Faceposer rules!!!

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OMFG!!! how long did that take? DO ANOTHER!! AND ANOTHER!!! you are my ****ing idol!

do episodes! make a story!! you are ****ing awesome... it was sad when it ended.. :(
HAHAHA!! That is great!!! I second another one!!

edit: how did you do the voices?
Now put this here suit on! :cheers: :D :D
How Did You Do The Voices??!?!!?!?!?!?? L337 Haxor!!! Omg I Love You

this needs a sticky
I'm pretty sure Alyx's voice was done by Shmozy. 98% certain.
its very easy... im currently doing some really funny ones that will be out soon...
lol shutup bitch! What you should make him do next is pull out a smg and start shooting her lol

that would be comedy
Great stuff. I'd need a tutorial on how to make this if you write one of know about one please.

EDIT: look at alex her face after he says: shut up b*tch
More characters! Do breen! and Gman! YAaaayyaayayY!!
That was really funny. Actually laughed out loud. It'd be great to know how to do this, would try different stuff. Make them speak finnish and that kinda things :p
My god, I wish I could be arsed to get my face poser working. That was frickin hillarious the first time I saw it. Just alyx laughing like a cartoon chipmonk did it. :LOL:
Do one with a bunch of characters, DOG, G-Man, Breen, etc. HAve them get into a fight and start bitchslapping each other. :D
not too tight in the crotch there ey freeman? AHAHAAGHAAAHHAAHAHAH GOOD ONE!! MAKE MORE MAKE MORE
ktimekiller said:
how did he do barney?

That's my voice....Didn't realize I sounded that much like barney :thumbs:

I just used faceposer guys. Took a while to figure it out, but the documentation tells you everything you need to know.
Arf, thats great. If you do make episodes, have Alyx just do that stupid laugh (the original laughing cat sound?) at inapproapriate times, like during a heavy gunfight or when a character dies. It sounds psycotic.

Great job.
AcousticToad said:
Arf, thats great. If you do make episodes, have Alyx just do that stupid laugh (the original laughing cat sound?) at inapproapriate times, like during a heavy gunfight or when a character dies. It sounds psycotic.

Great job.

I didn't think it would get a good response like this so I guess I'll have to make more. Alyx's laugh is just a sped up girlie laugh that I tried to make....

Since it's the holidays and all I probobly won't be a able to do a tutorial for a while but I would imagine little videos like this will start springing up all over the place and somebody will spare me the trouble.
Wow! That was awesome. You have to make them longer next time. A tutorial would be great. Take your time, though. :D
oh shit hahhahaah :LOL:

that was so funy, and cool

I RATE you I rate you

make more, and show the way how to do it. :D
WTF. Hmn doesnt work in winamp?
OR WMP? Cuz right now, thats all I have.
oh, duh. I'm out of town on a friends piece of crap machine.
Hey Jones, could you please just explain one thing. Just how you got your own sounds to work without the "Last Extraction: an error occured during extraction." error?
Don't want to be an asshole but, the voices aren't very good at all. Meh.
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