Extra rocket assistance in "Follow Freeman"

Main Offender

Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
I'm posting this because I want to know if there is anyone else who has found the same thing. I did this the second time I played through HL2.

In the Follow Freeman chapter, the part set around the large building in which you take out the generators and then go up on the roof and take out a gunship and a couple of striders, I did quite well and ended up with 3 surviving Rocket Rebels. These three followed me past the next loadpoint to the part where a Strider blasts through a caved-in underground road and attacks you from behind.
The reason I mention this is that even though the Rebels blast away at the Strider with their rockets, the strider never attacks the rebels, only the player. The Rebels also rather amusingly attemt to take down those Scanners that act as spotters for the strider (they miss wildly). It seems that the rebels aren't expected to make it this far, so I was wondering if this happened to anyone else.

Anyway, the Rebels took down the strider while I hid then then they followed me up through the ruined car park and past the next load-point! Unfortunatly they got killed by the two striders there. There was too much going on for me to protect them (I play on Hard difficulty).


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I have only played through a few times, but i've never had rebels follow me to that point. Nice work ;) :D
Reminds me of the 3 or 4 barneys you could collect in Office Complex.
Wow, I didn't think that was possible, or I just suck. Anyway that's really cool, I'll try it some time, that strider is annoying while going through the buildings.
That happened for me every time, as far as I can remember, although I never got more than 2 rebels. I always hide behind that dumpster or whatever it is, shoot my rockets, then let the rebels finish off the strider.
That happened for me every time, as far as I can remember, although I never got more than 2 rebels. I always hide behind that dumpster or whatever it is, shoot my rockets, then let the rebels finish off the strider.

Who gives a shit...why don't you buy the game instead? Yes i know from your screenshot, go away.
Heh, I remember when I got to that point my first time through, I got 2 guys with me but I didnt hide I just rushed into the building and had them help me from in there. I am on my second way through atm.
Look at his AUX power. That happens in the warez versions.
The cheek of some people who get a pirated version and want to join in the community knowing they've not paid to be part of this scene, I think it's pathetic.

Good thing he went, the world feels ever so slightly lighter...we lost a moron. Good! Check the attachment to see the difference between legal and warez versions, and compare it to his.


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    legal or warez.JPG
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Are you sure that you can tell whether the copy is pirated or not by looking at the AUX power? I believe he simply have the full AUX cheat on.

Damn some of you are good players. I can't even get rebels this far. But it does not matter as I hate those pesky rebels that get in my way. I almost always send them on sucide missions by sending them into the combine hangout zones. :LOL:
Since the second or so playthrough, I've pretty much always had these guys with me. It isn't necessarily that you've played "well" either, just that you manage to get magically spawned reinforcements in the plaza scene at the right time. You can get these guys from the plaza right to the big battle in the last City 17 map. They usually get horridly slaughtered by the second strider in that map, and if not then, they usually die in the chaos of the building swarming with Combine soldiers and presided over by the striders. Nice to have all that extra Rocket ammo to play with though :p
These morons need to start paying for the games they play.
I love sending my 'aids' on suicide missions, too. I don't want them to aid me to premature death.
The most I ever had on that part was 2, but only one of them had the rocket launcher. Usually I just let whoever is with me (beside barney or Alyx of course) die. While I like Valve's attempt at trying to give us some backup. They're more annoying than anything, besides the two mentioned above.

What I'd like to see in a future Valve/HL release is the ability to command NPCs with voice commands. Saying (or screaming) a command wouldn't be as bad as fumbling with a key to try and get them to do what you want.
What I'd like to see in a future Valve/HL release is the ability to command NPCs with voice commands. Saying (or screaming) a command wouldn't be as bad as fumbling with a key to try and get them to do what you want.

Voice recognition is probably going to be more frustrating for the player. It'd be cool to have, but I can picture it being very buggy and unresponsive.

The keyboard commands aren't that problematic are they?
Voice recognition is probably going to be more frustrating for the player. It'd be cool to have, but I can picture it being very buggy and unresponsive.
I reckon that sooner or later, a third party will come along and make an affordable, perfectly functioning voice recognition engine that will then be sold on to multiple games developers to intergrate into their games. Valve will probably be among them, I can't see them doing something of that nature entirely in house and entirely sucessfully.

It's just like Physics engines were no-frills in-house efforts for ages, and then Havoc is integrated into Half-Life 2 and all of a sudden, everyone wants to license Havoc physics for their game engine.
I reckon that sooner or later, a third party will come along and make an affordable, perfectly functioning voice recognition engine that will then be sold on to multiple games developers to intergrate into their games.

Real life isn't scifi. Voice recognition isn't coming any time soon to general use and besides it will be a lot buggier AND HARDER TO USE PROPERLY than just pointing at a direction and pressing a button on keyboard, no matter how cool it'd be.
Real life isn't scifi. Voice recognition isn't coming any time soon to general use.
I think you're wrong. We already have Voice Recognition with very limited funcitons in many devices already. How is one software company dedicating itself to making a complete package in the realms of science fiction at all?
I think you're wrong. We already have Voice Recognition with very limited funcitons in many devices already. How is one software company dedicating itself to making a complete package in the realms of science fiction at all?

They're scammers, they're selling a dream to people as a real product. Yes, voice recognition is possible but since we don't have neural network simulators (at least not yet, lets get back to this when we get second generation of quantum computers) the program won't be able to understand the difference between the non-sentence "Ninety mice too.", the Finnish counterpart of the same sentence which is "Nainti maistuu." ("I like to [have an intercourse/multiple intercourses]"). Also different dialects and slangs basically just kill any voice recognition out there so far. If you don't believe me, check this out.
I wasn't thinking anything too elaborate, though I'm not a programmer so I wouldn't know what it would take to do something simple. Maybe a few distinct 1-2 word commands like "Attack now", "cover me", "stay", etc.
I wasn't thinking anything too elaborate, though I'm not a programmer so I wouldn't know what it would take to do something simple. Maybe a few distinct 1-2 word commands like "Attack now", "cover me", "stay", etc.

That's not speech recognition, it's a sample-based voice comparison or in other words, to "teach" the computer the commands you first have to say them once and the waveform of those words get saved. Then every time you say something it's being compared to those samples and then after tjat some guesswork is done to initiate a proper event.

...that can go wrong too though, mostly because that system doesn't take emotions nor background noise into account. And if you have a wacky way of pronouncing "follow Freeman", the sampler could hear it as "flow fire mine" which wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.