Extended HL2: EP2 trailer released!


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
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"We're done running. This is our chance to take back our world."[br]These are the words of Resistance hero and caring father Eli Vance, and they seem to sum up this second episode of the juggernaut that is the Half-Life series. Now, there's a new, longer and sharper Episode 2 trailer out there, showing rebels fighting offworld troops (Striders and the new Hunters) and a bridge being ripped apart in an impressive manner.[br]Find a (really massive) hi-definition version of the trailer here.[br]The impatient can check out the smaller version at Gamespot.[br]This suspence is more than anyone can bear - but we will persevere.
Is this a trailer for episode 2? You never mentioned.
Wow, 103.1MB! Taking its sweet time from filefront.com...

Smaller version available at Gamespot (had to confirm by watching the video :p ) - added it to main post.

Ooh, this hi-def version is luvverly.
The teaser is indeed nice, but I was under the impression that a new gun would make its appearance? Unless I am blind as a new-born kitten with acute zonal occult outer retinopathy and ray charles-sunglasses that didn't happen. Oh well...

It's the portal gun.
the new enviromental physics were really nice, the way that the beam twisted as it was falling....looked very real indeed. Anyone else notice the color difference in the Hunters, their more of a aqua green/blue now....different but cool, also but if u look at the previous ep2 trailer, the vort carrying alyx is no where near as detailed as in the newly released trailer....looks like the new lighting is up and running and the textures on him are way better......yay for the trio of good things coming from valve....ep2, tf2, p0rtal!
Ooh, cheers for name change whoever it was.

Who else is in love with the Hunters?
Holy freaking crap, it looks awesome! Highlights:
- A bridge breaking apart realistically after a shockwave from the Citadel or one of those pods.
- Better lighting/shading makes the Vortiguants look more organic!
- Hunterse have a greenish chrome armor and use a pulse cannon as a weapon that shoots from the two blue "eyes".
- A vortigaunt pounding the ground with an energy shockwave to kill the Ant Lions swarming it.
- Mostly new scenes, stuff from the teaser has upgraded visuals.

Holy crap, it looks like Episode 2 will out do Episode 1 in the way it out did Half-life 2!
Looks like Valve put som REAL effort into making the outdoor scenery look fantastic :D All other games i've played had dull looking forest scenery. This was EXCEPTIONAL! I want this soooo bad...
Looks sweet, especially the bridge scene.

The only thing that kinda doesn't match the quality of the rest is the vortigaunt (sp?) primary attack. Looks sort of HL1.
Looks like the Combine troops are still running about.
I can't help but notice that the Antlions were luminescent.

Maybe they're Fireflions. (Har.)

And this part reminded me of a certain movie. Almost like that opening scene in Ep1...
Be interesting to see more of that Cinematic Physics in effect. Think I preferred the previous skin on the hunters (the greeny blue makes me think of toothpaste)
Those Antlions are different. They probably have something to do with the blue Antlion Guard we saw on the original EP2 teaser.

My guess is that the Antlion King will be present on this episode.
Looks sweet, especially the bridge scene.

The only thing that kinda doesn't match the quality of the rest is the vortigaunt (sp?) primary attack. Looks sort of HL1.

Well, they have to retain continuity. If that attack was any different in HL2 as it was in HL1, then it would be wrong.
Aside from the beginning with the bridge, I wasn't as impressed. Perhaps later as they show more.
that looks ridiculous
the collapsing bridge is a stunning feat of mapping work by the way
and i have to say this looks like it's going to blow episode one out of the water
The cinematic physics is great. Will there be more implementation excluding the bridge scene?
cinematic physics looks like a combination of recorded physics animation alongside some real physics although I guess you can't be certain.
It's downloading in Steam now so I can't watch yet, but I have seen original and can't wait for Ep2!
Does anyone else think those Combine things running around look like Houndeyes on steroids?

How come there was no news post about the Portal trailer?! :|
I'm so annoyed that this week is over, I've been looking forward to each of these videos so much and now that I've seen them all I'm overwhelmed with cravings for these games. Does anyone else think that they might be baby antlions in the trailer? They look sort of translucent like the baby headcrabs on Xen did, although these suckers are full size by the looks of it. I can't wait.