Fake Nintendo Revolution Video Makes Me Cry!


Jul 9, 2003
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Ever since the beginning of my gaming experience and after watching those VR movies someone made a very high quality Nintendo Revolution spoof and it's so well done that I seriously near cried after watching it and to think all the technology in the video is possible and I know this for a fact because I spend a considerable amount of time researching this technology as well as compacting technology and making it affordable. Watch this video and leave your feedback.

Hehe really cool video... seems impossible. How would you shoot? With your tongue?
lol you of course woul have to use a seperate wireless controller.
Kschreck said:
lol you of course woul have to use a seperate wireless controller.
The person wasent using one! I FEEL DECIEVED.
That was a cool video!! Seems like something Nintendo would do.

Where did this video come from anyways?! If thats a fake, that was well done and Nintendo needs to hire them.
That was brilliant!!

For "fake" technology, that was really entertaining...epic even. Too bad the video cuts off at the end, I was really getting into it. :(
No one knows where the video is and the only person who claims it's fake is IGN but they are only speculating. It looks so real and it would destroy Microsoft and Sony and thats not an opinion. The technolohy there is possible and strangely the specs are the same as what Nintendo gave... But I doubt it's real. It just can't be...
What the hell was that? That did not look remotely like anything Nintendo would use. Whoever created that was good I have to admit, and the beginning was pure gold, but once it hit the look... You were like, wow that is fake.

Think about it, Nintendo likes the smaller, more compact, sleek look.. I do not think they would have something as big as that lying in the middle of your room. I could understand if it was smaller but you still got the eyewear. It is fake nonetheless.
Shamrock said:
What the hell was that? That did not look remotely like anything Nintendo would use. Whoever created that was good I have to admit, and the beginning was pure gold, but once it hit the look... You were like, wow that is fake.

Think about it, Nintendo likes the smaller, more compact, sleek look.. I do not think they would have something as big as that lying in the middle of your room. I could understand if it was smaller but you still got the eyewear. It is fake nonetheless.

Well, it looks to be the size of an average adult human brain (a design decision). It looks about the size of a Gamecube too, so not much would have changed in that respect.

The idea is most interesting. Playing games using the left side of the brain (the practical side of the brain), and then burning CD's/DVD's on the other (the creative side of the brain).

The only fishy thing about it is the virtual reality part (moving around the room in reality will move you around the room in the virtual world). Other than that the rest is actually quite possible (due to its supposed connectivity).

I want one!! :)
Kschreck said:
No one knows where the video is and the only person who claims it's fake is IGN but they are only speculating. It looks so real and it would destroy Microsoft and Sony and thats not an opinion. The technolohy there is possible and strangely the specs are the same as what Nintendo gave... But I doubt it's real. It just can't be...
Uhh I'd rather have an xbox 360 than that though. its interesting but as great as I'm sure it is, I dont really care about virtually playing animal crossing... sorry. I strongly doubt anything nintendo pulls out of its hat will destroy MS and Sony.
Trailer Analasis:

I watched the trailer frame by frame for anything that looks suspicious. I spent like a half an hour viewing it in slow motion and came out finding nothing that suggestes it being fake. It looks 100% legit to me. Things to consider:

1. The rendering of the Super Mario 64 castle then done hundreds of times more looks to well done and I can't imagine someone being able to render that in Mayo or Photoshop. It looks exactly like it does on the N64 and it shows the level in different angle so you know they didn't just cut videos and paste them together.

2. The technology seems to fit Nintendo's vague descriptions perfectly. In fact Nintendo recently unveiled some new information on the Revolution and it just happends to fit the video perfectly. Such as small compact system, DVD support, backwards compatability, microphone, ETC.

3. This might be dumb but in the Nintendo press release Nintendo said the system was very "Sleek". That term is also used in the video to descrive the system. I hardly ever hear that term used that much.

4. Overall design of the trailer looks super professional and Nintendoish. The Mario game is exactly what I would expect it to be and not to mention Nintendo said it was the true succesor to Super Mario 64 and since it looks like Super Mario 64 as well as them showing Super Mario 64 castles it just might be real.

5. From what I can tell everything in the system is possible to do. Usually VR headsets can sell in the thousands but if built on a large scale Nintendo could sell them for an affordable price.

6. My brother said that the Nintendo Rep was in his store and talked about the system and said that she said that the system will actually connect to the GameCube via the bottom as well as many other things. My brother doesn't play games nore reads about them and in the video it showed a GameCube next to the system underneath it.

7. Slick design. The system is perfect and looks more professional then any game product I have ever seen. It shows how the headset can be seperated from the actual helmet unit and it looks perfect. Other such features are shown as well. It would take a team to develope such a perfect video.

