Ex-NFL player killed in Afghanistan

Lil' Timmy

Oct 14, 2003
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don't know if this is really thread worthy, but i just found it really inteesting.



it's kinda surreal, because i remember watching a speacial about him on ESPN during the last football season. they were talking about how he was giving up a multi-million dollar contract and stuff. i distinctly remember thinking, "i wonder what his odds are?" in a way, watching that program was sort of like getting to know someone. i'm not exactly sad about his death (no more so than i am for anyone); he knew what he was doing. i believe he was going in for training (boot-camp?) when they aired the special on ESPN.
Pat Tilman was a football player who used to go to Arizona State Univesrity and was drafted by the Arizona Cardinals Footbal team. He became the starting safety for the Cardinals and was given a 3.6 million dollar salary.

After the events of 9/11, he joined the army (and left the Arizona Cardinals) and became an army ranger. Then as you read above, he was killed in Afganhistan.

You do have to feel sad for his death, he was somebody who put his money where his mouth is, giving up millions of dollars so he could serve his country. He is another person who has given their life to this country so we can have the rights and freedoms we have today.
I read that earlier, I wasn't sure if the mods would consider it part of another debate or not - But it certainly is thread worthy.

Kadayi, if you read this, this is "American" attitude I was trying to exlain. He pacced up his things, passed up millions of dollars, and didn't even seek press coverage. This man joined the Military and gave his life for the cause. This is the type of Soldier I'd love to serve with.
GhostValkyrie said:
Kadayi, if you read this, this is "American" attitude I was trying to exlain. He pacced up his things, passed up millions of dollars, and didn't even seek press coverage. This man joined the Military and gave his life for the cause. This is the type of Soldier I'd love to serve with.

This is indeed a good attitude from an American. This is in fact a good soldier. Although we don't know exactly the circunstances of his death, it seems that he was doing the "right thing".
fizzlephox said:
The sad thing is people like him are extremely rare.

Indeed, likes I said in a previous post, only two of the twenty+ Navy recruits I know are going in for country service - the rest are in it for College money, it's the last resort, etc.

Well, now that I think of it, two of my friends are going into the Navy after College. But still, two out of twenty+ is staggering.
fizzlephox said:
The sad thing is people like him are extremely rare.

Yea so very few do the "right thing" and pass up a greater payoff. Although I dont feel sad for his death.
Sprafa said:
This is indeed a good attitude from an American. This is in fact a good soldier. Although we don't know exactly the circunstances of his death, it seems that he was doing the "right thing".

depends on what the right thing is? is the right thing giving up 3.6 million and going to the army to server for his country leaving behind his fiancee? i dont know i guess it depends.

again he wasn't in Iraq, but in Afganistan searching for Al Qaida, the people who crashed into the Twin towers.
well, the "right thing" is very subjective, imo. most ppl mean 'what i think the most virtuous act is' when they say "right thing". but like many things, virtue is in the eye of the beholder, imo. not to be callous, but i doubt his dead corpse feels particularly virtuous right now, it likely doesn't feel anything. i'm just presenting one way of looking at things. we all define honor, bravery, etc. for ourselves the question is whether his choice was right for him, not whether it was right for me or you.
Pitbul said:
depends on what the right thing is? is the right thing giving up 3.6 million and going to the army to server for his country leaving behind his fiancee? i dont know i guess it depends.

again he wasn't in Iraq, but in Afganistan searching for Al Qaida, the people who crashed into the Twin towers.

Actually, it did say he went to Iraq, but that he died carrying out a separate mission in Afghanistan.

So.. If you play in the NFL your death is worth more media attention? riiighhht...
That wasnt the point being made Maxi, it was that he gave up everything anyone could ever ask for, just to serve his country.

But of course we should not forget others that died.