fake script

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i heard the leaked script in cs:s is fakesdby valve to get the aswipes occuiped. plz tell me its true
hmm.. well i don't know why valve would spend their time making a fake script as appossed to WORKING ON THE BLOODY GAME...
i have a good source that i wont share that says thats true, also the game has been out for a year, and its a big conspiracy that we all have to game and havent told you we have it, and we just post release dates on forums to throw you off.... im just kidding i didnt mean to come off as an asshole there, if your right, then that would be valve stickin it to the man :cheers:
how could they have possibly have the script in the CS preload?

HOW did it get in there, valve cant be that stupid... right?
hmm this makes me think....

let me look at the begining of the script lol
sorry to burst your bubble but the script is true and its NOT fake
It's real, I got it. CS:S is a HL2 mod so thats why there are some hl2 files in there ...
but, is it a fake script, like one that was scraped and is not being used
It's not fake. Face it.
If you've read parts of it .... too bad, you're spoiled.
If you didn't, then you're cool. Why worry?
It is real. End of story. It was found in the CSS preload for the ***** gcf, buried deep within, which when found was immediately leaked, just because some people find it amusing and get a thrill off of exploit a security flaw and ruining 6 years of work by Valve script writers, and spoiling something we have been waiting for a long time to come about.

What is means for us is to basically be careful when reading forums, especially anyone that looks suspicious.
Yeah unless the spoiler is posted in the threads title.. then you're pretty much boned (like me.. I've already seen 3 of them).
It would be cool of valve to put in a 'fake' script, with some similarities to the stuff we've already seen....

"Why would they spend so much time on putting in a fake script?" Maybe it's another 'test' ;) i mean they went a long way just to put those 2 test in the preload....... imagine all the guys who think they're cool posting spoilers being n00bed by a very 1337 Valve :D
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