Famous last words

"okay just let me reload the game from the last save point."
Wood to ash Stone to dust. If it wasn't for your ass hole your belly would bust. I'm 46 had a few friends die most of their last words were. Hey watch this.
I would communicate with the exact rhythm of frequencies, so as to override the executioners control of his own body, thereby compelling him to execute everyone else, then release me.

In last words terms, it would sound something like: "Eeeeyyoooooowwwoowwwweeeeeahhhhyeeeeeeeewwwwwwwraaaaerrrr!"

However I must stress at this point that the 7th octave must be inflected sufficiently.
I know you are here to kill me. Shoot. Coward. You will only kill a man.
-Che Guevara
i would so say
"oh im sorry, i cant hear you over the sound of how awesome i am."
You may be able to end my resistance, but you won't be able to end-

What? You got the wrong guy? Damn, there goes my epicness.
"The fatherland is great. It is greater than Death."

I belive it was some Korean Independence Army infantry officer that said it first.
"They couldn't hit an elephant from this dist-"

Didnt some general say something like that? He was trying to console his troops about some snipers, and ended up getting sniped as he was talking.
Didnt some general say something like that? He was trying to console his troops about some snipers, and ended up getting sniped as he was talking.

Yeah, I saw that in a book, and the chapter was about the American Civil War.
"good thing I hide that nuclear bomb very well,oh its 3 second to armagedon"
Oh my god RJMC, the things you say need to be immortalized in some badly animated poorly voice-acted flash movies.
Oh my god RJMC, the things you say need to be immortalized in some badly animated poorly voice-acted flash movies.


*thats me looking up at vegeta*

And was it Custer who said that line? I thought it was, but i cant seen to find it on wikipedia or google.
"I guess you were perpared!"