Explosion in London Underground

One good thing to have come out of this tragedy is a suprising sense of comradery. People are talking in the streets and comforting each other - something you don't often see in London.

I went into the local video shop earlier and watched the news with the guy that works there. I've been going there for years, but never really spoken to the him. Now I know his name and that he's worried about his daughter who works in London. A similar thing happened in my local pub just after. I've never got on with the landlord (him being a massive skin head and me being a long haired student has always resulted in a very chalk and cheese relationship) - but he nodded at me in recognition when I came in, and we talked about what has happened for a while.

My grandparents often talk about how the sky looked like it was on fire during the blitz, and we were bombed by the IRA for years (twice within earshot of where I was) This doesn't make today's events any less suprising or terrible, but I think as a nation we will cope as well as can be expected. Quite frankly we're tough as old boots, and are certainly not going to bend over to any terrorists.

The debates over the causes for this are bound to go on for a good while once things have calmed down (as they should) But the fact is that these terrorits are screaming loonies. I don't believe for a second that these people have a shred of decency in them, or that they will ever stop. They're ego maniacs who will always be able to find a 'just cause'. (it's no coincidence that terrorist groups all over the world assist each other, nor is it a sense of brotherhood at fighting for a good and common goal, it's purely cold blooded mutual interest - freedom fighters these people are not)

Terrorists will continue to be a menace untill the day (hopefully) they wake up looking up the barrel of gun held by a member of the SAS. Sure, there's reasons why good people have become so twisted and evil, and these need to be addressed. But so do the nutcases out there who are here to stay.
Kangy said:
Al Queda have made a big mistake here. We're not going to back out of this war because of a few poxy bombs in London, this is only going to boost public opinion in favour of the wars.
Damn straight, well said, i aint scared of these morons. their going down even more so now. Why why why honestly...so silly, now theres mistrust in all muslims in this country, its such a silly thing to do.
Thank Mantis, my friends in London are all ok - a few mates of mine work in central London. Thankfully, they were at different stations and got evacuated. Somebody my family knows has been called straight back into her London hospital after finishing the night shift.
My cousin is ok, he told me he was late for one of the trains that was affected/hit, lucky bastard.

As Glenn said, the moron put the bomb in the top of the bus, an exeptionally stupid terrorist, is a really bad thing to have running around the capital, I hope the counter-terrorism unit strikes back with extreme prejudice.
Hectic Glenn said:
Damn straight, well said, i aint scared of these morons. their going down even more so now. Why why why honestly...so silly, now theres mistrust in all muslims in this country, its such a silly thing to do.

The same attitude we've had on this side of the pond since our attacks happened.... Hasn't really gotten us anywhere yet... Maybe its time to rethink our strategies?

Just a thought....Or we could keep trying to kill an idea by killing people, which in turn only strengthens the idea, so what are we going to do huh?

My thoughts and prayers are with those suffering this horrible crime, cleary humanity is beyond repose...

Please add a rose next to your name to show respect for those who have been killed as a result of the London bombings and pass the word around to whoever is online.

Me and a mate are passing this around, its our way of showing we care :(
Shodan said:
They hunt down and find the bastard terrorist, without messing around.

Cool, sorry I thought you were saying they should kill all muslims or summit. NVM! :bonce:
smoke said:

Please add a rose next to your name to show respect for those who have been killed as a result of the London bombings and pass the word around to whoever is online.

Me and a mate are passing this around, its our way of showing we care :(
Oh god...not another one of those rose/chain message things.

Everytime someone sends me a chain message or tells me to add a rose...I just tell them to stfu.

Tr0n said:
Oh god...not another one of those rose/chain message things.

Everytime someone sends me a chain message or tells me to add a rose...I just tell them to stfu.


Why don't you learn a bit of respect?
Devvo said:
Why don't you learn a bit of respect?
Oh I have respect, but that stuff kinda gets tiring.

