--Example of Specialists on Source engine--

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
VERY GRAPHIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Must stress that!!!!!!!!!
Now, this is a little example of what hl2 could do with programming, perpixel hit boxes and a little mod tweaking could do for the specialists.

Cept for the part where he throws the knives, thats aimbotting. Aimbots are WRONG!!
Yeah, uh thats one of the best flash animations ever made, it's really not that graphic.

unless you're a wuss.
wow...great flash....looks like anime on TV those people are going to make real anime some day :D

nw909...i love your new AVATOR for the holidays...LMAO
Did that boingy bit of hair annoy anyone else?

Apart from that :cheers:
Originally posted by coolio2man
perpixel hit boxes
That's an oxymoron. I think you mean "per-pixel hit detection".

EDIT: Uh... I'm a scanner now! Never seen that one before.
The drawings themselves could have been a little bit better, but the fight animation (really most of the animation in general) is very quite good.

I think the Happy Tree Friends short with the Buddhist Monkey was better though, if you haven't seen it pic up the second HTF dvd, its great.