

Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
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Ok, Its winterbreak, I got lazy and didnt work out for a week, so I decided i should get back on scheduel since school is back in soon. So I go out, and run to the gym. Exhausted already, wtf? So i run, and even before 5 minutes, I am so tired I have to stop. So I decide to work on my biceps, and I cant even do half the regular amount before my arms give up on me. So I decide to just head home, and the run back home exhausts me so much, I fall over, and I cant stand up, eventually, I puke. I just pass it as a bad day.

So today, (two days later) I decide maybe I should try again, but same results, except I ran a few minutes longer, and my bicep hold on for a little longer, and I dont fall over from exhaustion this time, but I am tired as hell. so Im thinking WTF?? I didnt work out for a week, and I am ****ed up to hell. I have been working out for quite a bit, so this isnt anything new. Also, I havent noticed any improvement in my muscles for months, what Is with that? I am not over excercising, I either take 1 day off after a day of work out, or work on different muscles so I dont overwork one area. I also eat healthly enough. What the **** is goin on?
If I worked out, I could probably help you, but I'll wait for Short Recoil to give you THE ONE advice.
Same sh*t happened to me... I stopped for a few weeks and suddenly I look like I've lost all my muscle.
Ask Short Recoil/Terminator.
Just reading his posts will increase stamina and protein intake.

I dont know what I'm talking about, but drink a lot of water/orange juice.
Seems short recoil havent posted often as he used to, is he gone?
I had similar problem after a week. Will be better after a couple of days, you'll be your usual self :)
In response to not noticing any difference in your muscles:
When you first start working out you will notice a huge difference in muscle mass/strength for a couple months, then you'll reach a point where it is very hard to gain extra mass/strength. This is normal, you're still gaining mass/strength, but it's such a small change and happening so slowly that it's hard to notice. Just keep it up and make sure you're taking in more calories than you're burning up if you want to increase mass.

About the getting tired after a week thing, I have no idea.
Take some creatine, I've gained 5 pounds in a fairly small amount of time.
Hahah, yeah creatine does work. It has a shitload of protien and carbs in it. But it's only useful if you actually work out everyday. I've know too many people that thought taking it regularly and working out once a week would work for them.
Sounds like you're ill.

Make sure your eating properly, if by next week it's the same go see a doctor.