F*cked up domestic problems...divorce sucks!


Sep 12, 2003
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Okay, if you don't feel like reading this will be a long post.

Lets see, four and a half years ago my parents divorced and my mom started seeing this guy I will call Tom. Tom is a cool guy...when he's sober. He's had a long history of alcoholism in his family and he was the lucky one to have it happen to him. When my mom started seeing him she said "If you don't stop drinking I'm leaving." and he did for about two years. But in the past few years Tom has started drinking again, and it all climaxed tonight, and started earlier today.

Earlier today I was installing and XM radio system in my car and I saw him come back from home depot with two gallons of bleach and a little brown paper bag. He didnt know I was in my car testing the radio out, so I saw where he hid the bag. When Tom went inside, I looked in the bag, which was empty, but saw a reciept for a little flask sized bottle of vodka with todays date on it (keep in mind I know he's been drinking). And so I made nothing of it, and Tom went on with his chore of staining the deck. My mom was at work today (she's a real estate agent, very erratic work scheduele) and she came home for a few hours and she could already tell that he had been drinking, he gets very lovey dovey and irritable when he's drunk (odd mix, huh?). Tom said something like "Hey suga, come gimme a kiss"...and she pushed him away. Nothing happened really until tonight came.

There was a guy selling some cleaning agent that came by today and asked for my mom or dad, and I kindly told him that neither were home, and this was my stepads house. So this guy came back later this evening and I said "Tom, there's a guy at the door for you, he came by earlier today." So Tom got up and went to the door and said "I don't want anything," to which the salesman replied "you wont even let me get one word in?" and Tom said "No." and slammed the door on him.

Tom then starts yelling at me and my brother "Thanks a lot Brady (me) and Luke, I really appreciate it, thanks." and my brother snapped back "Big ****ing deal, you had to get off the couch." This is when Tom's son (who is a really cool kid) comes in and starts going "DAD DONT EVEN START THIS! I'll FIgHT YOU IF YOU WANT!!" so Tom gets up and friggin grabs Michaels neck (his son) and Michaels slaps Toms hand away, and runs to the phone to call his mom. Tom is in the background yelling "HERE'S THE PHONE IF YOU WANT TO CALL HER MICHAEL!!"...Michael walks up to him and says "Dad do you really think we're that stupid, do you really think we don't know when you're drunk?" and Tom replied, "Yes Michael, I think you're dumb."

We're all so pissed off at him, my brother, michael, and I go out and just drive around screaming. Then my moms comes out, and promptly tells us we're moving out.

Some Misc. things that Tom has done...

1) Two summers ago he drove back from Annapolis to Frederick (1 hour drive) drunk, my two brothers and his kids in the car, with his high beams on the WHOLE way back, driving on the center line almost rearending several cars on the way back.

2) Last week he showed up to my dads house when my mom first told him he was moving out. He came by four times during the day over an 8 hour period to talk to my dad (why the hell he wanted to talk to my dad, I don't know). So the neighbor notice and she came by and asked "Can I help you?" And he replie "I'm here to have a candid conversation with David D. (my dad)". Luckily, my dad was in Boston that day on a business trip. Our neighbor said that he was piss drunk from the first time he came by...at 11 am!!!! I don't know how you can drink that early in the morning.

3) This one really pissed me off. The morning of my high school graduation my mom said that he got up and drank at 9 am, and he had sobered up by the time my graduation ceremony started. She was so pissed at him that he basically ruined the pinncale of her 18 years of raising me. I felt real bad for my mom. (I found out about this one tonight)

Now before you all start commenting, my mom knew she had made a huge mistake by this...and Tom is a really cool guy when he's sober. My mom has been trying for the past two years to get him to go to AA becuase she really likes him when he's sober, and so do I. But he says "I dont need to go to AA".

GOD DIVORCE SUCKS!!!!!!!!! Thank god I have a stable side with my dad, and thats where I primarily live.

And if this sounds like I was rambling, I was. I was typing it as things were coming into my head.
no. alcoholism sucks. douchebags who drink too much suck. sorry about the situation and i hope it clears up for you. they always do, just takes time.
Hope things get better for you. Damn, that really sucks.
Just be glad that he isn't your father. As long as you have a healthy relationship with your mother and father, make sure you don't let some asshole butt his way in. My girlfriend's mom is dating this asshole named Les, and we (my gf and her two brothers and I) avoid him at all costs. He's yelled at her brothers, called them names in front of their mother, and he doesn't like my parents. My mom tried to make casual conversation the first day she met him, and he just hurmphed and walked off.
I know how divorce + alcoholism suck. Just keep your head up and better times will come. Just remember: Tom will never change unless he gives AA a go. If not, then there is no use hoping he will somehow improve his attitude.

PS. the whistles go WOOOO
Well we're moving out and we'll never see him again. So it all works out. Like I said, my dad side of the family is stable...good thing I live with my dad.
hope things get better that dont sound nice

my parents diveroced but they never toldme that thinking that I wouldnt notice,so I know how it feels

I think all I can say is be strong
my moms (ex)best friend is an alchy she spend time in detox recently and it cost them over 7k dollars.. and the same day she gest out and locks herself into a room and drinks a bottle of vodkaand starts screaming.. yeah alcholism sucks we've had to deal with that families drama too long especially since they try to escape to us