Explosive barrels

A True Canadian said:
Couldn't you just light it up with the heat generated from an ordinary bullet?
Yeah.. but I think it would be more fun to use matches.. w/e.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
We have a Postal 2 fan here?
Never heard of it. Looked it up, it looks like a fun game, wouldn't mind playing it.

And if that was a joke then w/e.
bullets don't generate heat unless they are explosive, or make a spark. The red hot rebar would light it, tracer bullets might, energy rounds definitely, explosions, obviously
If there was explosive gass in them would a release in pressure cause them to explode (I know they don't look pressureised but maybe the Combine made super strong barrels that just look worn and rusty.
Over analysis to the point of madness. They are simply generic explosive barrels... have any of you ever played 'DooM' ?
Some people are born without a sense of humour. How me must laugh at them!

-Angry Lawyer
CreamOfetus said:
Over analysis to the point of madness. They are simply generic explosive barrels... have any of you ever played 'DooM' ?

touch them with my snow shovel and then build a time machine and wich follows terminator rules where in contrast to back to the future rules that allow back in forth is possible and timewriter rules wich are just silly..

true maybe we are over analysing it,but come on, they are freaking everywhere.

you can't turn around without seeing like 3 exploding barrels
Flyingdebris said:
true maybe we are over analysing it,but come on, they are freaking everywhere.

you can't turn around without seeing like 3 exploding barrels

The game wouldn't be so fun without them, would it? :D
Well the Combine doesn't need money... They own everything, correct? Meaning they own all factories and alike, too.

As for Gordon not being able to lift a barrel full of petrol... Remember he's with a HEV suit! If you think it only adds to his defense, you're wrong... Remember the Pulse Rifle Grenade? That rubber jumpy thing? I'm sure it has a wild drawback on the user, he'd fly off without the suit... So he *can* lift a barrel of petrol. Besides, he went through a lot of crazy shiznit in Half-Life 1, he's been fighting against Gargantua, Heli's and others. Surely after THAT he can lift a barrel with petrol...

Finally, why the barrels are everywhere? Well, I have two version on that. First is that GMan layed them out everywhere for Gordon to have an easier job. He could do that, make no mistake. Remember him stopping time in the end? If he can do that why can't he spawn barrels all over the place? Second version would be... Cars don't use petrol/gas/whatever anymore, so where do you propose they stuff all that "garbage"?
Yeah, iMMuNiTy's idea that G-Man placed them there seems logical :)
The combine are so sick of themselves that they decide, "since Gordon is coming, let's place explosive barrels near us so he will kill us all"

also that Gman quote is brilliant he should say it in HL 21005.43
But also cars still use ptrol its just no-one drives anymore the combine have stopped all driving.And if Gman wants to help you why doesn't he put all the combine in cages or unarm them all, sticking barrels everywhere seems like a really idiotic way to deal with it.
Sulkdodds said:
Blow them all up? Count all of them in-game and just imagine what kind of explosion you'd get... Kind of a nuke. Unwanted chaos, casualties, and harm to the environment. When you can kind of store 'em, you might never know when one might need them...

The irony is, not for the Combine, but for G. Freeman!
The only explosion I liked in Half-Life 2... Is the last one. Pity that GMan had to ruin my joy.

Other explosions are a bit...cheesy. And too quick. There should be some smoke left.