8. Why would they decide to leak it just 4 days before E3? Why not release it a couple months before E3 so that the hoax video would pull in more attention. Just another reason it may very well be real.

9. Nintendo patented a 3D projection system which no one knows what that means. In the video it shows the radar eye changing the guys room to a room in Metroid. Perhaps this is the 3D projection system.

10. Also if you notice the sound changes right in the beginning which makes it look like the trailer was cut from a longer video. The video cuts off at the end as well.

11. The video was released the same day as the Xbox 360 unveiling. Maybe Nintendo leaked the video to take some of the steam away from the Xbox 360 spotlifght.

12. Retro studios (Creators Of The Metroid Prime Series) is supposely working on a "Halo Killer" and if that Metroid game was it then I can see why it will kill Halo.

Either way this is a very intriguing video none the less. The video is so perfect that I can not imagine even a professional team developing a hoaxed trailer this well. Everything seems to work amazingly and the catchy intro and music helps fuel the excitement. E3 2005 is only 3 days away and the Revolution will be unveiled on Tuesday. We can only hope this is what the system is actually like.
i probably sound like a bit of a fool, but what is the nintendo revolution? is it like virtual reality or something? and is it actually going to happen?
You underestimate what a skilled japanese person can do.

That virtual reality thing is utter BS. The video is fake. I know how stuff like that works, and it's not as simple as putting on a helmet and going. The game would need a 3d map of the room (let alone the whole house if you plan on going anywhere) requiring you to get some kind of sensoring device to find all the dimensions and such of the house (which again leads to even more bugs that will take years to sort out, which is why virutal reality to this extent is still in the works, and a local position monitor for where you are standing (where your headseat is, to be more exact) , and something telling the game what direction you are looking. This is all possible, but I'm afraid completely impossible with such a small headseat, and nothing else but the system sitting on the floor. Impossible without atleast 2 other beacons to triangulate your position in the world. Furhtermore, how would the game be able to tell where your body is in the game, so it could make hit detections? You would need to be wearing a suit, and the nodes on that would have to be triangulated aswell.

I figured out how all this virtual reality stuff can work out on my own, and as far as I know this is the simplest way of doing it, and even then that is still very difficult, as I just explained.

So, final verdict, fake.

(It is very easy to rip the model of that castle with a ROM file, Kschreck. And well, duh the creator of the video would want to match his made up stuff with the description nintendo gave :P)
Wow, If that isn't fake...
Then the revolution is truely upon us.
-takes cover under desk-
Oh my god

I am still crying

what could I say ... I can't express it for you

I think the video is real ( don't you see the new metroied game and mario )

and 80% of what IWATA (the prisedent of Nintendo) said was in the video

We have to wait 5 days till that confirmed

Kschreck , I love you , You really make me feel happy :)
Wow. I choose to reserve judgement on whether it is real or not.

Nintendo has ventured into VR before with bad results (Virtual Boy) and they said they wouldn't do it again. I'm also not sure about the walking making the character walk. It seems un-Nintendo ish, and more like a dance mat.

I guess we'll just wait till Tuesday :)
Oh my god....is this thing real !?
If it is , this is truly A revolution..
looks good, even for a fake.
And if half the stuff that Nintendo said was in it is actually in it, then who knows it won't be like this anyway?
so jump ( at least I will take a holiday from your calls ) :P
Hehe yeah just watched it, and the castle level copied a bilion times was a reall good way to demonstrate the power of such a machine.

Wished it was true, then that would have been the first console bought by me after the snes (wich is still hooked up to my tv for some retro fun)
Fake. Nintendo already announced the Revolution will be only an inch thick, and that thing was like the size of a watermelon. Plus, Nintendo has a horrible taste in their mouth after the Virtual Boy.
EVIL said:
Hehe yeah just watched it, and the castle level copied a bilion times was a reall good way to demonstrate the power of such a machine.

Wished it was true, then that would have been the first console bought by me after the snes (wich is still hooked up to my tv for some retro fun)

I do agree, even if it was taste, it got my blood pumping when I saw them zoom out of the castle, and out..and out.. untill it made one big castle, I was just thinking "Wow, thats awesome".
Man, that must have taken forever to put together. If that guy (or likely team) is not working for one of the big three, then he should be.
The first half of that video was great. The second half with the VR unit was just dumb and unbelievable.

I really believe Nintendo can win this war by simply having a better looking console and sleeker ad compaign than the rest. Most people that by consoles are shallow bastards, and they'll buy the sexiest looking machine out there.

If Nintendo can do something similar to the first half of that video with all the flashy squares type thing, and fit it into 30secs, they'll sell enough to compete.
That was awesome. It was just so amazing at how a fake ad can make me believe!
StardogChampion said:
and fit it into 30secs,
Tee hee. You said secs.

