Exorcism of Emily Rose


Sep 23, 2003
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Just saw this movie with my friends last night. Very good. I liked it. Anyone know where to get the original 'real' recordings? He is an exerpt from an article about the movie
Demonic possession. It is the stuff of Hollywood movies and nightmares, inspired by the belief in something dark and ominous that can invade the body and damn the soul for all eternity. It makes a great story, the struggle of good versus bad, right versus wrong, light against the dark. But like William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist, The Exorcism of Emily Rose claims to take its premise from fact, citing an actual case that chills any who come across it. Where Blatty's creation was inspired by the story of a young boy whose identity has remained a secret, Emily Rose's real-life counterpart was a girl of just twenty-three years old when she died under the watchful eyes of her parents and two exorcists. Her name was Anneliese Michel.

Anneliese was born in September of 1952 in Bavaria. Her life was unremarkable in that she was a happy child, religiously nurtured, and in all other ways normal. However, at the age of sixteen, Anneliese was afflicted with the first of many of what her parents came to believe were demonic attacks. Her body went rigid, and she was unable to call out to her parents for help. She shook violently without control of her actions. Her parents took her to the Psychiatric Clinic in Wurzburg, where she was diagnosed with Grand Mal epilepsy. Medication was prescribed, and she was given treatments, but the attacks didn't stop.

She began seeing what she described as demons, visions of terrible creatures, during her everyday life. After a while she could hear them as well. She only spoke to her doctors about the visions once, telling them that the voices had begun giving her orders. For five years Anneliese went for medical treatment with no discernable benefit. In fact, the attacks were getting worse. Her behavior degenerated into something wholly unlike the child everyone knew. She insulted and beat other members of the family, often biting her three siblings. She refused to eat normal food, as the demons she heard would not allow it, and ate spiders and coal, often drinking her own urine. She slept on the floor and was given to fits of screaming and breaking religious icons such as the family's crucifixes and rosaries. Her behavior grew steadily worse as she began acts of self-mutilation. Tearing off her clothes and urinating on the floor became common occurrences in the Michel home.

In 1973 her parents began a fervent and desperate search for a priest to perform an exorcism. All the churches they approached denied their requests, explaining that the criterion of proof for possession had not been fulfilled. In order for a person to be deemed "possessed" and receive an exorcism, according to the Catholic church, there are a number of signs that must be observed. The afflicted person must exhibit at least three signs for permission to be granted. The signs of possession are varied, but among them are the afflicted displaying abnormal strength, paranormal powers such as levitation or telekinesis, and the knowledge of a language they've never studied.

By 1974 the Michel family won the sympathy of Pastor Ernst Alt, who believed the child was truly in danger from demons. He petitioned the Bishop of Wurzburg, Josef Stangl, with no success. The Bishop suggested that the child live a more holy lifestyle to find inner peace. Alt tried again a year later, this time providing verification of the signs of possession in Anneliese. Bishop Stangl relented and assigned Father Arnold Renz to perform the exorcism rite with Alt assisting. The rite of exorcism to be performed was the "Rituale Romanum."

Exorcism, though long considered one of the church's dirty little secrets, is neither a religious ceremony nor a sacrament. It is a rite in which the priests confront the demon in the afflicted's body and demand that it show itself. Once the demon is revealed, the priests attempt to use their own faith to drive it out of the innocent. The Rituale Romanum was first written in 1614 under the auspices of Pope Paul V. It remained largely intact and in use for exorcism with only minor changes in definitions to distinguish between possession and mental illness in 1952. Through repeating a set group of prayers, the Litanies of the Saints, Pater Noster, and the 54th Psalm, as well as the accompanying Gloria Patri, Anima Criste, and Salve Regina, two priests, a medical doctor, and members of the afflicted's family engage in a lengthy and often physically exhausting trial in which the priests attempt to expel the demon. The rituals are open to interpretation as exorcists are free to add in other aspects of the rite as they deem necessary.

Beginning in September of 1975 Anneliese endured two rites a week, during which time she exhibited violent behavior toward any within striking distance. She spit and bit, cursed and struck those around her, often having to be restrained by as many as three full-grown men. The rituals, however, seemed to be working. She was able to return to school at the Pedagogic Academy in Wurzburg and take her final exams. She even was able to return to church. However, as time passed, her condition deteriorated again.

During the final round of exorcisms Anneliese stopped taking food for several weeks. Though she grew emaciated, she still exhibited unbelievable strength and spoke in the voices of those she claimed inhabited her body. Among the demons who claimed residence were Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, a disgraced Frankish priest from the 16th Century, a host of other damned souls, and even Lucifer himself. Her knees ruptured due to the more than six hundred genuflections she compulsively performed. By June 30th, 1976, she was so emaciated and weak that she could not stand. Her parents, however, held her up and helped her perform the genuflections.

It was late in the day on July 30, 1976, when Anneliese turned to the priests and said, "Beg for absolution." It was the last statement she would make to them. To her mother she simply said, "Mother, I'm afraid," and then collapsed and died. Her mother recorded her daughter's passing the next day while Alt informed the authorities. An investigation immediately began into her cause of death. Both priests and her parents were charged with negligent homicide.

Two years later the case was finally brought to trial. Nearly forty hours of audio tape of the exorcism was played before the court. Testimony was heard from witnesses who had no doubts of demonic presences in the girl. But in the end it was the coroner's report that Anneliese has starved to death that proved to be their undoing. It was determined that admitting her to a hospital where she'd have been fed through a tube, even one week before she died, could have saved her life. They also asserted that, by introducing the concept of demonic possession, the parents and priest provided a scapegoat for her behavior, which allowed her to misbehave all she wanted to without fear of consequence. Though convicted, her parents and the priests received a light sentence of only six months in jail and probation.

