Have you ever saved a life?

I have saved approximately 3 children from potentially drowning.

Only...I'm pretty sure they wouldn't really have drowned. Even had I stood about humming the theme tune to Gargyoles and ignoring the steadily-sinking children, I imagine someone else would have saved them. And none of them were ever actually drowning - just sort of 'in trouble' and unlikely to get out of it on their own. I suppose if the pool had been empty some of them might have died. Others would have got to the side okay. That's how you tell a good swimmer from a bad swimmer. Anyway, each time I went in and picked them up out of the water and put them on the side because it was my job.

So, maybe, sort of.
A few, but I've never really thought too much about it.
Well arent you ****ing superman :hmph:

VT2, drop kick the foo


Yeah, my life is a disaster and pretty much a complete failure, and it occurred to me that the only good that came out of my pathetic existence has been that I made a difference and helped others so that they can continue living theirs.

If that is what makes me feel better about my shitty life then **** you for trying to shit on my epiphany.

Nah.. Vice versa soon though will be needed.
Six years ago I was driving my car on a clear sunny day when a heard a thump and pulled over to investigate. I checked underneath the car, nothing. I glanced down the road and saw a cat lying in the gutter so I ran over and went to place it's lifeless body on the pavement. To my shock the cat jumped out of my loving arms and legged it.

A week later I washed my car and found a dead cat embedded into my front grill. I peeled him off and shagged him up the ass, he screamed(in lust) and ran off.
Healing cats with a single touch... ;(

I guess if we hadn't saved a cat from the air ducts in our house, we wouldn't have our two cats today. They're her kittens. Of course, she chased our first cat away because she was all hormonal and stuff...
I saved Gordon's life.
Yeah, some guy who suffered alcohol poisoning. And my own, by walking away from a guy who was going to kill me.
Last night.

Driving home from dinner with the girlfriend, saw a tree down on the other side of the road. Turned around at the next opportunity, drove back to the tree and parked about 6m back from it, put the hazards on. You couldn't see the tree until you were literally right on it. My girlfriend and I got out of the car and called the police who said they would send out a patrol car asap.

The speed limit on this road was 60mph and it was straight after a tight corner. Several cars slowed down and asked if I needed help but I said the police were already coming. One such car was just heading towards me, when a car coming from the other way whipped round the corner. He couldn't stop or swerve and slammed right into the back of my car. Both cars are practically written off (just waiting for confirmation from the insurance company now).

I'm a bit pissed off, because it was my baby, but I can't help but think that if my car hadn't been there, he'd have been going 60-70mph either right into a tree or swerve onto the other side of the road into the path of the oncoming car.

Imagine my guilt at seeing that in the local paper on Friday... doesn't bear thinking about.
Two. The first was a random person who crossed the road as a truck was coming so i dived onto him and got him out of the way , the f**ker was not even thankful , he was all "why did you push me?" so i had a pretty :| face going there.

The second was my own , i saved myself from being beheaded by a piece of metal.
I kept a man alive on the side of the road until paramedics reached us after a car accident earlier this year.

Most recently this month, i jumped in a donnybrook to help out a few of my brothers who were involved with the wrong crowd in northbridge.