Exam results etc

marksmanHL2 :) said:
Did physics 4 today... Doing physics 5 tomorrow. Doing maths D1 on wednesday.

Then gona go and fail all three spectaculaly.

Only then to have 3 days to revise for maths C3 and two ICT exams.


can you tell i'm a little stressed.. which is odd because i never normally get stressed about exams at all... ever...

Is Physics 5 the modern history of physics module with special relativity?
Good fun that, when I did Physics A-level that was my worst physics exam.
kirovman said:
Is Physics 5 the modern history of physics module with special relativity?
Good fun that, when I did Physics A-level that was my worst physics exam.

They gave us the option of chooseing the option module this time.

Its astronomy :P

Along with radioactive decay and some other shite mrs pope tought us that I don't understand...

Gah, I'm ****ed.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
They gave us the option of chooseing the option module this time.

Its astronomy :P

Along with radioactive decay and some other shite mrs pope tought us that I don't understand...

Gah, I'm ****ed.

Oh dear, I hate astronomy. :O It's the physics that I am worst at.
kirovman said:
Oh dear, I hate astronomy. :O It's the physics that I am worst at.

Same, seriously its the most weird and ****ed up "science" i've ever encountered :laugh:
congrats kirovman!

and good luck taking any exams/expecting thier results soon \:D/
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Same, seriously its the most weird and ****ed up "science" i've ever encountered :laugh:

its not weird...... :|
15357 said:
its not weird...... :|

Oh yes it is :P

My physics teacher worked for nasa at one point and controled one of those big permanent telescopes...

(I love being able to say that!) :laugh:

And he says astronomers are strange and scary people! :p
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Oh yes it is :P

My physics teacher worked for nasa at one point and controled one of those big permanent telescopes...

(I love being able to say that!) :laugh:

And he says astronomers are strange and scary people! :p

Good old Foxy. :cheese:
WOoo got about 90/100 for religion and I just passed english.

Next up, the horror of all horros:

GoJan said:
WOoo got about 90/100 for religion and I just passed english.

Next up, the horror of all horros:

No shit. That's the only language I dislike. Even German and Latin are better :sleep:

I got Latin today, I finished after 50 minutes while the rest of the class needed the full 100 minutes :D

But it was my last Latin exam ever, because I'm stopping with it.
Insane said:
No shit. That's the only language I dislike. Even German and Latin are better :sleep:

I got Latin today, I finished after 50 minutes while the rest of the class needed the full 100 minutes :D

But it was my last Latin exam ever, because I'm stopping with it.

Me to, I never and I mean I've never passed french on a rapport card.
And I've been having french for over 7 years. (3 big rapport cards a year, in total 8 rapport cards a year if you count in the litle ones)