Excuses To Skip Work For Half-Life 2

Call in and say its to the best interest of your co-workers that you DO NOT come in today. Im pretty sure they wont want you in.

-Manga :thumbs:
be like this

"hi I cant come to work today becuase i wanan paly half life 2"
ohh i had 2 bean burrittos and 3 bowls of chile last night and my house smells so bad
Don't look to me for excuses to skip work. I am going to work that day so I can play HL2. Can't play an M rated game during the day with the young ones around. I will play the first level or so at work and then play it for reals after I put the kids to bed.
mine went like this:

me: "anything important on next week?"
boss: "nup...not till the 20th"
me: "y'know all that rec leave i got saved up..."
boss: "yup"
me: "HL2 is out the 16th. i'll be back for that gig on the 20th"
boss: "mmmkay" (looks at me strangely- thinks: wtf is HL2?)
boss: "...actually have a few of those as RDOs instead of using up your rec leave"

job secure. bank account secure. HL2 playtime secure.
Great, i don't need an excuse, i'm really starting to get sick. This sucks and rules at the same time.
fragShader said:
mine went like this:

me: "anything important on next week?"
boss: "nup...not till the 20th"
me: "y'know all that rec leave i got saved up..."
boss: "yup"
me: "HL2 is out the 16th. i'll be back for that gig on the 20th"
boss: "mmmkay" (looks at me strangely- thinks: wtf is HL2?)
boss: "...actually have a few of those as RDOs instead of using up your rec leave"

job secure. bank account secure. HL2 playtime secure.

Cool, cool.

-Manga :rolling:
Tell them you're needed in the test chamber...
Easy way:
Call in sick.

Hard way:
Call in on Sunday, saying theres been a death in the emeadiat(sp?) family, and you need to fly somewhere. (on Monday, after work). Have one of your employees drive you to the airport, and take a taxi back to your house instead of a taking the plane. Take a taxi back to the airport, on Thursday, and have the same (or different) employee take you back to your house. This way, there is easy proof that you had to go somewhere, and is alot easier to believe.
Tell them that your new crowbar is just DYING to be used....and anyone stopping you will be the first one to feel it! :D
Ownzed said:
Not skip work. :) Your job is more important than a game. You can play HL2 after you get home. :)
im gonna go ahead a disagree with you there
Just be honest. Bosses get tired of the 'sick' shit, and want people to be honest; rather than lieing for a day off...
i just took a vacation day from both my jobs.. might take a 2nd day off as personal :)
If you're a manager you should at least have enough authority to schedule a personal day.
[POT]SilverHaze said:
i just took a vacation day from both my jobs.. might take a 2nd day off as personal :)

Dude you sell games, can't be too hard.
just say theres a family emergency...

you HAVE to get hl2 or you'll kill ur whole family :|
How bout saying that u are having a fever and then need to see doctor that should be fine :)
I have a sore thoat and am really not fit for much conversation. I feel terrible and wish I could go home.

Plus I recently went in for the sixth of a series of dental operations that have left me feeling cold, empty, and with a general mistrust of medical professionals.. and they just called to say they need me to come back on the 30th so they can look at my roots again.

All true. :(
Go into work wearing nothing but a sock on your member. Before you know it, you'll be on long service leave if you know what I mean....


wipe custard on the groin area of your pants and then walk around the office commenting on how itchy you are "down there"....

and take video footage cos I'd love to see their faces!!
tell them your herpes are playing up real bad....

Then tell your boss, if you come to work, he may contract them.
Well, maybe you should try to be more understanding when your employees want to take off for something they find fun, whether it be video games or BASE jumping. Taking a day off or two is fine, within reason of course, sometimes we all have these urges for the things for which we get amped.

Not to be critical but if you had been more understanding to your employees in the first place, then you would not need to justify the same to yourself now.
Well...A long time ago in my younger years, early on a Monday morning, I was very plastered and decided to not go into work. Don't jump on me here, but as I was getting ready to drive to work, I just decided to call instead of actually go in and tell them why I wasn't coming(It made perfect sense at the time, I swear). So I call my boss, and using logic that mortals cannot understand, I told my boss the following.