The story, however, continued to capture the imagination of those that knew the girl or heard of her plight. Many claimed that her body could not have been at rest after such an ordeal, leading officials to exhume her corpse eleven years after her death. When it was determined that it had, in fact, decayed at the proper rate for one dead eleven years, she was recommitted to the ground. Her grave became, and remains, a place of pilgrimage and religious importance to those who believe that the brave girl lost her life fighting the forces of darkness.

Following the death of Anneliese the church recanted their permission, stating that she was merely afflicted by mental disorders. In 1996 the Pope removed Rituale Romanum from the approved list of rites and replaced it with his own, called "The Exorcism for the Upcoming Millennium."

Anneliese Michel was a fresh-faced girl of sixteen when her life suddenly jolted out of her control and only twenty-three when she died. Whether or not she was possessed by demons is open to debate, but nothing can diminish the tragedy of her passing. While The Exorcism of Emily Rose bears the legend "based on a true story," respect must be given to the actual people and events on which the story is taken. Audiences should not forget, while they are being entertained, that no matter what their beliefs, Anneliese Michel, the real "Emily Rose," was no fictional character.

--Scott A. Johnson
meh, it might be more interesting if I actually believed in demons
I don't believe in demons but I saw the movie last night with my girlfriend and I liked it. I think I enjoyed, because I went to a drive in to see it so I didn't hear 13year olds screaming like assholes trying to ruin the movie for everyone.
:cheers: This movie is great, a horror movie in a long time that i've seen that is thought provoking. When it comes down to it, it's basically... faith vs. science. The Logical, science argument was that Emily suffered from mental illnesses. But the religious argument was that it was DEMONS!(OOOH SCARY).
****ing religion. trying to cure severely mentally ill people with some childish idiotic ritual instead of getting them proper help. its disgusting.
Has this happened to anybody...

Before, it used to happened to me quite often... When I would sleep, lying on my backside, sometimes I get feelings where it felt like something was pushing down on me... I would wake up and it feels like I can't move or anything with that feeling, then it goes away after like a minute.

One time I was dreaming about some chick and I, she was holding my hands and like brought my arms out. I woke up and my arms were OUT! CCRAZZY!
Reaktor4 said:
****ing religion. trying to cure severely mentally ill people with some childish idiotic ritual instead of getting them proper help. its disgusting.

ailevation said:
Has this happened to anybody...

Before, it used to happened to me quite often... When I would sleep, lying on my backside, sometimes I get feelings where it felt like something was pushing down on me... I would wake up and it feels like I can't move or anything with that feeling, then it goes away after like a minute.

One time I was dreaming about some chick and I, she was holding my hands and like brought my arms out. I woke up and my arms were OUT! CCRAZZY!
its called sleep paralysis. google it.
Reaktor4 said:
its called sleep paralysis. google it.

You sir, I LOVE YOU! I was wondering for like a couple years why that shit has been happening to me! Now, I know now! COOL!
Reaktor4 said:
****ing religion. trying to cure severely mentally ill people with some childish idiotic ritual instead of getting them proper help. its disgusting.

Quote for emphasis. :x
I, being Christian, results in this scaring the shit out of me. I also believe that exorcism wouldn't have worked even being religious, she should have just been put in an aslym in my opinion.
looks scary as hell, especially where the car is driving by and the faces are screaming inside... aye, my friends going to see it tommorrow, i'm waiting to see what he thinks before i go
oh, and sorry for the double post, but is it purely non-fiction, or just loosley based on a true story
Bruce Campbell said:
A horror movie has to be rated R, because bad things are suppose to happen.

I am sick of these PG-13 horror movies.
Reaktor4 said:
****ing religion. trying to cure severely mentally ill people with some childish idiotic ritual instead of getting them proper help. its disgusting.
I dont think i've ever heard of a "mental illness" where you curse in latin and german while speaking in two different voice tones. That would be one hell of a disease.:x
ailevation said:
You sir, I LOVE YOU! I was wondering for like a couple years why that shit has been happening to me! Now, I know now! COOL!


"In some cases, when hypnogogic hallucinations are present, people feel that someone is in the room with them, some experience the feeling that someone or something is sitting on their chest and they feel impending death and suffocation. That has been called the “Hag Phenomena” and has been happening to people over the centuries. These things cause people much anxiety and terror, but there is no physical harm."

I bet it's very nice to know that you aren't being visited by demons :) I can just imagine what it would be like to be someone without standford's knowledge. If this happened to me, and I didn't know what it was, and it felt like there was someone invisible sitting on me/in the room... I would be like "F*ck im scared!"....
I dont think i've ever heard of a "mental illness" where you curse in latin and german while speaking in two different voice tones. That would be one hell of a disease.
She was faking it for attention.
lol. Rofl....
operative x said:
I dont think i've ever heard of a "mental illness" where you curse in latin and german while speaking in two different voice tones. That would be one hell of a disease.:x
youre right. its much more likely that it was demons, we must rewrite the fundamental laws of the universe as soon as possible.
For all of you on here that say " i dont believe in demons " remember what father moore said in the film..they exist whether you believe in them or not. soo..just b/c you dont believe in them, doesnt mean they dont believe in you. Demons are real, and so is possession. we must believe in these things b/c they do exist. and this movie i believe is proof of that, or at least shows us the "possibility" that it exists
Rented this movie last night...
It's like The Exorcist meets Law & Order.

Not a bad thing either.