Faked "real" water.

cylyk said:
worst idea ever
We're discussing the possibility of a water blob. Whether it's a good idea or not doesn't really matter.
You could possibly create your normal block of water and then add a thin blob to the sides. Would be faster than just creating one big blob.
Untill were all playing with Athlon 64 FX-72s at X3000 xt's, dont expect complete free fluid dynamics. For now, faking is enough. The fastest Ive heard of thats safe is a 4ghz 4 GB memory card w/ 2 6800 Ultras. Multiply that times 4 (meaning 4 processors) and come up with the coding to make a Game use the different processors, and there ya go.
I do see what you mean with the blob thing though. It would just settle in approprietly and leak if it found a way on the section that it settled on. But what happens one it leakes to the point where the whole is above the fluids? It would have to separate into something else. Makes things complicated.
Yellonet said:
Are you saying that anything realtime doesn't need to be calculated? :LOL:
But I guess you're right about Realflow and realwave not being realtime.

calculation PASS as in render passes

ever used any high end renderers? anyweh don't want to start anything here
Incitatus said:
calculation PASS as in render passes

ever used any high end renderers? anyweh don't want to start anything here
Rendering passes are made in real time in 3d-games. If nothing is rendered how can you see it?
Cyber$nake said:
I do see what you mean with the blob thing though. It would just settle in approprietly and leak if it found a way on the section that it settled on. But what happens one it leakes to the point where the whole is above the fluids? It would have to separate into something else. Makes things complicated.
I really don't understand what you are saying.
Yellonet has no clue what he's talking about.

Please let this thread die. Anyone would rather have larger, more detailed levels, smarter enemies and more of them, or incredible pixel-shaded effects over water that moved like it should.
Demonmerc said:
Yellonet has no clue what he's talking about.

Please let this thread die. Anyone would rather have larger, more detailed levels, smarter enemies and more of them, or incredible pixel-shaded effects over water that moved like it should.
I wouldn't.
Yellonet said:
Rendering passes are made in real time in 3d-games. If nothing is rendered how can you see it?

It doesn't seem like you understand what he's talking about.



Render pass: A single image rendered from a 3D scene, containing only part of the scene's properties. A Z-buffer channel included with an image is sometimes referred to as a depth pass.
Yellonet said:
So what is he talking about? I thought he was talking about rendering.

No he's not talking about just rendering. He was talking about a render pass. Did you notice the definition that I linked to?

Yellonet said:
Are you trying to say that no rendering is going on in a FPS?

Are you just intentionally trying to misunderstand me? Sure seems that way.

I'm not a 3d modeler so I doubt I can really explain it. But he was saying that the scenes shown by that program are not rendered in real time. There is a difference between rendering things in 3d apps and rendering things in a real time engine. He was basically pointing out that the calculations involved with those water scenes could not be done in real time. I don't see why this is so difficult to grasp.

Perhaps someone else with more experience in the subject can explain the differences between real time and non real time rendering to him?
Dang edit time limit...

Yellonet, perhaps it would be helpful if you explain in detail what exactly about this you're not understanding or what questions you have about it? Then I or more likely someone else with more knowledge can try to explain.
Neutrino said:
No he's not talking about just rendering. He was talking about a render pass. Did you notice the definition that I linked to?
I KNOW! A rendering pass is when the "renderer" goes through the scene to get it to be a image. In 3d-applications there is often many "passes" before the scene is done.

BUT, it is basically the same thing that happens when you play a game with the difference that it happens so fast that you can't see it (unless you have a crappy machine ;)). In real time.

I'm not a 3d modeler so I doubt I can really explain it. But he was saying that the scenes shown by that program are not rendered in real time. There is a difference between rendering things in 3d apps and rendering things in a real time engine. He was basically pointing out that the calculations involved with those water scenes could not be done in real time. I don't see why this is so difficult to grasp.

Perhaps someone else with more experience in the subject can explain the differences between real time and non real time rendering to him?
I understand the difference between rendered in real time and not rendered in real time perfectly.
And I understand that simulating totally realistic water is not possible on the hardware of today. In real time that is.

It sounded on that guy I was responding to as there was no rendering in real time 3D games. That was what I reacted to.