Experienced Skinner AND Coder AND Modeler for ONE MODEL ONLY needed!

Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
Wanted: Outlaws and Lawmen is in need of Coders, experienced Texture artists, and a modeler who will do one job, but it is a large job.

I am in need of somone to make a steam engine, it will be 5 or 6 cars deep, with working parts for wheels, and several different card all accurate in design. For more information email me at [email protected] or IM me at Superjuanchango OR post on the forums, not sure if I will read all PMs.

A steam engine? I could do one of those... But the question is, am i patient enough to spend all my time on one steam engine?

Firdtly i need to ask you a question, why do you want help building a single steam engine?
A working steam engine, as in a train? How detailed are you wanting this, as I imagine it would be very difficult for most, unless they have years of expirence; unless of course you don't want detail, and that's a whole 'nother story.
I actually just got somone to do it, and he is pretty enthusiastic. Freeman, the answer to your Q is the post after yours :)