Expansion: Opposing force 2



Anyone else hoping for a opposing force 2? I enjoyed opposing forces storyline and game play more then that of the original halflife. It doesnt have to involve shepard, maybe the view of a combine. A story line behind the life of a combine would be great...even if they are genetically made human zombies.
I'm sure we'll see several expansions to HL2. They're also doing another CS game besides Condition Zero.
I'm sure that there'll be either an expansion with Shepherd in it, or he'll pop up in HL2's storyline at some point. OP4 ended with too much of a cliffhanger for him not to make a return.

Do you think we'll find out who race-X were in HL2, or will valve wait for OP4 2 to show us?
Yeah, I finished OPF yesterday (got hold of HL Generations for 10£), and I enjoyed it immensly!
And the end of it leaves a slot open for a sequel, because if the G-Man didn't have any use for Shepherd any longer he would just have killed him, non? Not left him floating through space...

Ah well, I'm off to start on Blueshift now ;)
I am def. for an Op4 part 2.
I also loved it more than the original HL.
I'd assume whoever is assigned to make an addon for HL2 will be inclined to come up with their own character, or use a character from HL2 that isn't a marine, security guard or scientist. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking - I'd like to see something new. :)
please make first TEAM FORTRESS 2

Got F*ckin crazy man ?! Make first hl2, then of2 and so tf 2.
I hope they pass on the idea of an OpFor2. It wouldn't fit in with the story.
i still don't understand what happened to shepard......
Tarkus it's easy.

Rather than killing Shepherd, the G-Man kept him alive. Instead of letting him free, where Shepherd could have told people what was going on at Black Mesa, G-man has detained him/locked him up/put him in prison. Then the screen goes black and says "Pending Further Evaluation"
I think Shephard will have a further roll to play in the HL universe. I bet they can make sense of the story if they tried. After all, you all seem to have loved OpFor so much, when so little made sense. After Freeman leaves, a new alien race suddenly appears at Xen, only known as Race X. <- Oh, sure, that makes sense. A large boss that bears resemblence to the Tentacles, appears, trapped between the two worlds. <- Quite gripping. Let's not forget the large cache of weapons you got to use, that were never seen in Hl1, and the fact that in the teleportation scene you were able to start shooting at Freeman as he left. <-I rest my case.
Not that I didn't like OpFor, I loved it. I was at the store when it was being put on the shelves. But I don't think we have to worry about it not making sense, if it doesn't, we'll still like it.


Almost forgot. Let's not forget about the evolved zombie sounding like a Rottweiler, and the Pit Worm sounding like a Seagul. Yes, quite a fearsome roster of monsters they had...

/end sarcasm.
/exe large smile.