Fable 2


Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
So, is it exclusive to xbox, and later to be shiped on PC, or will it be aveilible on PS3 too?
Im thinking about buying a PS3, but whould be dissapointed if i missed it.
I guess i'll get it on pc then. PS3 still has my support. GTA 4, God of War 3, Metal gear. Those will be sweet.
Yeh, they'll be plenty for the PS3. The 360 looks like it's getting a better deal with GTA4, though - with the extra content an all.
Yeah, X360 is getting GTA4 also.

The only reason I ever see myself getting PS3 is for MGS4 and SOCOM IV.
Only reason I got a PS3 was GT5 and MGS4.

And yes, 360 GTA IV exclusive content seems nice, it should be atleast considering the amount of money MS paid Rockstar!
I don't like GT and MGS, so I don't see a real reason to get the PS3... I was thinknig of getting it for Ace Combat 6, but that came to the 360 too. Yay!
Only reason i might get a PS3 is for FF13
Hopefully the wait for Fable 2 on the PC won't be too long.
Is Fable 2 be headed up by the same devs and will it require online activation I wonder? It won't be long before all PC games require this method of activation imo.:P They better not mess this one up though is all I have to say.
Indeed they have not, my guess would be that when the extended version comes out it will also be released on PC, like with Fable.
I feel pretty confident it'll get ported to PC, though unfortunately PS3 is unlikely. Also unfortunately I doubt my PC will be able to play it adequately, so I'll likely end up renting it for my roommates 360.

I was a pretty big fan of the first on PC, mainly because of how your character develops.
Fable 2 is being developed by Lionhead for Microsoft, the same guys that Bungie developed the Halo franchise for. I'd say the odds of seeing Fable 2 on the PS3 are about as likely as me sticking it in Jessica Biel :dozey:
Little Big Planet, White Knight Story, Heavy Rain, Afrika, MGS4, FF 13, Killzone 2, the next Ico/SotC game, God of War 3--these are some of the top reasons I have a PS3. I just got Uncharted for Christmas too and I actually have to agree with the folks who say it has the prettiest graphics in a game. EVER.

Fable 2 will never be on the PS3--thats why I have a 360 as well. :)