So, is it exclusive to xbox, and later to be shiped on PC, or will it be aveilible on PS3 too?
Im thinking about buying a PS3, but whould be dissapointed if i missed it.
I don't like GT and MGS, so I don't see a real reason to get the PS3... I was thinknig of getting it for Ace Combat 6, but that came to the 360 too. Yay!
Is Fable 2 be headed up by the same devs and will it require online activation I wonder? It won't be long before all PC games require this method of activation imo. They better not mess this one up though is all I have to say.
I feel pretty confident it'll get ported to PC, though unfortunately PS3 is unlikely. Also unfortunately I doubt my PC will be able to play it adequately, so I'll likely end up renting it for my roommates 360.
I was a pretty big fan of the first on PC, mainly because of how your character develops.
Fable 2 is being developed by Lionhead for Microsoft, the same guys that Bungie developed the Halo franchise for. I'd say the odds of seeing Fable 2 on the PS3 are about as likely as me sticking it in Jessica Biel :dozey:
Little Big Planet, White Knight Story, Heavy Rain, Afrika, MGS4, FF 13, Killzone 2, the next Ico/SotC game, God of War 3--these are some of the top reasons I have a PS3. I just got Uncharted for Christmas too and I actually have to agree with the folks who say it has the prettiest graphics in a game. EVER.
Fable 2 will never be on the PS3--thats why I have a 360 as well.