Exit 17 Droid



I'm up top of the train station with a bunch of rocket propelled grenades. I have hit that droid no less than 50 times with them and still it won't die. I have no cheats and this is a registered version. I even changed mode to easy and it certainly isn't. Thought I would check here before giving up and going to episode 2. Hope you can help.
I don't remember this part, but are you sure you're shooting something that is alive/killable?

(When he says droid Star Wars droids come to mind.)
Post a screenshot, it's hard to tell which part of HL2 you're talking about. If you're talking about what I'm thinking of, where you're in a big area of wrecked cars and there are zombies and Combine, and a Combine machinegun shooting out from a building ahead of you, you have to crawl up staying in cover from the MG and shooting zombies (they get killed by it though so you just have to lure them) and then you get up to the side of the building and get in it and nade the drone.
Sounds like he means the final Strider battle at the end of Ep1.
Whoops, I didn't notice this was in the Ep1 forum.

In that case, if by "droid" you mean a Strider (big tripod things), on Easy they only take 3-4 rocket hits to go down, on Medium or Hard a few more.
That's what I was thinking, maybe by 50 he means 5?

Isn't there two on the higher difficulty or am I on crack?

I think I know what I'm going to play today.. >.>
I'm almost entirely sure it's the final strider battle. Also, I remember a similar bug being posted before.

If you ever come back, OP, you might have to start the level again. I know it's frustrating, but that might fix the error.
You have to hit him in his body. I'm not sure if his legs take damage.
They don't. You have to hit the carapace of the strider.
Yeah only the head of the strider takes damage, but i mean if you can't take it down, you might have to start the level again, althought not sure how you got 50 rockets off at it unless theres a RPG ammo box >.>
Beginning to sound like a bug. And never, ever, ever again refer to Striders with Star Wars terms. It makes me cry.

It does sound like the Strider battle at the end.

Stand near the rocket cache and just shoot at the strider, they edited Strider AI so this one shoots in a rythm of sorts. It will shoot for 3-4 seconds, stop for a few seconds, then do the same again.

It will die eventually. If your on Easy it should be about 3-4 hits. Medium is about 5-6, Hard is about 7-8
Make sure you get right to the infinite supply crate of rockets before killing him.
You cant kill it without cheats or that crate.
Actually there's about 10 or so rockets around that area Nicky so if it takes 7-8 on hard then taking it out will be no problem unless you have shit aim =P
The way I do it: fire a rocket and hit it square in the body, then duck behind the metal sheets to avoid cannon fire. Repeat as many times as you need to bring it down. Another word of advice: keep moving along that gantry towards the rocket crate. If you stay in one place for too long the Strider shoots off the metel you're hiding behind. Oh, and make sure you duck down behind the metal; don't stay standing.
You might be hitting those big steel beams to the left and right, "paint" the laser on the main body of the strider.
Well I found out that if I stand by the rocket chest, he blasts the metal cover off the wall before I can kill him, leaving me, and the chest exposed. Wish I could just replay the level. Unfortunately my save games go back a few levels. It seems to work much better if I run to the chest, grab rockets and then go back to the steel cover at the far left of the balcony. I'll try coaxing him over and hitting him directly on from there. No it wasn't a typo - I did mean 50 shots! I never stuck around long enough to see where they hit but I'm sure some of them must have hit him where it counts.....
No, if you didn't see the rocket hit him, you won't have hit him. The rocket follows that laser on your launcher. If you look away or go behind something, the rocket will attempt to go to where you are pointing.
Whoops, I didn't notice this was in the Ep1 forum.

In that case, if by "droid" you mean a Strider (big tripod things), on Easy they only take 3-4 rocket hits to go down, on Medium or Hard a few more.

*Doesn't read the rest of the responses*

I am guessing he did the same silly thing I did for a while. See, I didn't realize until playing through HL2 for like, the third time, that the missiles are guided and that you can't turn off the guide thingy.

So in Ep.1 I would always fire at him and duck behind a barricade and the missile would just hit the back of the barricade.

So I'd be like "Wtf??? It won't die??" and then I finally got it. Man.... once I realized the missiles were guided it made HL-HL2 a lot easier. :p

Edit: *looks at another post* Yeah, he did that too.
I imagine it must be pretty tricky trying to hit a gunship without knowing how rockets work... just goes to show it alway pays to listen to Odessa Cubbage's military advice!
Yeah I went through that part without knowing that they were guided as well...

Embarrassing to say the least...
I imagine it must be pretty tricky trying to hit a gunship without knowing how rockets work... just goes to show it alway pays to listen to Odessa Cubbage's military advice!

Yeah I went through that part without knowing that they were guided as well...

Embarrassing to say the least...

It was extremely hard to take down Gunships, but if you think that was embarrassing, I did that all through HL2 twice and once through Ep. 1........ that's pretty bad.
If it doesn't work you can start the level again by going to new game and clicking on the chapter your upto ,well i think you can, 99.99% sure and if it isn't true *vanish* *reappears* oh and If it doesn't go down in 10 regular hits then you might as well start the level again *vanish*
Thank you all

With the combined efforts of everyone, I finally figured it out. The guided rocket tip was the answer that clinched it. Once I looked the enemy and guided the rocket into him, he was easy to kill, even with only 45 life left. I do remember reading about that feature somewhere, but didn't quite understand it at the time.

My apologies for using that "Star Wars" term earlier.... I picked it up off a walk-through while looking for the answer to my problem. I don't even watch Star Wars and don't have any idea about droids...
That's understandable.

But ZT's such a noob :3
Star Wars Owns face!!! And good to hear you finally killed the strider
Why do i have a feeling people are going to start using this as a chat area just like they did that time someone asked what to do in the area with the big red button on the wall?
I believe I've had a similar error once in the strider battle in Our Benefactors.
The deal with the Strider is it wont die until you have reached the other side of the train station and have the ammo crate with unlimited rockets in it...
I had a similar problem...
I could kill the strider as normal but there just came one more and then more and so on. Then i loaded again the same problem. Then i got tired of it so i used god mode noclip ran right up next to it and guess what then there was only 1! I just don't understand it some big bug. I've completed it before without the strider problems.

I had a similar problem...
I could kill the strider as normal but there just came one more and then more and so on. Then i loaded again the same problem. Then i got tired of it so i used god mode noclip ran right up next to it and guess what then there was only 1! I just don't understand it some big bug. I've completed it before without the strider problems.


I hear you're meant to get right to the end of that level (where the supply crates etc) are and then kill the thing.
Protip: if you're thinking of restarting a level to get rid of a bug, it's not necessary. If you enable the developer console and bring it up at the pause screen, you should see the current map's name in the top right corner of the screen. If you type "map <map name which is written in the top right corner lol>" into the console (minus the quote marks and pointy brackets), then it should reload the current map and place you at the start, giving you a bit of ammo to get you going. Hopefully the bug will not occur this time.
This way you avoid having to do the rest of the chapter again. It worked for me on a bug in Follow Freeman, after I'd tried reloading from previous saves with no success.

Yes, I know the problem's already been sorted. Just thought I'd point it out, after people were talking about restarting the level...