Excuses for phoning a girl

bbson john

Feb 11, 2006
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Sometimes, man gets bored. So,I want to phone a girl, just for hearing her voice and random chatting. But I need a reason to justify my motive, as well as begin the conversation. What should I say?
"Hello. How are you?"

Why would you need to justify it? If she says "Why?" say "Because I wanted to have a conversation with you."

-Angry Lawyer
Tell her you needed to tell her something but you forgot what it was. Then just start a conversation. :)

She: Why you phone me?

I: Because I wanted to have a conversation with you.

She: *hang up*
Tell her she's gonna die within the next five minutes if she hangs up.
just tell her you wan to bang her ass and start making moans
I know what about kidnaper her,then you could hav a lot of time to speak
just tell her you wan to bang her ass and start making moans

OK, while often I don't find RJMC's jokes as funny as they are meant to be, this time I LOLed :D

Nice topic, though, sometimes a girl needs a wider approach, not simply a "I wanteds to talk with you".
Tell her you needed to tell her something but you forgot what it was. Then just start a conversation. :)

Haha you might aswell have just said 'uhh did i leave my glasses in your room?'

Please man, 'i forgot what i was going to ask' is so corny, seeing as two seconds earlier you knew what you were going to say (in her mind anyway) and then go quiet when she picks up.

Just talk. If it doesnt flow right, she doesnt like you or you need to improve your convo skills :D:D:D
"I left my Star Trek videos in your room, can i come get them?"
Just talk. If it doesnt flow right, she doesnt like you or you need to improve your convo skills :D:D:D

It is hard to proceed without saying something that she's really interested in. The starting point is always hard. It is likely to fall into deadair if I am unprepared.

However, once the conversation started, it is, presumably, relatively easier to continue.
I'd never even try to do that over the phone. I suck over the phone. IRL for the win.
Then she sounds like a pretty crap girl to be talking to in the first place D:

-Angry Lawyer

A bit. She keeps scolding and jeering at me. Be that as it may, I think she is hawt and quite a good person(stockholm syndrome???) Anyway. It is quite challenging to talk to her.
A bit. She keeps scolding and jeering at me. Be that as it may, I think she is hawt and quite a good person(stockholm syndrome???) Anyway. It is quite challenging to talk to her.

:O She's kidnapped you and held you hostage at gunpoint?!
if she asks why say something completely stupid like "I called because the wall outside my house became burgandy", then when she says "what the hell are you on about?" just change the subject.

When people hear something they don't expect, their mind tries to work it out because it's confused. I think it's NLP (Neuro linguistic programming).
So, presumably you don't know her very well and you think shes hot and want to get to know her better.

Okay, so you don't know each other well enough just to ring up and chat like that, thats fine.

Do you meet her in real life? If so, next time you see her, talk alot ask her questions, dress well, listen to what shes saying, flirt a little, you know what I mean. And I suppose as you already have her number, just ask her out.
Crab her **** randomnly one day. She'll fall madly in love with you right then and there.

For me it works every time.
If you don't know her well, you are much more likely to have a better conversation/not get arrested by talking to her in person.

-Angry Lawyer
Just out of curiosity, does it cost $2.99 a minute to talk to this girl?
Say you have just come from buying a speed boat and want her input.
"Hey babes, I just wanted to hear your super sexy voice..."
**fap fap fap**

Make sure she can hear the fapping, otherwise it won't work.
What girl can hear the fapping? i don't think any can. unless... all these years...

Oh shit.
Just calling her and wanting to talk to her is justified in itself. Ladies appreciate that.
Conversation should go as follows.

You: Hey whats up mah future baby momma?

Her: What?

You: GTFO yo God damn house an' get over here. I got something for you.

Her: What is it?


Her: ......

Yuo: Bitch I got a ragin' boner that ain't gonna last all night so you can either come over here an' give me some lovin' or I'll come over yo' house and kill you. I keel you dead. And I'll skeet on yo' walls......

WARNING: Do not actually kill her. Doing so will result in a gain of one star and possibly two more for resisting arrest.

If conversation goes wrong eject and get the Hell out of there soldier I repeat, get the Hell out of there!

So yeah, I can't think of a real motive.
next time you see her trying on some skirts in the mall go

you: "bitch...what dat smell like?!"
Just calling her and wanting to talk to her is justified in itself. Ladies appreciate that.

For coy girls, this isn't working. After all, I don't know her much. Saying "I wanted to talk to her" is a bit too explicit that she may think you are going to court her. That makes she hides further from you.
I think you missed your opportunity at Valentine, mate ;) Or you could just give her a card now :p
Once phoned my girl whilst pissed at a party.

Got a txt the next morning saying that i told her mom i loved her and that she was ..."****ING BEAUTIFUL"...

Kinda figures somethin like that would happen... ...eventually...
You: If you hang up, I will kill you.

Her: Keiffer Sutherland?

You: *hangs up*
Everything time I call the girl when I just want to hear her voice *Kind of weird saying that...* I just say, "I just wanted to talk to you!" She's usually like, "Awww, ok!"

But then again, if she didn't want to talk, she wouldn't answer her phone :p
I always call the girl I'm currently courting randomly and she hugely appreciates it. Although there's never been a girl I've been able to talk to sooo fluidly on the phone, so it's chilled.
I'd call the girl I'm dating daily, that is, if I like them enough. Depending on the girl, if I go one day without talking to them/seeing them, I flip.