Falluja doctors report rise in birth defects

Never heard of Malik Hamdan before this. Would like to see some reports or such along with the article rather than "he says he saw them every day"

I'm not trying to say that's not happening, but there is just piss poor reporting in this article, needs more data supplied if they're trying to claim depleted uranium is the cause.
The weapons the US used in the Iraq invasion?

Are conventional bombs and small arms known to cause birth defects?
Don't we use White Phosphorus and other harmful agents as well??

White phosphorous is used by US forces almost exclusively as a diversionary attack, or a means to light up a dark battlefield.

The Israelis have a history of using it in direct attacks...
Impressive, right? Intel finds the Iraqi army is abandoning Kuwait, and all heading out on one stretch of road. Every aircraft in 200mi is called in to bomb the road, for hours on end.

The movie 'Jarhead' portrays the aftermath, as well..
30mm Canon on the Bradley uses depleted uranium munitions and so do the HE rounds of the M1A2.
I truly doubt depleted uranium was the cause.

Possibly just a fluke.
I truly doubt depleted uranium was the cause.

Possibly just a fluke.

hell no bro, you're wrong


Depleted uranium is considered a weapon of mass destruction and is banned for use in warfare by international law, yet the US and Israel use it routinely.

The US military has used thousands of tons of depleted uranium in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq sickening civilians and its own soldiers by the tens of thousands.

Depleted uranium contaminates food, water, air and land forever. It's the ultimate "dirty bomb."

For more information about this video go to: www.beyondtreason.com

remember "Gulf War Syndrome"?? I know you're in Korea but I sure as hell remember troops coming home, complaining about headaches, cramps, hair loss, etc

But I still don't see the US stopping the use of DU in exchange for tungsten or steel ammunition. Tungsten is way more expensive, I believe.
The health risks from DU far outweigh any cost savings. Since when has the US military given a dam about costs anyway.

Apperantly bunker busters which have DU nose cones, were used in fallajuh. They can penetrate deep under ground, maybe a few end up in aquifers.
It also could have been dirty bombs used by the Iraqi army...they've used WMDs on their own soil before.
I think if the Iraqi army had used any dirty bombs any time in the last decade the US and UK governments would have made sure we'd hear about it.
The health risks from DU far outweigh any cost savings. Since when has the US military given a dam about costs anyway.

Apperantly bunker busters which have DU nose cones, were used in fallajuh. They can penetrate deep under ground, maybe a few end up in aquifers.

Uh, to the US military, health costs of foreign nationals are completely negligible. Only problem I foresee is going to be for US troops. While I like America, and love the US military, I still don't see them replacing DU with tungsten (coincidentally, we've always used tungsten) without irrefutable proof, and even then grudgingly.

The US is in a situation where increased costs are always a no no.

Also, as I've said, this could be a fluke, this could be pre-war contamination, this could be caused by DU. I still want more studies before I can make any conclusions.