a few times and you have a strain of bacteria completely immune.

Imagine that sort of behavior over the course of millions of years. Its evolution baby!
Hey Que-Ever, is your name Luke? Cause you seriously remind me of someone I know (who sadly moved away a few years ago) named Luke. Who is also a mormon. Yeah.
JNightshade said:
Hey Que-Ever, is your name Luke? Cause you seriously remind me of someone I know (who sadly moved away a few years ago) named Luke. Who is also a mormon. Yeah.
Nope, sorry. I suppose I have a rather generic personality; this is the second or third time I've been suspected of being someone else, not counting all the times with raziaar stealing my body :D
Ah, oh well. My friend Luke (who is mormon) moved from Belmont, my town, to India a year and a half ago. Damn I miss that kid...
the thread starter is prolly doing some research all across intornationel teh f0rums lul.
No-one knows! O_o
You might as well ask how the universe was created.
Bacterium - Cute widdle fishies - Bigger fishies - Amphibious reptiles - The_Monkey - You.

Kinda like that, then again eveloution is a theroy.