Ey' Up

Pitzy, you've just given another potential soldier (Princess Jen is no longer a member) for my army! Thankyou so much!:E So far I have thirty potentials, so, given that they will join my army, we will kick your arse! But Willie is our primary target!:p :cat: (I know I said I wasn't going to post on here again, but I had to thankyou, Pitzy!) I will, however, still be reading posts, and if you want to post a message which you wnt me to reply to, send me a private message.
Should we be alarmed that you've only been here for such a short time and already know who princess Jen is? (That was before even I got here, nearly three years ago. My god, has it really been three years?)
Sure you do. You just don't show it is all. You wouldn't be human if you...Oh, hang on a minute...guys aren't human are they? Sorry, forgot about that!:p:cat:

We're all just animals in bed....
I do too....

Wait, no I don't.

But these guys do.
If you do I shall releas e my fully armoured army of cats on you. You would seriously regret it!
Just thought I'd let you know, I've given up on the revolution. So you're all safe now, except for Shasta.
Er... are there no comments about me giving up the revolution? I'd have thought Willie and Pitz at least would have had something to say. :cat:
who gets fed to danimal next?
Where is my donut?

Do you know who ate all the donuts?
Yes but with good reason..... I DID