Experience HL2DM, a movie by netrex


Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score

This is a Half-Life 2: Deathmatch hightlights movie. It contains frags by me, some fun stuff, some weird stuff, some cool stuff, but mostly frags.

It's a bit long, but it's hard not putting stuff in after you've seen through a ton of demos, but hopefully you'll think it's worth the download ;)

Nothing more to say than Enjoy!

Technical details:
duration: 16:51, resolution: 768×576, FPS: 30, video codec: XviD, audio format: MP3, file size: 568MiB / 365MB

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i'll download it because i still have jagers dm movie on my laptop - saft starred in that one too
is the badger in this one?
No, badger isn't in it, sorry :) Only my frags this time, next up is a SAFT movie, then he will be in it :)

Sorry for the very slow mirrors. Seems FF has died on me :/
just watched it - pretty cool if a bit size heavy 300+mb ffs :)
those .357 kills were awesome, you're above average with the others but with the magnum you are a god!
the bloopers at the end was a nice touch too
Q1. How do you change from grenade to gravity gun so fast - key bind?
Q2. Where can i find that song 1800 - suicide
Q3. If you have xfire i'd love a one on one for fun - great learning experience for me might force me to play other games apart from BF2 :D
I updated the mirror list with mirrors that have more speed than the FileFront ones. A Levitation MQ mirror is coming up in a while. The netrexx.net mirrors takes a while to start, but they have ok speed I would think.

john3571000 said:
just watched it - pretty cool if a bit size heavy 300+mb ffs :)
those .357 kills were awesome, you're above average with the others but with the magnum you are a god!
the bloopers at the end was a nice touch too
Q1. How do you change from grenade to gravity gun so fast - key bind?
Q2. Where can i find that song 1800 - suicide
Q3. If you have xfire i'd love a one on one for fun - great learning experience for me might force me to play other games apart from BF2 :D

Thanks for those very kind words :)

Q1: I have bound each weapon to their own key so I can switch as fast as the game lets me or as fast as I can push the button (gravity gun is instant switch). You can check my config here: http://www.saft-clan.net/datas/users/5-autoexec.cfg

Q2: I'm sure you can find it on the album it's from :) The song is: Zeromancer - Doctor Online.

Q3: I'm on Xfire, just add netrex to your list and I'll accept when I install it again soon, just reinstalled Windows, and haven't gotten around to installing Xfire yet.
Another one of these "I'll completely destroy, eradicate, eliminate, shotgunize, pulverize, ionize, gravity-gunize" videos?

But I'm not going to download it because I don't have enough space D:
Just came back from a LAN party, mate :p
I've got 25 MB space free after the Dystopia download D:
I just watched it, after leaving it to download over night pfft! It was a good video, with some really cool little things in HL2DM, like the slow orb and the slow xbow bolt, and some funny kills (trading the orbs) and the slow-mos are great, especially the rifle grenade one and the other nade across the entire map. Apart from that theres alot of samey magnum and xbow kills, some of which are great, but the novelty wears off after a while if you get me?

Other than that, very good video, bit big, length you don't notice because its nicely divided up. One question...how do you have so much energy and enthusiasm to play that 'hard'. I can play well...leagues behind you, but i don't have the energy to try :)
Thansk :) Glad you liked it. I know it's a bit long. Could probably be about 10 minutes and be better as a whole, but it's hard taking out stuff, I still have plenty of stuff I didn't use :)

Playing is easy, cause I think it's fun =) both public (even though it's mostly not too hard, but crazy stuff happens when there are many people on a server ;)) and leagues and ladders, cause then it's the competition of it that gets me. But the game is a bit unbalanced, so when I play players that use balls a lot, I get very frustrated and irritated, cause they're so overpowered and easy to use, and boring to use.

Gonna be playing more Pro from now on I think, bu tnot gonna stop HL2DM by any means, but more Pro also cause it's faster, and I love the speed =)
Love your videos Netrex. I still have a couple of your previous "how-to" vids that were very helpful. I'd like to PM with you some time on how you make them. I tried creating a few .avi's using VirtualDub / Huffyuv (from your guide) with less then stellar results. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'd love the chance to pick your brain a little.

Anyway, you have some skills my friend. I'm working hard to get some broadband in my area so I can play more often. Unfortunately at 37 my reaction time isn't what it used to be, but I'd like to think I can still throw a little competition out there. :D
:) Just pm all you want, or reach me on IRC or MSN :)

Hope you get a good connection soon so you can play more :D
Thank you. Prepare yourself, lol.

I had to laugh. I fired up your vid for a couple of buddies that play HL2DM with me occasionally. The response was something like this:


"Wait, did he...?"

"NO WAY!!!"



"Did you SEE THAT!?!"


"$@#% *&$#"

"How can he even see them..."

"Wait! The crossbow... from THAT FAR away!?!"

"$@#! &%# &*@#!"

"...and the 357!"

"Wow...Frraksurred, YOU'RE not even THAT good" <_< >_>

Took me 30-something hours to download :x

Excellent video - Krupa is a great tune :thumbs:

Some great skillz on display. I didnt know you could charge your suit in Lockdown whilst facing away from the charger! I also never thought of using suit zoom for the magnum, maybe I will try it :E
Thx :)

Should have used a different mirror =) Levitation and netrexx.net mirrors have good speed (though netrexx.net is down atm :().

The only drawback with suit zoom is you can't fire while holding zoom, so I hold fire in and release zoom to fire, cause when you hold both, it fires as soon as zoom is released :) So when zoomed, I actually fire with my left pinky ;)
Outside of the strafe jump at the beginning of the video (which I still haven't gotten to work) and the slow ball/bow trick, I had discovered all the other nifty goodies displyed... though not nearly as proficient as Netrex executes them.

Since viewing the movie I have started working on my .357 skills. Thus far I've come to the conclusion I suck, lol. But I'm not giving up. ;)
Excellent video, netrex. (Just now got around to watching it because I've be computerless for a month.) I've yet to be disappointed with a video of yours yet. Great editing, nice selection of rock music, and cool shots(both camera and .357/xbow).

We should play sometime. :)

\o/ I was mentioned in the credits! :D
Thanks man :) Yeah, we should play. I'm gonna be playing in CAL this season if it gets started, so I have to play some on US servers to get used to the ping, though the ping isn't too bad on US servers these days (depending on where in the US of course) :)