Explanation of G-Man's employer and the rest



My theory on G-man, his employer and Combine:

Assuming that the G-Man has an employer, the current employer was either enslaved by Combine previously and seeking revenge whenever possible and with whatever means (using the Resistance and does not really care about humanity or whatsoever), OR they are almost as powerful as Combine, which wanted to impose thier dominance over Combine.

One thing for sure is that the G-Man's employer is much cleverer and cunning than the Combine. Combine fights the wars wherever they go, invest and invent new combined technology for another wars (doing all the dirty works by themselves), while the G-Man's employer only use whatever resources that were there (the Resistance) and hire key service (Gordon) to counteract with Combine. G-Man's employer is either more cost effective, cost concious or they simply do not have that many resources as the Combine does.

G-man is a "freelancer", is he? He might have an "employer", but is he REALLY a "freelancer"?

Judging to the technology G-man possess (phasing in and out of space and manipulating time), it is hard to believe he is alone or working alone. He could be part of the more powerful races in the universe than the Combine and his current "employer". By leasing out service (Gordon), it meets the "employer" target and most importantly achieving G-Man's own objectives.

There may be at least three powerful races in the universe struggling to impose their dominance: G-Man's race, his "employer" and Combine. For G-Man's race to fight two powerful races is not cost effective and may be defeated along the way. So, G-Man's race, while posing as a neutral or "business" party for both races, they actively create conflicts behind the scenes to deplete both races' resources. Thus, G-Man's "employer" is fighting with Combine from planet to planet. Meanwhile, G-Man's race closely watches all wars to select the talented resources (Gordon) to serve as their vehicle (service leasing). When both of the powerful races depleted their resources, G-Man's race will come to front and dominate the entire universe. Earth is just a callateral casualties to their games/wars.

All in all, G-Man's race is the cleverest race among the rest as they achieve the target without dirtying their hand (at the time being) and with minimum cost (by using "local" resources).
Wow, you've put a lot of thought into this. I'm a fan. *applauds* I'm too lazy to put any other input though... Sorry. :-/
The Combine just asimilate while G-man's race is much more creative.
You said 3 races, who's the third?
The combine, G-man's race and E-man's employer; three races
So theres a race of strange guys with blue suits, briefcases and speech impediments that can manipulate time? Wasn't it hinted at in the game that the G-man was a vortigaunt, or had something in common with them?
Hmm, nice theory. I say so because it's similar to mine, and of course, I liked my own theory... http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=69763

The main difference is that I thought the G-Man was contracted by or part of the other alien (in a host body). The Combine would do all the hard work, the G-Man would send in people like Gordon in situations where they had to survive, and thought they were saving their felow beings and liberating them... Which really only created a power vacuum to allow the other alien race to take over easily and without much effort or casualties... Also, the G-Man probably goes around contracting his services (and the services of Gordon) to other alien races, this way, he makes money from everyone.

Once again, nice theory!
Planeforger said:
So theres a race of strange guys with blue suits, briefcases and speech impediments that can manipulate time? Wasn't it hinted at in the game that the G-man was a vortigaunt, or had something in common with them?

From where it is hinted G-Man was a vortigaunt?
Well, the vortigaunts say that Gordon is a lot like them (that they are coterminous and stuff), and IIRC they talk about the eyes looking through Gordon's own and so on, which is most likely a reference to the G-man. So maybe the reason Gordon is similar to a vortigaunt is because the being controlling him, or "inside" him, (the G-man) might be a vortigaunt.
Anyone read Childhood's End by Arthur C.Clarke? I think we might be heading for a scenario not unlike the one in that book. Except that in the book the 'overwatchers' arrive at earth to protect & nuture the human race in preperation for whats coming. What's coming is a sort of universal evolution, In the form of some kind of higher intelligence comprising of pure energy, That will evetually engulf the entire universe!

Good book. Worth a read. Is it possible that Mark Laidlaw (HL's story writer) could be influenced by Clarke? It seems more likely he's influenced by horror novelists & political satire but if he's a sci-fi fan he would have read Childhood's End. I'm 95% certain of that.