Fallout 3

  • Thread starter Thread starter HyperFat
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Readers of the Web Comic Ctrl-Alt-Del know that the character Ethan is a Fallout fan. In one of the more recent strips Ethan learned that Fallout 3 had been in production and was shelved. This of course upset him greatly. So he is starting a crusade, one that perhaps we all should join in.

I realize I'm asking you to rally behind a comic strip character, but why not?
So grab your implaments of pain and hurt and gather, together we may make a difference. Or at least have some fun.


From www.vault52.com
I'd give my left pinky to see Fallout 3 come out but the link doesn't work for me.
YES!!! FALLOUT WHERE THE BEST 3 PC RPGs I EVR PLAYED!!! save fallout 3!!!! save fallout 3!
ive only just completed fallout 2, because i got a way through it ages ago, but due to a bug the elder never accepted the GECK. when i patched up the game (and had a new PC- no save files) i started again, and 0wned that game. tactics looks well good too.
:flame: Right off the bat that smiley explaines my feelings! consider it a warning if you are weak of heart to not read the rest of my post for it might upset you at least i give you a warning..

Its a wasted cause the IP forums are pounded dailey with useless posts about Fallout 3 and the company brass has no planes to make because they cant.

Im going to explanewhy they cant: Easy fact the team that made Fallout 1 and 2 have been layed off and taken on new jobs they no longer work for Interplay.

Now for the fun part even if they tried there best the team they call Interplay is just a bunch of monkeys all they have been able to accomplish is things like FO:BOS you seen how badly that bombed there is what like a total of 200 posts on there forum ya thats getting alot of use :(

There have been proposals from the lead team that worked on the original Fallouts to buy the rights to the game and the only way they will get IPLY to sell is if IPLY falls into dept and needs the cash to bail them out.

The game is half finished sitting on a shelf this is fact not fiction and knowone there can do it so your just waisting hot air.

The only thing you will result in is you get them encouraged enough to make the game yeah!!! wip, wip, we got F3 it will be just like or very simular to BOS = POS then what all the ppl rush to buy thinking there F3 is being made just like the first 2 and wrong its not but they bought it and supported a bunch of useless lacky monkeys and now those monkeys can make more garbage games.

If you noticed the super mutants / deathclaws ect even the players npcs dont look anything close to there originals but if the guys that made the original can get them to sell the rights Fallout 3 will be made and done right so you are supporting the wrong horse in the race.

Even the way BOS was made it lacks story lots of useless sayings if you call that real roleplaying you better open your eyes take a look at what the company can actually do today they cant make you Fallout 3 the way you want it only the original members of the team can and they have made proposals but your not helping them now are you/?

Think of Interplay as a stuborn old mule they wont die they wont give up the rights to the game they treat there fans like garbage its a Nazi run forum they always make sure before locking down a thread they get the last say, they care less about what the fans want they only care about money so just throw them money that is if you like supporting there Nazi faction they got going on over there.

I will try not to post about it again no matter how much you beg for a debate on this, Hl2net is not a fallout battle ground this is the second time ive seen the fallout troops ralley up the other was in the Gspy tital fights so i ask what the hell is wrong with you guys you cant get Interplay on there own forums to acknowledge you and you come here /?

I at least hope you learned something from my post i tried to show wisdom i can understand your views like any Fallout is better then no Fallout and hope that my post helped to wake you up.
I Just wanted a Fallout game that lets u take place during the great war to see what it was like for them.

I would imagine that this would be a FPS like Morrowind but it would be fun to play instead of a chore. I hope some mod team does this for Source engine. Sigh, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 where really great. Why does it have to stop?
HyperFat said:
I Just wanted a Fallout game that lets u take place during the great war to see what it was like for them.

I would imagine that this would be a FPS like Morrowind but it would be fun to play instead of a chore. I hope some mod team does this for Source engine. Sigh, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 where really great. Why does it have to stop?

Let me get this straight are you promoting for Interplay to make Fallout 3 was what i thought i understood [your link was dead] so if your looking for a FPS of a diffrent game engine that has to do with Fallout i can help you out in this area because there is ppl working on it well will be when the Hl2 game ships out.

Try this link to the Hl2 modification of Nuclear Dreams hope this helps your craving for Fallout. ;)

PS: There is also a game being developed called [Shadow Vault] its turn based just like the old Fallouts ect .. do up a google and take a look it might just be what your looking for.
I agree that they really stuffed up cancelling Fallout 3. I was looking forward to it.

I'm not really sure what you were saying, though, Dark Angel... Commas Are Your Friends. Care to clarify?