Fall Semester Grades

Nat Turner

Sep 28, 2005
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How'd all you guys do?

I just got my final grades for my first semester at the Uni, majoring in engineering. They average out to a 3.659, which isn't bad at all for taking 17 credits IMO. My physics professor messed up and gave me a B instead of an A, so my GPA should be higher once that (hopefully) gets resolved.

But yeah, celebration time. :cheers:
Congrats, man. I'm majoring in engineering too, and I've pulled off a 4.0 with 15 credits in my first semester. This semester was really just a warmup compared to what I'm going back to in the spring, though. Chem 2, Physics 2, Differential Equations, Programming for Engineering Majors, Cosmology... it's gonna be fun. :O
Narcolepsy said:
Congrats, man. I'm majoring in engineering too, and I've pulled off a 4.0 with 15 credits in my first semester. This semester was really just a warmup compared to what I'm going back to in the spring, though. Chem 2, Physics 2, Differential Equations, Programming for Engineering Majors, Cosmology... it's gonna be fun. :O

Yup I'm also going to be taking Physics 2, Diff Equations, and Programming for engin majors (it's java, which I've done before). I won't be taking 3 writing/literature classes like I did in the fall, thank God. It sucks so much to have 3 essays due at the same time.
Wow, you guys should be proud of yourselves. Many years ago when I was in college I was lucky to get a 2.8. I guess getting wasted every night and never bringing a book to class or bringing a book home had something to do with it. I had one hell of a social life though. I made it through my database and programming classes with all A's though so I guess that's all that mattered. With my pathetic GPA I still got a good job and make good money.

The funny thing is, I had two friends throughout school that were straight 'A' students. One is a cop and the other one is a park ranger at Yellowstone. I guess those grades didn't help too much when they left school.

Good luck to you guys and thank god I don't have to go back. I still wake up sometimes horrified, thinking I have a paper due that I hadn't started yet.
I got a 2.97, which is the highest I've ever had in college, and it finally raised my cumulative above a 2.5... which rocks!
3 classes (I'm still in High School, taking classes at a community college), A-, B+, B.
I expect an A in english, an F in trigonometry, and I have no clue in PE. I don't know how many non-dresses I have, so... it's up for speculation.
B-C in everything, prolly failed my painting class though
I got:

A - Biology 100 - Lecture and Lab
A - Economics 208
B - Art History 100
B - Speech: Public Speaking

I should have recieved an A in Speech though. :frown: I think I have a 3.7 GPA right now.
Narcolepsy said:
Chem 2, Physics 2, Differential Equations, Programming for Engineering Majors, Cosmology... it's gonna be fun. :O

Cosmology?!? I'm jealous! I wanted to be an astronomer when I was in high school but my math skills didn't quite cut it. Have fun! :thumbs:
53 in english! OH YA!!! HIGH-FIVE ANYONE?!?
96 in P.E.
79 in Science
75 in Geography

At least I'm passing every class...
I would beg for a 3.3.

I expect:

History: E. (Easy class but, I have no idea how I'm getting such a low grade.)
Algebra: B-C. (I class I get. :D)
English: E. (Too many missing assignments... stupid requirements, seriously.)
Chemistry: E. (Too hard, I'm switching to "Earth Science," -.-)
Business Tech: B-C. (We were doing cool stuff, Web Site design and Photoshop [albeit I knew most of the stuff we did] until she had to run off and have a baby and replace herself with a twatface of a sub.)
Journalism: A-B.
Spanish: B-C.
Hmm... lemme think.

My first quarter I did badly, as I always do for my first.

This quarter, so far:

Honors English: A- (love writing, but don't put in enough work to get an A+)
Math: B- (hate math, but I'm not bad at it)
Honors History: A- (looooove history, but I do badly on the homework quizzes)
Honors Latin 3: C (the class is a blast, but I'm shit for memorizations)
Honors Choir: A+ (easy as pie, and I rock)
Honors Chem: B+ (ridiculously easy- I'd fail if the teacher was actually competent :D)

So, yeah. I could be a straight A+ student, but I don't have the motivation or work ethic. I did get a 2190 out of 2400 on my PSATs, though, and a nearly perfect MCAS... I'm pretty well off for college.
B,B,C+,C+.... yay for third straight semester of droping grades!

first semester was 3 As a B and a D (precalc and trig in the same class in 50 minutes a day... too fast paced for me).

Second Semester was 2 As 2 Bs and a D (indian lady cant teach java for shit)

At least this semester I didnt get a D in any classes. Its still the lowest gpa I have gotten. Horray for transfering to a real school this semester!!! CCSU = teh suck with nub teachers!
I got a 2.8 gpa, which is pretty good considering I go to one of the top engineering schools in the world. I'm majoring in enviromental engineering by the way.
heres a run down of my classes and grades
Chem lab-a
Que-Ever said:
an F in trigonometry
My physics grade was finally fixed. Here's all of the classes last semester:

A- Spiritual Autobiography (interesting class, read lots of books)
A Engineering (awesome class, love my major)
A- College Writing (teacher was a total bitch)
A- Deans Book (bad class, just lots of extra work)
A Multivariable Calculus (cool teacher, had to study lots for this class)
A Physics 1 (easy class, finally got my grade fixed)
B+ Physics Lab (luckily only 1 credit, teacher was a dick)
Beerdude26 said:
wtf :|
Is that something like religion?

It's actually something my professor made up, I think. It's basically just about normal autobiographies but with spiritual elements mixed in. It's kinda confusing.