Why would Nintendo's goal be to just sell the most units? Aren't they rich enough? Screw advertising, word will get out if they put their time towards a better console.
I still think there is a possibility this could be real. Everything Nintendo has said as well as patented seems to make sense.

As far as the console being the size of 3 staked dvd cases take a look at 4:41 in the video where the gamecube points to the "brain" as well as a rectangular shaped object with a question mark on it...about the size of 3 dvd cases. If it was referring to the systems capability of playing DVD's wouldnt it just say dvd player? I don't know...

The mario section would definitely go along with Nintendo's claim for Mario 128 being a "true successor to mario 64".

As for IGN's claim that it's fake, this statement concludes that they in fact don't even know what the Revolution is: "While it's unlikely that the render is at all an indication of the final system, which Nintendo plans to talk about and showcase at E3 2005, it's an impressive design feat nevertheless."

The video cutting off abruptly is a little wierd...and if it was created by a fan why would they intentionally do that. If this is fake this is one of the most elaborate hoaxes pulled by some crazy fan with WAY too much time on his hands, I mean the thing really is very well done. I'm probably wrong about all this and it actually is fake but it's just more fun to play the conspiracy theorist. Oh well, we will all find out in about 4 days.
According to IGN's thingamabob about the Revolution being about the height of 3 DVDs and the same width completely destroys all hope of this being real, sadly...
Everybody is overlooking that the actual console unit in the video was the size of 3 DVD cases. The system is shown next to the GameCube (Underneath It) and it looks to be about 3 DVD cases big... EVERYONE overlooks this.
Thats a very cool, professional video. Really wouldn't mind if the Revolution looked like that. :D
It looks like this video was fake indeed. :frown:

Taken From GameFaqs Board:

"what does http://www.vandal.net/foro/cache/239109_1.htm say? I cant read that language."

I'll translate as best as I can:

"Nintendo ON by Psyco3leR [The mastermind, I suppose- Nk] I't not about any fake, but rather a complain, is an attempt to not stay cross-armed at the nasty wave of commercialization that's infecting the Videogame industry, and affecting my beloved Nintendo (the only one who cares about bringing new concepts). The commercialization forces companies to release new consoles every 2 or 3 years with the only goal being eliminating limits to the developers. And not precisely so that these [developers] could let their imaginations run wild to entertain us with groundbreaking games, but rather to make "good (aesthetically), pretty (thanks to the console's freedoms) and cheap (not precisely to the consumers)" games in less time, to sell faster. It is not my style to re-vindicate my principles chaining myself in front of some offices or lighting myself on fire at E3 [some incident from the past?- Nk], I do it in the best way I know, demonstrate my disagreement sacrificing one week to create a video that shows some of the more striking qualities of a "real" console, meaning, imagined and directed on real data using actual technology, that, despite its high cost, would permit: being inside the games, manage any type of control input implanted in virtual form in your hands, using your own body as the joystick's axis, grab, pull, drop items, use (for example) one hand to raise Mario on it and take him on your own hand to a platform to continue playing the game, permit those who wear visors level them to accommodate our vision, permit gamers create their own games taking elements and placing them as if they were Lego pieces offer the possibility of playing at a game in one TV using the "eyes" of the console so it could "read" your hands in a command manner, single-console multiplayer compatibility giving signal to different virtual visors, and including an "Alpha" opacity function in the visors that, along with the manageability of the console, would permit you to play a shooter outdoors with a few friends while the console "superimposes" in the real surroundings, explosions, enemies or items. In this day and age, there exists more than enough technology for a console like that. In about a few days Nintendo will present its new "revolution", and I just hope it's not another one of those disappointments that I've been having these past years basing the revolution in the idea of continuing making such simple consoles that they don't become complicated to make, but enough to ignite the attention of the grand majority of conformist people (the casual users, who don't care in the least the inner processes of the electronic entertainment industry). And unfortunately, in the end, not only conformists, but us, the non-casual users that love this industry, buy these machines, because there's nothing better out there. That philosophy is effective up to the business side point of view, but it's not correct because it's not worthy to innovate leaving behind the honor and backstabbing your followers (We have the other companies to use such banal market strategies). I just hope that in this E3 2005 Nintendo comes back to demonstrate us all that they're the best, and like the best company in the world that it is, have ideas that are light years ahead of what a simple fan can think of."

I know some of the transcript is shabby (so it was in the native language), but I think the point comes through.

Although it sounded to good to be true I really wished that it was real. *SIGH* I bet Nintendo will just show off another square console and the controllers whill have Gyroscope functions and they will call that a Revolution. I don't think game compananies have any more creativity left.