Extreme Impetus: Racing Mod


Sep 5, 2003
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I've had this idea for a mod for a while now and i just thought i'd see what you guys (and gals) think.

The basic idea is that you race vehicles that have wheels larger in diameter than the vehicle is tall. Meening it can be driven either way up. Also, i'm going to make the vehicles produce a large 'down'force (like an F1 car) that allows the vehicle to drive up walls/on ceilings. (I know that the downforce direction would have to be related to where the driving surface was in relation to the vehicle (as it drives both ways up)). The tracks would use the fact that the vehicles can go both ways up and on ceilings to create what i think would be some fun gameplay. Below are a few ideas i've written down as i've thought of them. If you have any comments/suggestions i'd love to hear them. :)

Vehicles' Properties

Top Speed - Alters the terminal velocity of the vehicle
Acceleration - How quickly the vehicle can change it's speed
Grip - How well the vehicle can hug the terrain (also when it's on the ground a large grip helps it resist being affected by some weapons/enemy vehicles)
Weight - The mass of the vehicle, a heavier vehicle doesn't get thrown around much, but has to go faster to hug the ceiling
Down-Force - The higher a vehicles down-force, the slower a vehicle can go without falling off a ceiling and the better it will hug the terrain/cope with weapons

Available Weapons
Rocket - Fires straight fowards (hugging terrain), will cause enemy vehicle to get propelled away from the ground (even when upside-down).
Homing Rockets - Same as a normal rocket but it homes in on either various destructable parts of the terrain or on other enemys (less powerfull than the normal rocket).
Leader Missile - Will travel along the map until it reaches the vehicle in first place, then it hits the from the front (thus sending them flying backwards).
Teleporter - When activated, teleports the user just infront of the person who was infront of them (i.e. you can go from 2nd place to 1st).
Chrono Disruptor - Has 2 modes. 1) Charges up then fires, freezing an enemy in place for a given amount of time. 2) Slows down the passage of time (by roughly 60%) for everything except you (and anything you fire). I might make it also speed you + your weapons up a little. (a little like bullet-time)
Turbo - Increases user's vehicle's speed (temporary)
Bungee rope (less important weapon) - If you fire it at an enemy, it pulls the 2 vehicles together i.e. speeding you up and the enemy down (if the enemys infront of you). You can let go at any time, or fire the other end onto another enemy vehicle (it'll break after a while). Another use for it is to grapple onto the terrain and pull yourself towards it.

Modes Of Play
Straight Race - No weapons, just vehicles and a finish line.
Normal Race - Weapons allowed, to win finish first.
Play For Points (PFP Mode) - You get points for hitting enemies with your weapons (and some for finishing in a good position).
Skilled Play - Players win by doing cool things while racing. You get points for doing things like sucessfully using 2 weapons in quick succession, hitting an enemy which is moving very fast relative to you. Doing tricks to boost your speed (blowing things up just behind you to get a speed boost/using the Bungee rope well). You will also get some points for winning the race (and additional points relative to how far ahead you were).
Demolition Mode - There is no finish line, you can navigate the track in any way you see fit. The objective is to cause as much damage to the terrain/senery as possible in a given time. The person who caused the most damage wins.
Chase - A game for 2 players (possibly more in the future), one is at the start/finish line the other is half way around the track. The first person to overtake the other wins.
The bomb - There is no finish line. A random player starts with the 'bomb'. The bomb is on a timer (user defined length, typically a minute or so). The bomb is transfered by hitting an enemy vehicle, and when the timer runs out that player blows up and another bomb is set. The winner is the last man standing.
1vs1 Bungee Battle - A game for two players (or possibly multiples of 2). The same as a race with or without weapons (server's choice). Same rules apply except that both vehicles are perminantly attached to each other (making for some exciting finishes).
Shuttle Run - This is a team gameplay mode. There can be any number of teams with a minimum of 2 players in a team. One player on each team starts racing. When they finish then the next player takes over racing. This continues for an arbitary number of laps, the wining team is obviously the team who completes the number of laps first.
hmmmmmm......... I was looking into doing a mod my self. I am only a modeller. Your idea has been done before, like exactly what u have said. It was an old ps1 game I can't remember the name of it though. Then the whole remotecontrol cars that run both ways up started to come out and everyone went crazy on them because no matter how much of a bad driver u was u could always just smash into things and not break anything (within reason) I wanted to actually start a destruction derby mod, Basic american muscle cars and pritty much a basic game. But then I thought of the idea of having it like gt3 so u buy better parts for your car and u begin to start a sort of build up on your car winning money changing everything from the type of metal used on your frame to if u want to use muflers etc... You could iver make your car look nice or just have a basic american musle car. Of just do both. Everyone liked the idea but I never got anything under way and was just an idea. I also was thinking of doing an fzero x style game as well. Mainly because its a wicked game. Your idea is not very strong and I can see it getting tedious and boring very fast. What do you actually do anyway? are u a coder.. modeller... skinner.... what?
I'm a coder. Although i've only made one small mod (never released), so i'm definatly still learning (aren't we all :)).

