Fable for September 14


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone excited about xbox's Fable coming out september 14th, I know I am...
real-time combat
evolving characters
who could ask for more?
kotor II seems more worthy of the hype, i've heard a lot more negative things about fable, and i've heard practically only positive things on everybodies updated impressions of kotor II
CptStern said:
and a gay character :)

ya this game looks good

You had to bring that up Cpt Stern? It's optional anyway. But is it an Xbox Xclusive? or will it be for PC? [No I can't look these things up on the Internet because I'm here]
i liked black and white, so im looking forward to black and white 2 more... or it could just be that i dont have an xbox... i wanna play it!!!11
PunisherUSA said:
You had to bring that up Cpt Stern? It's optional anyway.

love not hate, damn some of you are sooooo homophobic
ya I havent touched my xbox in months but this game might be a reason to
Synthos said:
what sort of negative things?

well, for one thing every new build they see they complain about frame rate issues, and they cut out co-op mode b/c of time constraints, not to mention the game isn't doing anything new that fallout or the baldur's gate series, or kotor1, has not done already, plus; peter monoleux (however you spell his last name), is known for developing over-rated games such as black&white
what i didn't like about bg or kotor or even NWN, was that the combat system is either based on "click wait and pick up the remains" or "pause the action, choose what you want, resume and kick butt"

I prefer real-time button pushing combat to turn based or click and wait.
Synthos said:
what i didn't like about bg or kotor or even NWN, was that the combat system is either based on "click wait and pick up the remains" or "pause the action, choose what you want, resume and kick butt"

I prefer real-time button pushing combat to turn based or click and wait.

I agree, that's why I never bought Kotor despite the overwhelmingly good reviews it recieved
Sai said:
not to mention the game isn't doing anything new that fallout or the baldur's gate series, or kotor1, has not done already, plus; peter monoleux (however you spell his last name), is known for developing over-rated games such as black&white

...then you don't know much about the game.... none of those game shad you competeing against other heros...your character physically evolve, complete freedom in actions, aging charaters... and that's only a few of the things.

read a few of the previews and then come back.

Also, some people didn't like B&W, some did. I perosnally loved it, and he has done alot of othe stuff too...

Also, if you goto EB (physical store) and pre order it now, you get, right then, a bonus disk that has interviews with a bunch of the developers, a making of documnetry, a trailers, other footage, and a demo of sudeki.
Excellent, I have been looking forward to Fable since it's early days as Project Ego :)
SidewinderX143 said:
...then you don't know much about the game.... none of those game shad you competeing against other heros...your character physically evolve, complete freedom in actions, aging charaters... and that's only a few of the things.

read a few of the previews and then come back.

Also, some people didn't like B&W, some did. I perosnally loved it, and he has done alot of othe stuff too...

Also, if you goto EB (physical store) and pre order it now, you get, right then, a bonus disk that has interviews with a bunch of the developers, a making of documnetry, a trailers, other footage, and a demo of sudeki.

what do you mean by complete freedom in actions? That, if it means what I think it means, is a pretty grandiose claim which Molyneux does with most of the games he works on. Last I heard about the game the features about aging characters and stuff was severly cut down. I remember reading a post on another forum comparing the stuff that was claimed when fable was first announced to the stuff that it supposedly has now and alot of features are/were cut down.
Sai said:
kotor II seems more worthy of the hype, i've heard a lot more negative things about fable, and i've heard practically only positive things on everybodies updated impressions of kotor II

Man, I've only heard kinda negative stuff abouit KOTOR 2. The game isn't even being developed by Bioware! Fable on the otherhand, now that looks sweet.
uhh..in my opinion obsidian is actually a better company than bioware, they're the guys that formerly made such classics as fallout and icewind dale, and were with bioware in teh development of the baldur's gate games, bioware owes black isle for pretty much all of it's fame, they have yet to do anything original that black isle hasn't already done......well, alright; i'll give you jade empire but that's about it.
I disagree, Sai...
Black Isle was with Bioware up until about 1/3 into NWN production. Black Isle and bioware split, and Bioware finished the product and did the 2 expansions. Bioware did an excellent job with NWN.

After that, Bioware did Kotor, which in my opinion is a great game. It is unique in it's own. They're currently doing Jade Empire as you said. They're even coming out with a new RPG of their own which I think will rock the house as it were...

I think since Black Isle was shut down, Bioware is coming into it's own..
Zapp$ter said:
what do you mean by complete freedom in actions? That, if it means what I think it means, is a pretty grandiose claim which Molyneux does with most of the games he works on. Last I heard about the game the features about aging characters and stuff was severly cut down. I remember reading a post on another forum comparing the stuff that was claimed when fable was first announced to the stuff that it supposedly has now and alot of features are/were cut down.

The only thing that was cut out of the whole aging process to my knowledge (I have been following the game quite closely) is the real-time aging. Your character still ages very uniquely depending on what you do.

Another thing Sidewinder didn't add is the amazing AI and interactivity with villagers and such. There are so many more ways in which you can interact with the people of Albion (Fable's setting). Actions you take with villagers affect what may happen later on. If you say, walk into town and just kill some guy. That guy may have a son...and if he did, the son might make it his life goal to come hunt you down and kill you later in the game. There are just too many other things about Fable that I just don't have the time to type that make it sweet.

That does suck that the MP was taken out...but I started following the game Jan 2003...and back then they said they were never planning MP...so I don't feel too let down by it.

If anything... I felt let down by KOTOR. Such a bland and boring game if you ask me. The story sucked (Ok...go find these star maps....and then fight the last boss...oh..by the way...this is who you are). Characters you have annoyed me
I thoroughly enjoyed killing everyone I could at the end of the game, except Bastila...she was my bitch. I was pissed that Carth got away...he was the one I hated the most.
. Battles were boring and painfully easy. If I just went in swinging using a few abilities and I ended up dead, all I ever had to do was use a couple items to boost stats and I never had a problem.

Another thing that bugged the shit out of me was near the end when they just kept throwing wave after wave of guys at you...I was soooo bored and just wanted to get to the end.

Needless to say...I won't be buying KOTOR2.

Like Sidewinder said, read a few previews on Fable then come back.
jsut got down atching the documentry on the preorder disk avout it..... wow... :)

ya'll should preorder it fom eb and watch it!

bunch of new footage.....and you can kick chickens! you cna run up, and kick a chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it goes flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11