
Sorry but i gotta rant... i just got out of a hl2dm game on crossfire2 and this dude "hacker" was cheating wicked bad... i can't stand hackers... and he made it freakin obvious to... HE WAS MOVIN TEN TIMES FASTER THAN NORMAL... i hate hackers cant stand them... i tried soooooo hard to kill this guy but i just couldnt hit him... i did get him a few times on luck alone... but whats really skrewed up and it seemed like noone on the server cared... i'm still wicked pissed... i cant believe there are allready hacks out for hl2... thats bulls-t i mean im so pissed off at this point i cant even swear... WTF... alright im gonna stop ranting....
Uh, two things
1. Are you sure he wasn't sprinting?
2. Was the server lagging?
There was a wall hack for CS : S a week after it came out... and it's been overused...
I saw a speed hacker in css he was running so fast and nobody said anything so I just left.
Ive already seen a friend i met online playing MMo's/fps who uses a speed hack. Dont get me wrong, we all know of the suits sprint option,but my friend, well, its quite obvious its a bit more than that...

Either way, as long as a program is bound by the mathimatical parameters of coded language, someones gonna figure it out
by all means, it better not be punkbuster... I got kicked from my server because I had to go to the bathroom and I was considered camping...
Speed hacks are usually spotable via the way weapons fire.. eg, in CSS, you should notice things like knives attacking 10+ hits per second or some such effect
Haha wow, sounds like he was sprinting.

Why don't you try holding down shift once and a while?
If he was cheating and nobody said anything that is a GOOD thing.

The cheater wants the attention, the less he gets the sooner he'll leave.

And also, if you aren't admin and can't do anything about it, getting mad only hurts yourself not the cheater.
F*CK I hate hackers! Can't stand them AT ALL! When I see one or know i'm out of that server right away. :flame: I wish they would all burn in F*CKING hell!
Ownzed said:
F*CK I hate hackers! Can't stand them AT ALL! When I see one or know i'm out of that server right away. :flame: I wish they would all burn in F*CKING hell!

Wow, just wow.
Ownzed said:
F*CK I hate hackers! Can't stand them AT ALL! When I see one or know i'm out of that server right away. :flame: I wish they would all burn in F*CKING hell!
You must harness your anger, grasshopper...
There are speed hacks for CS:S, so it is not surprising that there are hacks for HL2DM already. Since Valve does not have VAC enabled we will continue to see these problems... not that they will go away, just that without any anti-cheat software a lot more gamers will hack. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them leave, and if you are good enough, beat them even though they do cheat. Nothing better than beating a hacker :) They get very upset and think you MUST hack because you beat them. Yes, cheaters are scum who ruin the game for everyone else (if you want to cheat go to a cheating server) but they cheat to get a rise out of others--so the best advice is to ignore them... unless you own the server, then kick away!
Acert93 said:
There are speed hacks for CS:S, so it is not surprising that there are hacks for HL2DM already. Since Valve does not have VAC enabled we will continue to see these problems... not that they will go away, just that without any anti-cheat software a lot more gamers will hack. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them leave, and if you are good enough, beat them even though they do cheat. Nothing better than beating a hacker :) They get very upset and think you MUST hack because you beat them. Yes, cheaters are scum who ruin the game for everyone else (if you want to cheat go to a cheating server) but they cheat to get a rise out of others--so the best advice is to ignore them... unless you own the server, then kick away!

Yes, just imagine the huge "Pwned the cheaters" threads that will emerge once Vac2 is rolling and there are mass bans.
SkateXer99 said:
by all means, it better not be punkbuster... I got kicked from my server because I had to go to the bathroom and I was considered camping...
You owe me a new keyboard.
I just spewed water all over my screen because of you.
I've gotten banned for sprinting and being good, my final record was 139 and 40.

I got banned, and I hate the bastards that call me a hacker. Little whiners...
I've gotta baned from serveral servers because some nubs don't know the difference between hax and skill. lol

Alot of people that dont know what their doing over react.
it was def more than just sprinting... i was sprinting and the guy was runnin god damn circles around me... you could barely hit him... only time i did get him was a few times with a rocket launch and a few lucky shots with the revolver
i saw a dude sprinting once, and i also swore he had a speed hack, but he was definately sprinting,, soon put a stop to it.

well the file cabinet travelling at 60 mph did. :)
sublidieminal said:
I've gotten banned for sprinting and being good, my final record was 139 and 40.

I got banned, and I hate the bastards that call me a hacker. Little whiners...

Ok, people what we're talking about is NOT sprinting lol, these people literally move like they're in noclip mode, at that speed.
ok heres a little example of how fast he would be moving... i'd be standing on the end of a long hallway with another long hallway next to it... welll id be on one end and he would be on the other... i'd try to shoot him and he would run around the corner... i tryed to chase him... id get about 2 feet and he would be behind me...
Just inform the admin and then find another server for the time being. The more pissed off you get, the more you play into the cheaters hands.

I'd have thought people would know this by now.
he was sprintin you fool stop flaming people better then you
Oh noes!1 You're ruining teh mY lyFe by haxoring me on an online game!!11111shiftoneoneon!1 I kill teh yu0 for haxorinG!

.. It's only a game.
Really, if you encounter a hacker, disconnect and find a new server or....throw your pc out of the window and then jump after it, that could help too!
MadGuy said:
Really, if you encounter a hacker, disconnect and find a new server or....throw your pc out of the window and then jump after it, that could help too!


anyways i have been banned so many times for skill on so many games!!!

i'd kill him a bit and he yell: you hacker!!! then message: you've been banned!

and i got banned for skill on AvP2 2!

just couse your better then the idiot you get banned!
and i've never hacked a fps in my life! i suck at hacking im an idiot that couldent hack if my life dependded on it!
kiwii said:
he was sprintin you fool stop flaming people better then you

You sir are a dumbass. What part of speed hack didn't you understand? Yes, they are out there, they make people run incredibly fast, and it's nothing compared to sprinting.
best thing you can do is record them and send it to valve. the more people that do this the less hacking we will have.
in starcraft, i know this is kinda unrelated, but I totally owned a guy and his teammate, then he bans me.
What you just described is basically someone sprinting + strafejumping, and perfectly possible.

Get a demo of someone hacking, and then I'll believe you :)
I wish they used punkbuster. I used to be a punksbusted admin for sof2, and over the time I spent playing that game we saw cheater numbers go down a TON, it's very effective. Not to mention if they try to hack PB, evenbalance globally bans them from every PB-enabled game, forever. It bans their hardware specifically, so they'd have to buy a new computer to play any of the games again! BRILLIANT!
This has never happened to me, if I ever have a good game it either goes un-noticed, or my router dies, either that or I just blow at CS (which I do)