Extinctions Due to Global Warming Predicted -15-37% By 2050 -BIG NEWS-


Jul 9, 2003
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This is starting to "ATTACK" the web, reports everywhere are now surfacing that by the year 2050 15 to 37% of the worlds plants and animals will become extinct due to global warming. This is extremely frightening if you ask me. Sites below.





So what do you think is going to happend to the world? Chat about it below.
It doesnt worry me... It has to happen sometime.

Umm, well Im actually looking forward to this. Ive always wanted to be living when something big happens to earth, if it does happen.
You can't really stop it, you can only slow it down...

Also if you go by that estimate you can say that in 2200 the earth is gonna be lifeless....
No matter, at the rate we are going there won't be any humans left by 2050
This is unvalid in about 2 years. New hydrogen power will power everything. It will replace all power plants. It will take our cars and make them run better. It will power everything. So don't worry this is really just bull
coolio2man said:
This is unvalid in about 2 years. New hydrogen power will power everything. It will replace all power plants. It will take our cars and make them run better. It will power everything. So don't worry this is really just bull

2 years is an amusing gestimate, maybe stick a 0 on the end and you might be nearer the mark with regards to widescale and commercial employment.
Kadayi Polokov said:
2 years is an amusing gestimate, maybe stick a 0 on the end and you might be nearer the mark with regards to widescale and commercial employment.
Even so, it would be better to have it in 20years than not at all. That would give us another 30 years to clean the air.

Hydrogen Power = Water Exhaust
Coolio is right, we have a lot of time to prevent this...or slow it down.
With all the fancy science and technology, the tech rate we're going is fast.
Are we can find some aliens to save us!
Have you listened to nothing John Titor has told us! Fools!
John claimed that there will be another American Civil War followed by World War III.
Not global warming.
I doubt there will be World War III, the results of WWII was so great, no one EVER! wants another one again...
coolio2man said:
This is unvalid in about 2 years. New hydrogen power will power everything. It will replace all power plants. It will take our cars and make them run better. It will power everything. So don't worry this is really just bull

I'm actually going to have to disagree with you, Coolio2man. Seeing as it's apparent Oil Companies and every Govt. have worked closely togther, I don't see it happening until all the oil is depleted. Once that happens, I'm sure Hydrogen fueling will be used. But the effects it could have before that would be horrible on the economy. Millions of people would lose their jobs, the oil market would shut down, and even a depression would likely follow. Then again, it may be a gradual change. We might begin to see Hydrogen/Gas fueled vehicles... But, I'm very willing to bet some unsatisfactory mediary will be in place, then once our Oil resources are depleted, then we'll begin to use Hydrogen Fuel Systems.
I saw this interesting car commercial, it was for Buick I think or Chev. Anyways, it claimed that the car ran on water.
Stuff like this is really innovative and can revolution the industry-just like Half-Life.
This can increase our chanse of shortening global warming.
Tredoslop said:
This can increase our chanse of shortening global warming.

I say we burn more fuel, and increase the chances and rate of Global Warming - I want to see what happens! :)
How 'bout if I put you in a plastic bubble and douse you in gasoline and set you on fire?
I predict, that it will go like this, 5 more years Gas/Eletric more common. 5-7 years First real Hydrogen cars are comming into the market. The after that it will just eventually integrate and become soley hydrogen, its cheaper to take care of and does not need expensive fuel so that can lead to more peace between forign countries. Only good can come of this :)
Until we begin to fight over water. Like oil, it's not infinite.
Family life:

Mother - "OMG!"
Son - "What?!"
Mother - "You drank all of the fuel!!"
Father - "Goddamnit, son!"
Son - "Sorry."
Brother - "pfft, cat got not keyz n3wb!"
We will never actually run out of oil. It will just gradually become so expensive that nobody would be able to afford it. Experts think this should happen in about 20 years.

Anyway, everyday I see a dozen or so hybrid cars on the road. Sure thats not a lot, but I think the car companies are moving in the right direction.
hmmm well extinction is a natural occurring process of life. Its unfortunate, but its a fact. Probably thx to humans its going way up, but new species do develope after long periods of time. 1 species can diverge into 2 and so on by geographical seperation and such. Thats pretty much all i picked up from biology haha.
coolio2man said:
This is unvalid in about 2 years. New hydrogen power will power everything. It will replace all power plants. It will take our cars and make them run better. It will power everything. So don't worry this is really just bull

If you aren't right about that I'm going to vomit in terror....
coolio2man said:
This is unvalid in about 2 years. New hydrogen power will power everything. It will replace all power plants. It will take our cars and make them run better. It will power everything. So don't worry this is really just bull
I wouldn't be too hopeful. A lot of people make a lot of money out of oil, if you get me drift.

And as for all the people who're saying it's inevitable: IT'S NOT.
It's our fault that this is happening not just sod's law or whatever. Yes yes yes, evolution will filter out certain species who will (for all intents and purposes) become extinct, but that is an extremely slow process, where as we're getting rid of them quick-time because of our greed. Good stuff. There are species we haven't yet discovered in rainforests, etc. that we never will discover purely because we've destroyed them.
coolio2man said:
This is unvalid in about 2 years. New hydrogen power will power everything. It will replace all power plants. It will take our cars and make them run better. It will power everything. So don't worry this is really just bull

I don't know who hyped you up like this, but it's all wrong.
Hydrogen isn't a powersource, it's an energy carrier. It carries the energy that comes out when it's bonded with oxygen (burned) and formes water. But to do that, first you'll have to make hydrogen. Using electrolyse on water which costs a lot of energy. So the hydrogen carries the energy of the power plants and uses it to power cars. It will never be used to power energy plants, because the energy plants make the hydrogen.
To really get rid of fossil fuels, we have to get fusionreactors working, which are powered by hydrogen, but not in the way you implied it. We can't get fusuinreactors working yet because we can't keep the temperature high (and I mean high like in a few hundred million degrees) enough for the time it takes to get the hydrogen atoms fusing and thus releasing energy. We also haven't found a way to harvest that released energy. Don't expect fully functional fusionreactors until the year 2030, altough there is a somewhat working prototye (JET one of the most expensive objects on this planet) now. Fusionreactors are the only good way to produce energy for the future, all those windmills and solarcells are bullshit and useless (except in very remote locations). It already takes 5000 windmills to replace one nuclear plant, a fusion reactor pumps up atleast 10x that amount of energy.

And about that global warming, I'm being very sceptic about it, there is plenty of evidence that the earth is warming. But there isn't any evidence that mankind is the source of this warming. It's mostly a cycle humans have little control over. We just got out of a tiny ice age and thus the end of the 20th century seems relatively warm compared to others, because the past centuries have been cold.
I really doubt that kind of mass extinction because of a few degrees of warming up, the earth was in the jurassic period a lot warmer, and a lot of creatures from that time are still with us.
If really 15% extincts, it's natural selection, not murder. IF we have no control of this of course. If they can't adapt to the changing enviroment, you die out. That's evolution, that's what caused us to be here. It's a natural process.
I really hate to say this, but Bush might have been right not signing Kyoto, recent outcomes say it will cost us trillions (literally) and the final effect will be a 0.15 degrees lower global temperature. It has no use.
It all seems like it is a political game now, people are worried by the warming and wanna see actions taken against it. But I doubt the usefulness of this.