I know there's a game like what i describe: Rollcage (if that's the one you're thinking of) and i found it to be a lot of fun. I'm going to take the basic idea (cars driving anyway up and on ceilings etc.) but add a variety of different weapons and gameplay modes.

Maybe the gameplay would get a little tedious but surely no more than any racing game (which if you like the genre, isn't tedious).

Regardless i'm going to do the mod mainly for myself and release it if it's good enough, then perhaps get other people to help with things like textures/models etc... But to start with i'll do it by myself - that way if i have real-life stuff (i'm at uni) then i won't let anyone down.

Thanks for your opinions, is there any main reason why you think it'd be tedious?
I would join u in making a mod since I am looking for a team and would rather start one with my and somone else ideas. Having a coder and mapper/video editing/production/modeller/concept artist (kinda just started learning concept art, i draw manga) is a good starting point I would say but if we did do it i couldn;t go on your idea. It would have to iver be something completely different or i dunno. maybe a different racing game. I just don't see why u would us the h2l engine for a racing game if u are doing it for your self anyway. No offense but now I think about it racing games will not work in hl2 very well.
No offense taken. :)
I'll have a go making it on my own once HL2 is released and see where it goes.
hmmmm..... wouldn't u want to start the mod before hl2 comes out? so that u can get concepts done perfectly and start getting some models done?
Yeah i'll work on concepts and maybe learn to do a bit of modeling before HL2 comes out, but i don't want to do too much before i have an idea of the sorts of things source can do well/easily etc.
well most people already know. Because most people have the leaked beta. hl2 is basiclly hl1 but better. Its still got the structure of hl1 and still plays kinda the same, you can tell straight away its still hl.
Yeah i guess so, but i don't want to make judgements based upon a leaked version.

Besides, if i start now, then when HL2 comes out i'll play through SP and try out MP and when i come back to my mod i'll have forgotten what i was gonna do next. I'd rather wait until i can concentrate fully on the mod.
Originally posted by James Isaac
*cough*Copy Of Rollcage*cough*

Yes the cars upside-down thing has been done on Rollcage. I got the idea from those remote-control cars though. My mod isn't just going to be rollcage though, i'm adding lots more gameplay modes etc...

If you think mods can't be based on an idea that's been done before then you can't like many mods. :)

LOL, just had a look at one of your threads: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13564

The irony.
ye thats true, I mean look at the matrix, I dunno if u noticed but the matrix is not ****ing original at all, but yet its classed as an amazing film (i hate it personally) its a totally rip and I mean like gardcore 90% rip of neuromancer but without the original names from neuromancer.
I never said that copying mods was a bad thing. I was just pointing out hat it was like Rollcage, incase you wanted to get tips from there or something. I think this is a good mod, and you should still go with it. Just saying how it is like Rollcage, and you may want to make sure it has some things better than Rollcage..
Originally posted by IchI
ye thats true, I mean look at the matrix, I dunno if u noticed but the matrix is not ****ing original at all, but yet its classed as an amazing film (i hate it personally) its a totally rip and I mean like gardcore 90% rip of neuromancer but without the original names from neuromancer.

