Family PC Problems


Nov 13, 2006
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The home PC is on hte fritz! I try and install Norton AntiVirus 2006 for my parents and it keeps encountering an error and cannot complete installation. Also when I try and update my spyware defiinition it deny's internet connection. I use Spyware Search+Destroy. I use my adaware se personal and it works prettygood but I dont think Adware is the problem here. So far I have two programs that wont work properly because of a problem on my pc (I think it's spyware or a worm blocking files).

Secondly certain websites will not load for my computer. Only certain ones and they are NOT on my list of sites to be blocked on my virus thing. so it's not that. Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Facebook, my dad's unemployment sites all do not load. When u go to the sites u can get he homepage and what not but when you put your username/password and click logon or w/e it says connection was refused. and it happens on all the sites i listed...

not when I attempted to go about fixing this i ran my outdated 2005 virus protection and then I also ran adaware se personal and I found a few things then i rebooted my ststem and tried all the things again and they still dont work. So i went into run>msconfig and check my start up things. Turned them all off and restarted my system. Went back into msconfig to check if they were all off and one lone soldier was left checked. It was NvCpl and it is ran from "RUNDLL32.exe c:\windows\system32\NvCpl.dll, NvStartup"

and I tried to go into safemode and run all my things agian and they found nothing. But my virus program won't install under safemood.

I tried reinstalling my spyware program but it happens all the time.

Anyone have any I do not want to reset the partition of my pc. or reformate my HD. Everything runs on my system very smoothly cept for some site sdont load and certain programs wont update or run..

so if you guys could help me that would be sweeet!

My advice would be to install AVG, update it and scan. The thing you have to bear in mind is that AV progs will remove the virus, but it won't fix any damage its done. If the virus has seriously ****ed your windows installation, the only realistic fix is gonna be reinstalling windows.
Use Firefox, and check all your internet connections.

Go to Network Connections > right-click Properties > Internet Protocal from the list > Properties > then make sure it has Obtain Automatically clicked. Sometimes viruses will edit the information.
thanks for the help guys!! I do use Firefox! So that is not it...also Ill try installing AVG! I tried before. I have AVG internet security on a data disk! but ill download AVG FREE which i hear is pretty affecttive!
Does AVG actually remove viruses? Or just detect them?
The free version of the AVG antivirus allows you to perform a full scan on your computer and remove any viruses that are present. It also allows you access to the continual updates i.e. new virus databases, that they release.
well whatever you do don't use norton or mcafee...both hog up memory and bog your computer down like hell...and half that shit that comes with them is useless to most of us.

there's a way to run avg under safe mode but you'd have to google it to find out. it definetly sounds like spyware