Explain Me This!!


Jul 7, 2003
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I never got the HL SDK and messed with it. What is it like to mess with the code? I mean like how hard is it to understand things? I know very very very little about C++ (i took a class in highschool and failed) So like...whats involved in changing the code around to get what you want out of it?
If you took a class in High School it was only the basics. And if you failed thats even worse :). I don't think you'd understand anything if you don't know much about C++ at all.
It seems to have a lot of complex classes and member functions / variables. LOTS of classes.
erm, I never ever had looked at C++ when I picked up the SDK... It's superbly commented... and all you need is a few bits of common sense and lateral thinking, and you can do pretty much anything you want... 3d person view.... Night Vision instead of the Flashlight.... all you need is the right mind for it... IMO, otherwise you'll have to learn it from scratch :( (although its best to do both anyway) :)
// this is the most hacked, evil, bastardized thing I've ever seen. kjb

Oh yes, wonderful comments. :)