Matrix is good.
Matrix Reloaded is the worst effect party and riding with the first movie I've seen in a while.
Animatrix is better than those two together.
Originally posted by James Isaac
I never said that copying mods was a bad thing. I was just pointing out hat it was like Rollcage, incase you wanted to get tips from there or something. I think this is a good mod, and you should still go with it. Just saying how it is like Rollcage, and you may want to make sure it has some things better than Rollcage..

Ok, point taken. :) Btw, i was aware of rollcage (as i said in an earlier post) and i'm going to use a few basic ideas from that, but i'm drfinatly going to build on the idea, and not just copy RollCage, otherwise it would be pointless be making a mod.
Originally posted by Faravid
Matrix is good.
Matrix Reloaded is the worst effect party and riding with the first movie I've seen in a while.
Animatrix is better than those two together.

well..... tbh. U obviasly know nothing about anime because all the anime matrix's are very average in your every day anime world. They are exceptions in the animatrix because detective story and the 1st and 2nd renasonce are told very well and have some nice anime. But apart from that all the other ones are very crappy. I think the guy who did vampire hunter D did 2 of those anime films and tbh they where not his best work in anyway. The matrix all together is not that good. They where not the first to do bullet time effects because they are sword fighting 3d rotating effects in princes blade (japanese film) both the directors who made the film are taking scenes from anime films such as ghost in the shell. All together I think its a pritty crap film. Its just simple minded people seem to think its totally amazing. I mean don't get me wrong some parts of the film are entertaining and are good. But its nothing special at all, not in anyway.
Originally posted by IchI
well..... tbh. U obviasly know nothing about anime because all the anime matrix's are very average in your every day anime world. They are exceptions in the animatrix because detective story and the 1st and 2nd renasonce are told very well and have some nice anime. But apart from that all the other ones are very crappy. I think the guy who did vampire hunter D did 2 of those anime films and tbh they where not his best work in anyway. The matrix all together is not that good. They where not the first to do bullet time effects because they are sword fighting 3d rotating effects in princes blade (japanese film) both the directors who made the film are taking scenes from anime films such as ghost in the shell. All together I think its a pritty crap film. Its just simple minded people seem to think its totally amazing. I mean don't get me wrong some parts of the film are entertaining and are good. But its nothing special at all, not in anyway.

That's right, I am not anime fan but in my opinion Animatrix was better than for example Ghost In the Shell, which is pretty much the only anime movie I've seen.
ye u are missing out if u have only seen ghost in the shell. gits is an amazing film but they are lots more where that comes from. Here is a list to get u started

Akira (well known everywhere and is amazing, but most people have seen it)

Evangelion (this is a series about big robots defending earth, its the story of 3 children who have to control these robots and about there stresses in life and shit. Its ****ing amazing and if u in any way understand the ending u can have a cookie :D)

Hellsing (gothic style anime about a vampire called alcardo, his character is wicked and he has a entertaining personality. Him and a girl called Solas Victoria are both vampires but are fighting other vampires to control them. Its kinda like the story of blade but with some ****ed up sequences where alcardo turns into a big dog he has some really gothic powers. The enemys in the series are very well done and no one is really that boring. Its well done in all ways)

Armitage 3 : Poly Matrix (this is about a girl/woman who lives on mars and when humans on mars start to hate robots, kinda like how the matrix starts but nothing of the scale and the robots never did anything wrong. Armitage is a well lets just say she is a special cyborg. She is your typicaly kinky bitch and i really like her character. The storyline is pritty good as well but some times sequences are done pritty bad. But the film was made before gits and akira, i think so its not top quality animation. But nice. Its basiclly a story about how armitage is finding out what she is in illegil ways and the police and mars defensing and whole army turn against her and she goes on the run with this guy who is helping her, don't wanna spoil it. Its pritty good.)

Armitage 3: dual matrix (this is the seqeuel to polymatrix and is based on earth this time. Its also about them running away but in a different way. A guy finds out something u will know from the first film, its a secret :P and he basiclly wants armitages3 body. He starts blowing shit up etc.. its pritty kewl and I enjoyed it a bit more than poly matrix. Both amazing anime films)

I think that should get ya started. have fun :P if u have problems getting them online (i profer to buy my anime on dvd) i can show u how to get them. Just pm me on IRC I am inside the halflif2 irc room as IchI