Example of Artificial Inteligence


May 17, 2003
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Since im a stupid little bastard ( *waves* ) i want to know an example from a movie where the AI has an effect...

Explain clearfully ( please ) :D

Like, they are saying the monsters think of their own.. the Zombies are stupid and goes strait into the blade :b
You know what i mean.

When Gordon pushes the table in front of the door. One guard shoots through an open window. A second bashes in the door.

The scene with Barney is unscripted. Barney and the other NPCs take cues from you and set up flanking positions and advance automatically.

In HL the AI was very rudimetary. All you had to do to escape some creatures was hop onto a high crate or walk up three steps. They stopped pursuing you cause they couldn't navigate a step. Also some couldn't detect you even when you shot them.
Ok, now i know little more :)

thx :D but won't the enemies learn something, like the zombies for an example.. next time i play that level they won't go into that blade :P
No. They don't learn. They're just a little smarter about the world they are working in. In an interview they say that they had to add some extra intelligence to navigate through a physics-based engine. For instance, walk into an object and you might knock it over. They had to add things like that to AI so creatures wouldn't constantly knock things over alerting you.

The SCI-FI model of AI actually learns, in effect, writes new code.
Also I just know somebody will say that soldiers in Barney demo were just standing there. It was done just for the show of your friends’ AI and etc., in the final version Valve said soldiers won’t just stand there, while you try to nade them.
mmk, they should have done the engine so the ai learns something :b

but the AI is rather smart, as in the Zombie movie one of the zombies kicks a barrel at you :O
Originally posted by geeK
mmk, they should have done the engine so the ai learns something :b

But then HL2 would take over the world since it would quickly become smarter than people playing it.
Ye :D It would b much harder to play...

But what if the " limit " to the AI dissapears and the AI is getting smarter, and they jumps out from the pc screen and kills ppl :P *fantasy* i would take the grav gun and trow things at them :b
another example...

PC gamer gave another example of the games AI capabilities :

"the strider used its advanced AI to navigate past a bridge... the strider first attempted to smash the walkway, but realising that this was getting it nowhere, then kneeled awkwardly and preceded to limbo under it... a guy from valve said "the AI undersands the context. NPCs use info about the world and story to help choose the appropriate behavior"

Yes.. this is the same scene as seen in the e3 presentation .. the strider part. where he tries to blow up the bridge, but fails.. so the ai tells him that he can crawl underneath.. and the strider does it and succeed's and he can persuit the freedom fighters
Originally posted by RoyalEF
When Gordon pushes the table in front of the door. One guard shoots through an open window. A second bashes in the door.

The scene with Barney is unscripted. Barney and the other NPCs take cues from you and set up flanking positions and advance automatically.

In HL the AI was very rudimetary. All you had to do to escape some creatures was hop onto a high crate or walk up three steps. They stopped pursuing you cause they couldn't navigate a step. Also some couldn't detect you even when you shot them.
that one was the one thing that i was amzed about. Especially the part where he kicks the dorr open.
The zombies walk into the spinning blade because they're freaking zombies:

n. pl. zom·bies
One who looks or behaves like an automaton.

Let's face it, they have the intellegence on a head crab that's concentrating more on getting the body to walk than where it's walking.

The friendly AI with Barney was the best I've ever seen (though I haven't played Halo and I hear it has some damn good AI).
What happens if the zombies get real smart, and start hacking your computer, then take over the world, and put us into a world inside the real world :eek:
Originally posted by Xenophus
What happens if the zombies get real smart, and start hacking your computer, then take over the world, and put us into a world inside the real world :eek:

You get Matrix.
the monsters dont think(becuz that would be revolutionary) but they find out ways to make the game look cool :D
yeah. the monsters dont think. if you read up on the AI and such you'll find out that valve says that the AI reacts with the environment. So like in the demo when the table is in the way, the computer isnt thinking "a table is in the way", its being blocked and the game tells it there's something in the way which it can kick down.
also, those zombies die. how would they learn for the next time...

unless they have collective inteligence like the borg....
i think he meant from seeing the other zombies die by walking into the fan, but they walk in too anyway.
its funny to see how every1 just beleives what valves say (why wouldnt we ?) "these scenes are not scripted"...well dont show me a movie then go play 1 piece of level 3 times and see how smart the AI really is...
Be careful, some guy on another website wrote an article saying just that, that valve could be blowing smoke up everyone's ass, his article and him were ridiculed by the people here.
I think most companies are guilty of exaggerating a bit for the sake of hyping a game up, but when we see an awesome display of intelligence in a video and are assured it's not scripted, it would be a blatant lie - and not exaggeration - if it wasn't. And I highly doubt that a respectable company such as Valve would do such a thing, expecially when such a large amount of people are awaiting the game so anxiously.

And I'm with ya on the Matrix thing, note the avatar. :p
[Editted to avoid a flame war]
Honestly, I'm not sure if it's scripted or actually coded reactions. It's very hard to tell, and you have to pay attention to how Gabe phrases his sentences. My guess is certain situations weren't scripted (for example, the kicking down doors, etc.) and some were (Barney yelling for covering fire). Meh, we'll find out in September...

Even a company as "respectabel" as Valve will do what it has to. There are fifty familes to feed at that company and contract and legalities hanging in the air.