"Can't come today Sir. Alligator in the road. Be there tomorrow I [crap] you not."

Again, this made perfect sense at the time. The fact that I lived in Dublin at the time and there are no alligators in Ireland was overlooked by me.

Strangely enough, I never heard anything about it...until I noticed my boss from then on had a poster of an alligator on his wall and "Beware of Alligators" written under it. Still, he treated it with good humor and I was never reprimanded.

Try that. "Theres an Alligator in the road", it may just work.

Thanks ;)
Just look worried or upset, and say you don't want to talk about it. They'll expect the worst. Problem solved!
No point going to work, everyone (your boss, employees, customers) will be "mysteriously" sick for the next few days.
someone already said it, but Violent Diarrhea is the best excuse. no boss in the world wants an employee to show up shitting on him/herself.

ps, it helps to add Explosive to the description
poo poo head said:
Great, i don't need an excuse, i'm really starting to get sick. This sucks and rules at the same time.

Dude. I was just about to post this. I have a fever right now and my throat is killing me (when I breathe and swallow...yea...it sucks). I'm in college though and nobody's forcing me to go to class. Only problem is I have a speech on Tues. and I don't think my prof. will believe that I'm actually sick. If I called her saying I was sick she'd probably dock my whole group points (t's a group speech) :sleep:

You could play the "sick" card. Pick up some ipecac (I have no idea where...maybe your local pharmacy or drug store or something). It's used to induce vomiting when you drink poisonous stuff or need to get something else bad out of your stomache. My former-friend from way back in 6th grade did it every so often just to get out of going to school (he had problems). Take a swig of a "water bottle" (claiming you have a sore throat and you don't feel well) on the store floor or something and puke all over your boss. He'll definitely send you home.

That's kind of extreme though...but I'd say it's highly believable if you're up to it and next time you need to take a sick day your boss will probably believe you since you came into work and puked... :p

I'll be giving a 20 minute speech on tuesday though...son of a bitch. I might have strep throat again though...who knows? I'm going to the doctor tomorrow I think (for my jaw mainly - it's killing me and I have no idea why).

I also have tickets for Incubus tomorrow...bah...why did this all have to happen right now? I have too much shit to do to be sick.
How about...

"I have to stay home and play Half Life 2"

the best answer is the most obvious one
Boss: "Where were you yesterday? (it's Wednesday)
You: "There was a warp in the space-time continuoum(sp?) TOMORROW at about 9 am, which took me into a side dimension on Monday. Well, I really wanted to get back to work so I used my flux capacitor (my ONLY flux capacitor), a towel (nutritional value), and a Perfectly Normal Beast to make it in here on time"
Boss: "Oh.
You: "And I had to buy a bagel from the president of the US in that alternate dimension. His name was Gabe Newell and he was REALLY cool and gave me not only a bagel, but everlasting happiness. And BOY am I feeing productive!"
Boss: "I love you"
I've got a recurring case of pink eye that only flares up when I stick a piece of plastic called a contact in my eye. If I wear my contacts all day tomorrow, my eye will be bright red the next day, and I'll be contagious - no work! Or is this too far? ...
I had to go shopping today and two of the store workers were talking at the checkout. The guy was gleefully saying how he'd booked tomorrow off, and the girl said that everyone seemed to have booked tomorrow of. I thought that was funny... the moral of this story? Don't go to tesco's tomorrow. Not that that's gonna be a problem,I'm not gonna leave my room tomorrow!
Try this... Either A) My (insert older relative here) just died, and we are having a rush funeral tomorrow in some state closeby that I have to go to because I am really close to Him/Her, and they were a huge inspiration to me, and I would NEVER be able to live with my self, and keep working with my whole heart when I missed His/Her funeral (just be sure not to "re-use" a relative that has already died on your behalf in this way before). Or B) My (insert close relative/spouse here) has to be driven to (some city at least 2 hours away) for a medical procedure that will not leave them able to drive themselves back, and I must be there for them in thier time of need.

Both of these have worked flawlessly for me in the past, and almost no boss would say no to needing a little time off to take care of family matters. Good Luck, and let us know what you decide!