Constantly getting chain messages/emails/god damn roses on aim and msn.I have respect for those that died in those bombing and I hope my english friends are doing ok...but I don't need to be chain messaged god damn constantly or told to add a rose.
No, doing that is the wrong thing to do. Tr0n is right. I just merely changed my avatar for this. Chain messages are spam, and are especially bad when they are email spam. Really, if you think about it what will rose do? It's silly. If you know someone from London tell them how you feel, no need to change your name. :|
Tr0n said:
Oh god...not another one of those rose/chain message things.

Everytime someone sends me a chain message or tells me to add a rose...I just tell them to stfu.


Well not everyone has the same views; I would say a lot of people like them.

I am not one of those people but I wouldn't have replied with such a dangerous comment (Tr0n)
As much as I agree and understand why you wanna add a rose to your name, I've gotta agree with tr0n on this I'm afraid
And your good pal ray! :P I really question what adding rose to your name what will accomplish.
Devvo said:
Cool, sorry I thought you were saying they should kill all muslims or summit. NVM! :bonce:

Nah I have no intention of such things, I understand the problems that many Muslims deal with, stereotypes etc, as my friend Tim who is from russia will tell you.

He says that he doesn't have it as bad as the asian community of Muslims because many people instantly think of terrorism when thy see the word Islam or Muslim.

I think that most Muslims want to get rid of the idiots who still live word for word by the qoran, as with all religious books, some of the ideas and ideologys don't apply today.
ray_MAN said:
And your good pal ray! :P I really question what adding rose to your name what will accomplish.
Not a god damn thing.
may whatever higher power they had faith in watch over their souls,and to their surviving friends and relatives,my condolences..

now can we please work together on putting a stop to this kind of shit?

I don't care if its Al-Qaeda or what, terrorists are pansies who can't face anyone who isn't tied up..
ray_MAN said:
And your good pal ray! :P I really question what adding rose to your name what will accomplish.


It's a sign of respect that this guy has chosen to perform. He was inviting other people to do so if they wished.
CREMATOR666 said:
lol, and now chain messages are controversial. Jeez :P
Not controversial, but useless. If you want to offer condolences personally condole someone. Or send flowers. Or give blowjobs. Adding something to your name is just stupid because you can't do anything else.
Ok, i may have exploded then, apologies.

But that was uncalled for tr0n, and ray_MAN, putting a rose next to your name will not do a damn thing. But it will show some respect, learn some.
I don't think we have to put a rose by our names to show respect, I'd rather just take a minute to think and hope that everyone in London affected by this is okay, instead of following internet chain messages.

Mr. Blair just gave us a stirring speech - we'll not be picked on, or scared by these cowardly acts. Wrong country to try this crap with!
smoke said:
Ok, i may have exploded then, apologies.

But that was uncalled for tr0n, and ray_MAN, putting a rose next to your name will not do a damn thing. But it will show some respect, learn some.

Yeah, cool, let's leave it there.

In an idealistic world, what could be done to find and take out the people responsible? Just wondering what people's thoughts are.
I wathced in the news

whats the state of the situation?
Devvo said:
In an idealistic world, what could be done to find and take out the people responsible? Just wondering what people's thoughts are.

Well, you could get a spoon and scrape them off the scenery.
Last I heard they suspected a suicide bomber in the bus bomb, but hadn't mentioned it in any other case.
smoke said:
But that was uncalled for tr0n, and ray_MAN, putting a rose next to your name will not do a damn thing. But it will show some respect, learn some.
I am sorry, but my form of respect is not putting rose next to my name.
smoke said:

Why do you feel the need to show everyone you care? It's like you are looking for a pat on the back
Murray_H said:
Why do you feel the need to show everyone you care? It's like you are looking for a pat on the back

incase you hadnt noticed, over 30 people are dead due to an attack by the ****ing islamic terrorists, so yeah, show some respect you jackass
He's not being a jackass.

This is a sad horrible thing. End of story. I hope everyone from Halflife2.net is all right and I'm glad that it was a much smaller scale attack than something of 9/11 proportions.
FFS guys, can't you drop the whole rose/respect thing and at least try and get back on topic now..? :|