Let's face it..everything is scripted. When Alyx smiles a "script" contains the series of timed facial distortions to make a smile. WHen an enemy aims and fires, code/scripts play a preprogrammed set of movies and timed animations. If a soldier kicks in a door, somewhere is a "script" of what the skeleton structure of that particular model needs to do to create the illusion of kicks and point it at the door being kicked. That same script couldn't be used on a bull squid or antlion. It may be ahrd coded in such a way that it won't apply to other models.

So everything is scripted. Valve is distinguishing from the theatrical scripts that characters normally follow. In HL1 you walk in a room and run around trying doors and trying to activate stuff. The whole time the scientist are talking to eachother and you, you're running around like a child with severe A.D.D. They don't react.

Now compare that to the scene with Dr. Kliner. They knocked the monitor over on purpose. To show that Dr. Kliner stops what he is doing to issue the "Please be careful" line. Then he returns to other priorities. They said that wasn't hard-coded. Kliner will only say that IF you disturb the equipment. All of it scripts, but when they run is more dynamic.

The heavy duty stuff is in the barney scene. I have to wonder how much hints the map contains for the AI. Is there some HINT behind the gate that makes it a goal or is wiping eachother out the only goal.

It will definitely be interesting to get the game, drop some NPCs into a map without hints or scripted scenes and seen how well they use/understand the environment.
Gentlemen, I have all 8 of the ?gamespot? video's but where is this zombie video? The one with the spinning blade?
I don't have it, and I can't really download the 500 million mb video on a 56k, can anyone help me please?:bonce:
The zombie rotor is on the 500mb video, just get a mate with a phat pipe to put it on CD for you.
true A.I. is not developed yet and wont be for a long time.

or is there???:borg:
Some scientists have made robots that actually do learn on their own. They learn about how to manipulate objects more efficiently or how to traverse terrain better, something along those lines, it was on a TV show on TLC.
So I'm guessing that the next big leap in gaming technology will be with AI that learns, although if that is implimented, the programmers would have to limit what the AI learns, otherwise you'd have bots able to manipulate their surrondings in ways we can't (*cough* MATRIX *cough*). In a way, the bots would learn how to cheat.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
i think he meant from seeing the other zombies die by walking into the fan, but they walk in too anyway.

Somehow i doubt that it is a fan :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
some AI (not from ur allies or anything but the combine) i think ive seen was in the video with those balls that attract the aliens. in the room (i think it was a laundry room) when the aliens come in some of them back up and take more cover. im sure theres more of things like that but i thought that was cool when i saw it.
Originally posted by RoyalEF
Even a company as "respectabel" as Valve will do what it has to. There are fifty familes to feed at that company and contract and legalities hanging in the air.

Let's face it..everything is scripted. When Alyx smiles a "script" contains the series of timed facial distortions to make a smile. WHen an enemy aims and fires, code/scripts play a preprogrammed set of movies and timed animations. If a soldier kicks in a door, somewhere is a "script" of what the skeleton structure of that particular model needs to do to create the illusion of kicks and point it at the door being kicked. That same script couldn't be used on a bull squid or antlion. It may be ahrd coded in such a way that it won't apply to other models.

So everything is scripted. Valve is distinguishing from the theatrical scripts that characters normally follow. In HL1 you walk in a room and run around trying doors and trying to activate stuff. The whole time the scientist are talking to eachother and you, you're running around like a child with severe A.D.D. They don't react.

Now compare that to the scene with Dr. Kliner. They knocked the monitor over on purpose. To show that Dr. Kliner stops what he is doing to issue the "Please be careful" line. Then he returns to other priorities. They said that wasn't hard-coded. Kliner will only say that IF you disturb the equipment. All of it scripts, but when they run is more dynamic.

The heavy duty stuff is in the barney scene. I have to wonder how much hints the map contains for the AI. Is there some HINT behind the gate that makes it a goal or is wiping eachother out the only goal.

It will definitely be interesting to get the game, drop some NPCs into a map without hints or scripted scenes and seen how well they use/understand the environment.

Well, yes, you can consider any sort of code a script, I guess. :P

I too would definitely like to see how dynamic it is, though, like you said. Is it so dynamic as to conform to each individual time you play it? Will your allies react differently each time depending on where the enemies are moving? Only Valve knows, for now....
Sony Aibos learn the enviroment on their own, I believe.

*EDIT* it was supposed to be a sort of a reply for sushi on pg 2. :P
I didnt read this whole post so im not sure if this has been said....

But an expample of good AI was when at the scene with the little ball and ant lions following you. The scene after he kills the two sentry guns and after he kills everyone in the next room. He goes through this small alley into another big room where 2 fools are waiting on him. He throws the ball and more ant lions come from above. Well right before that, the foo on the right shoots at him and then when he needs to reload you see him slightly stepping away from his position to behind the wall for cover as he reloads. Im sure the rest of the standing still AI was done on purpose just to show off how they die n shit. Cuz in HL1 the AI, DID run for cover etc. And they cant just downgrade from that.
I am walking
I see a door
I think: 'i can't walk through that door'
I open the door
I walk again..

Oh God! I'm scripted!!
...Wow, thank you for that wonderful description of something scripted...*light applause*...that is all.
