FacePunch Studios IP address

Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
I know that i have posted like 4 threads in 48 hours but I need this one for school

In facepunch i have put a request up and they bloked it at school. Does anyone know the IP adress for it? i can access via IP but not via the forums.faceunchstudios.com
Kqmt Saasxq Uf, Ymdyufq Yuzqd

EDIT: yey for Ikerous
SpArKs said:
Kqmt Saasxq Uf, Ymdyufq Yuzqd

EDIT: yey for Ikerous
I actually almost didn't look because i thought your first post was the real ip :|
Thanks yall, and sparks 2 things

1. I like your avatar
2. Do you not understand IP addresses?
the_rebel_medic said:
Thanks yall, and sparks 2 things

1. I like your avatar
2. Do you not understand IP addresses?

2.yep, Kqmt Saasxq Uf, Ymdyufq Yuzqd
If you know so much about IPs medic, why couldn't you find one :P
Internet Protocol

Ikerous said:
If you know so much about IPs medic, why couldn't you find one :P

cos he did not know of the saasxq