Fake or Real? Unlimited Supply of Energy.

probably fake, if it's too good to be true, it probably is
Apparently there will be a live stream of a "very simplified version" of there technology tomorrow.

On their website? I'll try to catch it. If it works... holy shit.
It was suppose to be today but technical difficulties have delayed it till July 5th(basically today but whatever).

They are having a public presentation and streaming it live from several camera angles on there website.
lol, the chances of this being fake are stupidly high.

Way to go breaking the laws of physics there.
"What we have developed is a way to construct magnetic fields so that when you travel round the magnetic fields, starting and stopping at the same position, you have gained energy... The energy isn't being converted from any other source such as the energy within the magnet. It's literally created. Once the technology operates it provides a constant stream of clean energy."

I'd say it's fake if they wern't giving a live demonstration on it within 24 hours. We'll see.
harnessing subatomic power like in men in black is the only way.
Btw isn't the energy from that magnet thing just momentum...? I'm probably missing more info needed.
Then again, they ARE magnets, and magnets are super cool. I kinda see what they might be getting at though, I mean what's with the gravity defying of magnets of same charge lying on top of each other? Then again magnets do run out of their magnetism eventually right. Probably some subatomic stuff that makes it all go haywire before it explodes.
Waiting for clarky in 3....
15 min.s of fame, or longer considering their "end of 2007" shenanigan.
what nonsense is this. creating energy? the energy within a fixed space and system is always constant. and perpetual motion is impossible. this is bullshit.
If it were real I think they would put more info on their website than the cryptic bullshit thats on their now. If I was to break the laws of physics I would be shoving my machine in front of anyone that would look at it, not waiting for confirmation by a panel of experts. Not only does it "sound to good to be true" it doesn't sound like much at all.

we have developed a technology that produces free, clean and constant energy. Our technology has been independently validated by engineers and scientists — always behind closed doors, always off the record, always proven to work.[
I especially quote the part after the -.
Their "claims" have no value. We need actual evidence...and they won't give it to us, so they fail.
Energy can not be created. Either there is some other source of the extra energy that they are falsely interpreting as created energy, or this is all bullshit, as have been many other claims like this in the past.

Honestly, which is more likely. A scientific law being disproven or a couple of scientists looking for some attention.

There are such huge sources of energy available to us like the sun, that we for some reason refuse to indulge upon. I don't understand why people waste time with trying to create something impossible.
Our view of the universe is theoretical. We have created the laws of physics, but they're based on what we know.

It could be real, but I think its highly unlikely. Still, lets see.
Our view of the universe is theoretical. We have created the laws of physics, but they're based on what we know.

It could be real, but I think its highly unlikely. Still, lets see.


This sounds awesome :D
If this actually works... D:
Lets not forget that our present models of the universe don't fit. We have no unifying theory.
I hope it works, otherwise:

Some ideas recur repeatedly in perpetual motion machine designs. For instance:

The seemingly mysterious ability of magnets to influence motion at a distance without any apparent energy source has long appealed to inventors. However, a constant magnetic field can do no work because the force it exerts on a charged particle is always at right angles to its motion; a changing field can do work, but requires energy to sustain. A "fixed" magnet can do work, but energy is dissipated in the process, typically weakening the magnet's strength over time. Thus, when a magnet does work by lifting an iron weight, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. Once the iron hits the magnet its kinetic energy is converted to heat and sound. In order to release further energy, the iron must be moved away from the magnet. This converts the energy of your arm to potential energy again. Since the energy of parting the magnet and iron is identical to the energy released as the magnet and iron come together, no net energy can be gained by changing the iron - magnet distance.

If it actually does work, I see it as being an expensive machine, or one that can't produce much energy, but hey, what do I know?

Like, the cost of the process may be much greater than the value of the amount of energy it produces, perhaps.
I can't believe anyone could even consider this to be genuine. Come on, Ireland? HA.

And the demonstration 'Oh noes it wont work, because of the lights ... err ... it only works in total darkness ... come back tomoro plz'

What this is - in reality - is some half-assed artists attempt at modern art. Giving the public something they crave for, making a fuss, etc - It's not worth the time of day. Wake up and smell the bullshit.
well nothing seems to be happening on the web cams..

Edit: If this does work I'd figure it's more to do with harnessing the flow of the magnetic core of the earth kind of like a tidal generator over the creation of energy.
It is stupid to say overunity systems break the laws of physics, they don't it's that simple, a water wheel is an overunity or 'free' energy system.. it's just about recognising the proper 'source' of the energy. More accurately this doesn't work within the 'classical electrodynamics model' and that is all, quantum and particle physics allow stuff like this to be permissable.

For example in an electric motor, the quantum mechanisim for the source of the energy is completely different to the classical model. In quantum mechanics and particle physics the virtual photon flux emmits a photon spontaniously from the vacuum when the electrons are in an excited state. And that is the actual source of the energy in a circuit or coil, not the fuel driving the shaft which spins the magnets.

So before knocking stuff like this off, bare in mind that every charged particle (and that includes the dipole of a permanent magnet) is an energy source in quantum and particle physics. The 100 + year old Classical model which assumes no aether doesn't apply here, it is invalid.
Edit: If this does work I'd figure it's more to do with harnessing the flow of the magnetic core of the earth kind of like a tidal generator over the creation of energy.

now thats a really GOOD point. i didnt think of that, very likely indeed.
Beginning in January 2007, a panel of 22 scientists chosen by Steorn began the process of validation of Steorn's technology

No, that doesn't sound shady at all... ;)
On the one hand, they are risking their company if this turns out to be bullshit, it will be doomed then.

On the other hand:
That is, the company appears to be financed primarily by investment.

A business that is fueled by investments can profit greatly by making up nonsense claims in order to attract lots of investors before the bullshit rises to the surface.
Important update on the Kinetica demo:

We are experiencing some technical difficulties with the demo unit in London. Our initial assessment indicates that this is probably due to the intense heat from the camera lighting. We have commenced a technical assessment and will provide an update later today. As a consequence, Kinetica will not be open to the public today (5th July). We apologise for this delay and appreciate your patience.

Important update on the Kinetica demo:

We are experiencing some technical difficulties with the demo unit in London. Our initial assessment indicates that this is probably due to the intense heat from the camera lighting. We have commenced a technical assessment and will provide an update later today. As a consequence, Kinetica will not be open to the public today (5th July). We apologise for this delay and appreciate your patience.

OMG! I got burned by the camera lighting!!!

Bullshit proved.
Wait, what's that smell?

Perhaps they revived Nikola Tesla and got him to do it. He could make such a machine.
Our view of the universe is theoretical. We have created the laws of physics, but they're based on what we know.

It could be real, but I think its highly unlikely. Still, lets see.

Thank you, took the words out of my mouth.
I'ma say fake, just because I don't care if I'm the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Unless that saying means assrape.