Explosions in the Sky - New album/tour


Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Woooooo :D

Anyone else excited for this?
New album out in April :), pre-order starts March 1 from Temp Res.
Here's a new song:

I'm going to the Pittsburgh show. SO EXCITED! Will be my 4th time seeing them. And Octopus Project is opening, so it's like coming full circle, making up for that time I missed an EITS/Octopus Project show in '06.


[edit] Had some time to think over the Ticketmaster fees. What should've been an $88 order ended up being $122. Essentially, getting 4 tickets for the price of 5-6. Screw you Ticketmaster, and the venue too for only having the box office open 2-6 pm M-F and for being named "Stage AE" in abbreviation for "Stage American Eagle (outfitters)."
/bitter seething hatred
Oh amazing, had no idea they had a new album coming out. I'll definitely be all over this.
i'll listen to it, likely try and go see them again if they hit the uk shore, but i've long since left the days when i get excited about stepping-stone post-rock like this. back a few years ago these guys had the same impact on me that slint and tortoise probably did to people 10 years ahead, and from that it's been a wonderful foray into unknown territories, but i guess i kind of bore of it now after finding so much more from the category they hail from. that isn't to say i dislike them, or maybe it's just that i overdid them back then, but the post-whatever genre is so over saturated now that it's difficult to tell some bands from the other so they've really got to come out hitting hard with this one.

on the other hand, what i see as their counterparts, this will destroy you, have really been changing things up with the latest eps, so i'm more excited for them.
I can agree to that. Post-rock is pretty much dead. Some of us are just clingy :p. I've not really been a fan of the new This Will Destroy You "doomgaze" stuff, and I can't read anything they or their label writes about them nowadays without cringing -- it's just an incessant string of "We hate post-rock / everyone took pictures of our pedal boards and copied us / now we're going to drag you to hell." But I know a lot of people are liking the new music for good reason, and I"ll give their new stuff a listen whenever it comes out.

As for Explosions, admittedly I shouldn't be excited about them anymore, having listened for ~6 years now and being underwhelmed by >50% of the material on their last album. But it's comforting to listen to, in a nostalgic way, and I like them as people (despite not personally knowing them). Not logical, but there it is. Supposedly the new album has some "new sounds" on it, but until it comes out, can't tell what that means or whether it'll be good or bad. We do have this 30 second video which is definitely different but there's not enough context to judge it in:

Delighted to see that their playing the Academy in Manchester. I will have to try and go to that if I'm still living at home then. Also that new song is amazing. Can't wait for the new album!
Insound has a preorder page up with this description:

On their fifth album, Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, the band take some of their greatest creative leaps yet, experimenting with layers of haunting, unplaceable sounds, euphoric vocals, classical guitar, body percussion, Japanese singing bowls and more.

Well. Pretty soon we'll find out wtf that actually means.
New song sounded nice, but yeah it's pretty typical EITS fare. Hopefully the rest of the album has more to offer.

And we have another new song. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but it is different. Have to listen some more, and sometime when I'm not totally messed up. At the moment, I'm feeling -- middle of song >> beginning > end. But not sure how I'd rank this generally among all songs, or even just among all Explosions songs. Probably won't top Those Who Tell the Truth or TEINACDP.
Yeah... hmm...

Doesn't have the build and release of other EITS songs, it's more quick and punchy like some recent Mogwai. Not sure if I like it.
Pittsburgh pulled out the lighters during the last half of Greet Death, which ended the show.

I cried. The end.

(ok ok, I like their old stuff better than the new songs and still a tad annoyed at all shows at the fact that it's impossible to distinguish tones during the parts where all you can hear is LOUD, but it was a fantastic show and I still love em).
Sounds more 'Godspeed you! Black Emperor'ish than most of their tunes do. Sounds quite good I'd say though.
I don't understand what's so great about this band. My friend was raving about them when he went to the Pittsburgh show.
They're freakin' awesome, that's what's so great about them lololol.

.........Eh, from what I've gathered, people get really obsessed with them around high-school/early college. Then most of them grow out of it. For people who've never heard any post-rock, they are a little less accessible than Sigur Ros (disputably not even post-rock) but way more accessible than Godspeed/DMST/etc. And there's probably something attractive about their albums being more positive/prettier than other post-rock. So you get a lot of new post-rock listeners who latch onto them, and then there's an aging population who used to listen to them anywhere from 5-11 years ago. The latter of which is probably also going to the shows on this tour because EITS is hitting up all the places they haven't been in 9 years. There were definitely some older dudes there.

Aside from that, the band usually does a great live show. My sister pretty much hates them because she listens to only pop music on Top 40 radio, but I dragged her to a show and she enjoyed them. But I'm starting to saturate my EITS live experience -- not much room for them to change anything up, so it becomes predictable (still good, but I used to be all excited and now I just end up mellowing out). They're worth seeing for those first 1 or 2 times though.

Partially related -- Mogwai's here in a couple of weeks, and I've felt kinda the same way about them as you do about Explosions. But I never saw them live before so I'm still considering going. Anyone know how their shows are? I haven't even bothered to watch any live vids. :o
Mogwai is lightyears ahead of EITS in every way. You should go
Heh, I only like maybe half of Mogwai's songs, though it's possible I never gave them a thorough enough listen. Anyhow, I'm 95% sure I'm going -- figured they'd be worth seeing at least once. And I kinda like Mr Small's even though it's a pain in the butt to get to. Are you going? (asking out of mild curiosity, not as a creepy meet-up thing).