Are you a CCD (College Confidence Guy): Read

Robbo, that is one of the most awesome song texts I've ever read!:laugh:
yes now picture a 60ish year old Professor of Geology annnnd head of the school of geol singing it while drunk with a guitar.... Great night
This is one of the better threads that has come across
Adderall, pot, and valium = graduating magnum cum louder

I LOVE adderall, it makes everything so much easier. Only down side is the effect it has on your appetite. But then again, if you're a tad chubby than you're golden.

Let's say you have a paper to write with plenty of time do finish it. Before you even type your name get as ripped as you can. Now there's absolutely no good reason to do this, I just find it fun. When you can compose yourself, pop some adderall and go to it. If you get anxiety like me take some valium. If you do it right you have a recipe for an epic paper.

If you do it wrong you'll fail out of school and end up bartending at a tranny strip club.
Adderall, pot, and valium = graduating magnum cum louder

I would love to try those if I wasn't afraid of becoming addicted since I am genetically predispositioned towards easily developing addictions to substances.
Yeah I guess it's pretty fun, until Danimal realises you called him crazy and breaks your legs and your fingers and then kills you dead good and proper.

Everytime I read your signature I think half of the lines start with 7.

And you call me crazy.
I think it has something to do with having a social life ;)

Great post by the way Danimal, I enjoyed that read a lot.

[Flattery expressed in textual form]
Just read your superlongpost, Danimal. Great stuff. Well written and generally engaging, morals aside.

PSHH, morals
I'm actually quite surprised that two well-rounded awesome posters think that - it was a tired splurge of story telling at 1:56 am. Surprisingly sober!
Yeah, it was a very funny, well organized, simple rant/story. Two thumbs up brosephine.
Right? Who posts broken image links like that?
I'm just posting in this one because it was one of the more recently posted-in threads. I don't give a shit: bingbangbong.
What are mods even going to do about it?