Expectations of HL3 engine


Jul 20, 2003
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What do you expect (or want) in the HL3 engine wise. (Assuming it's a brand new engine). I'm sure valve wanted to put things in HL2 but didn't for performance or time reasons. There is a good chance they would put those features in HL3. So tell me what you think and don't take this too seriously. I expect some people to be very unrealistic but thats part of the fun.
Valve have already stated that HL3 will be on Source. Probably updated in many ways, however.
Hey...let's wait until we can fully see what THIS source engine can do, before thinking about the next. seems a bit more intellilgent.
pne of the key features of Source is that it will be upgrade to utilize future technologies, sop Source Engine 2k6 will be updated to support the things of that time.
Wildhound said:
Valve have already stated that HL3 will be on Source. Probably updated in many ways, however.

Well if I knew that I wouldn't have said anything. Updated how? Like HL2 from HL1? Oh nevermind. I know this thread is going straight to hell. :flame:
Damn I don't like these threads. We don't know anything about HL3. I personally don't care right now because HL2 isn't even out!:(
NetWarriorDan said:
Well if I knew that I wouldn't have said anything. Updated how? Like HL2 from HL1? Oh nevermind. I know this thread is going straight to hell. :flame:

Presumably they'll update graphics, physics and anything else they need to throw in to keep it up to date.
Water, physically simulated, made from real time particles.
Shadows!! Good shadows. And pr0n.
I think he means Unreal3... not Unreal Tournament....

BTW.. U3 engine will rule the world... :p

Anyway...HL3 on UT3 engine would be dumb, part of the fun of hl2 is that it has always had it's own engine (even though "always" only includes 2 times) although the HL1 engine, was just a quake engine but with some added stuff and crap and they called it the HL engine....so there, Vlave would not do that, and I would not like that. Although it is very pretty. Lol get this....minimum requirement for UT3 is a dx9 videocard.
:dozey: I think it's safe to say that the Source is better than the Unreal 3 engine. Well, most likely be better sooner or later.
ailevation said:
:dozey: I think it's safe to say that the Source is better than the Unreal 3 engine. Well, most likely be better sooner or later.

You'd be eaten alive by UT Fanboys if they heard you say that.
Do you have any reason to back that up?

my reason is.. eh, i wanted to.. and.. it's true..
sure.. U3 has the "same" physics as Hl2.. but U3 has
a better shadow/light engine.. therefore.. it's better.

The day Valve.. or even IDsoftware submits to another engine...
it will be the end of the world.
She said:
my reason is.. eh, i wanted to.. and.. it's true..
sure.. U3 has the "same" physics as Hl2.. but U3 has
a better shadow/light engine.. therefore.. it's better.

The day Valve.. or even IDsoftware submits to another engine...
it will be the end of the world.
Why were you unbanned?
The Unreal3 engine is just a first glimse of what ALL FPS's will look like in 2 or 3 years.
Yeah, I was wondering why her (or his) ban was lifted.
But the unreal engine looks good. From what I've seen very detailed.
She said:
my reason is.. eh, i wanted to.. and.. it's true..
sure.. U3 has the "same" physics as Hl2.. but U3 has
a better shadow/light engine.. therefore.. it's better.

You don't even know the full capabilities of the source engine...GOOD CALL!
Petabyte said:
Yeah, I was wondering why her (or his) ban was lifted.
But the unreal engine looks good. From what I've seen very detailed.

We got ex cons in the forum!?!? *Hides in the Suburbs*
You don't even know the full capabilities of the source engine...GOOD CALL!

Ok.. now starts an endless flaming me period.. again.. :(

ok.. from what iv'e seen... and experienced.. the U3 engine 0wns Source.. thank you.

But that is just my opinion...
Im out.
She said:
Ok.. now starts an endless flaming me period.. again.. :(

ok.. from what iv'e seen... and experienced.. the U3 engine 0wns Source.. thank you.

But that is just my opinion...
Im out.

Flaming, I am telling you the truth to your face. I'd tell you if I was flaming you.

Oh so you played on both engines? Because you can't "experience" something without playing with it. And I obviously doubt you have played with the U3 engine.
I think valve said that they would sit down and create a list of new challenges to tackle after hl2. I think they might add some small stuff, finish hl3 real quick, and then work on major additions to the source engine.

I personally want air/fluid dynamics. **** shadows to hell, doom and u3 can have fun with their shadows.
:thumbs: I don't see how the Unreal 3 engine owns the Source engine. The Source engine is not an even complete engine, it probably won't be until the guys at Valve decide to start on a new one. Just like they say the Source is constantly going to be added onto. I guess you can say the Unreal 3 engine is better than Source at a giving date and time.
lets get back on topic! hl3 willl............. 1) better graphics/physics/lighting/moddablity, 2) have us wait till 2010, where car drives you!
I'd like to see more normal mapping and better lighting/shadows. Other then that, the Source engine seems to be great. The only engine i can think of that trumps Source in almost every area (at the moment) appears to be the X-Ray Engine.

But thats just my opinion
Yeah, X-ray rules, but I think half-life 2 somehow looks more natural in motion. It's also more optimized.
But S.T.A.L.K.E.R has great potential to own.
my list of new features to implement with source engine

-improved texture detail
-improved bump mapping
-more extensive use of dynamic lighting
-actual wind instead of entities to simulate wind
-water with object disturbance

this is all i can think of now. its so far away that its not worth contemplating
I wouldn't be surprised if HL3's updated engine will probably have some kind of air/fluid dynamics, improved particles in the form of realistic smoke and flame (and include that with the detailed air dynamics), a more unififed lighting solution (note the MORE. I'd like to see the maps retain the raytracing they have right now, but make the shadows obey the individual lights as opposed to one directional light), and also add a slew of post-processing effects including, but not limited to, light blooms, depth of field blurs, motion blur. On the editor's side, Valve will likely change the map editor to provide a more "what you see is what you get" interface similar to what Doom3 and Far Cry have done.
She said:
ok.. from what iv'e seen... and experienced.. the U3 engine 0wns Source.. thank you.

But that is just my opinion...
Im out.

yes it does rock. But you can't compare tomorrows engines to todays. Games that run on U3 wont be out for awhile yet, source is here today. No comparision is needed :p.
Source is made to last for five years. Obvious improvements would be shadows... and.... other stuff. The improvements might even come in patches over Steam for HL2.
I'm pretty sure Valve said that they won't take as long as HL2 for HL3 (so less than five years) so I think it's safe to say that HL3 will use the upgraded Source engine. The faster tech in the future will probably be the biggest difference.