Fan Fiction Forum Rules

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Welcome to the new HL2 Fan Fiction forum. We've already had a lot of positive feedback about the introduction of this new forum. Obviously the standard forum rules apply here but I'd just like to reiterate a few things that are more specific to this forum.

  • This is a place where people will come to express their more creative sides. People will spend a lot of time and effort writing fan fictions in this forum. As with modelling and skinning, not all attempts will be great. This won't be an chance for you to flame that person, instead you should take a moment to give them some constructive criticism to help them out.

  • This is a HL2 Fan Fiction forum only. If you want to post Far Cry, STALKER, Doom 3 or any other game's fan fiction then either use their forums preferably or the General Gaming forum.

  • The only threads that need to be started in this forum are threads containing fan fiction. Threads asking for the next chapter of someone's fan fiction will be deleted. Threads that are off topic, as per the forum rules, will either be moved or deleted.

  • Other web sites may eventually catch on to the trend of writing fan fiction. I'm sure I don't really need to remind you that if you post a piece of writing here it should be completely authentic. Don't steal anyone elses work.

Just the basics really!

I'll leave this thread open for a while too so if anyone has any further suggestions for anything at all then please post them here :)
I'd also like to add that this is fiction, so don't think this place is a reason to post any spoilers for Half-Life 2 that you know about. If you must discuss spoilers, use the appropriate forum.
You clearly stated that 'authentic works only' will be accepted. What if, with the authors name and permission, we could show another's work here?


On HL2 ofcourse. :)
Mod fiction wouldn't be bad. Though perhaps it should be in the mod forums.
Top Secret said:
You clearly stated that 'authentic works only' will be accepted. What if, with the authors name and permission, we could show another's work here?


On HL2 ofcourse. :)
Yeah that will be no problems.

I just basically meant no plagerism.

This forum will work a lot like all of the other creative forums (models/skins etc) whereas we want constructive criticism only and your own work, unless you give credit.
Is there a limit on the sexual activity and language?
Just within the usual posting limits ray_MAN.

Any work you post on the forums, must be treated as you would any other post. No explicit language, no working round the swear word masks and no explicit references to sex. Just base it on what you would any other post. We'll deal with the rest ;)
Is erotic fiction allowed?

I have a great story about Alyx and a Face Crab.
No explicit language, no working round the swear word masks and no explicit references to sex.

If you haven't got anything worthwhile to say, why bother posting?
It was an attempt at humour based on a large number of people errrr 'style' of fan fiction.
PiMuRho said:
If you haven't got anything worthwhile to say, why bother posting?
What do you mean?
Abom said:
I'd also like to add that this is fiction, so don't think this place is a reason to post any spoilers for Half-Life 2 that you know about. If you must discuss spoilers, use the appropriate forum.

hmm.. is it just me or does the HL2 Storyline Discussion section not show up on the forum's main page where it lists all the sections

IE. General Discussion
Rumours & Speculation

if it really doesn't show up there, why so?
I can post images?
to make something like a comic?
Can we also write stories that take place before Half-Life 2 or after it. Maybe some Black Mesa survivor stories, some Barney stories, some Adrian Sheperd stories, and other such stories that involve Half-Life but not exactly Half-Life 2.
It's fan fiction. Write what you want, but we generally like things related to the Half-Life universe. Sulkdodds has an excellent non-HL related story posted in this forum. Mine has nothing to do with the HL2 story except for one character. Just stay true to the HL universe.
I want to post a short story that I have written. I have been told it's quite good, but it has a very small amount of explicit language, which I am not prepared to remove. Is there any way I can post it (pdf plus a clear warning, maybe)??
wow I think I have just found my favourite forum

WTF? im just confused that's all :hmph:

Look at betamaster's threads.
I think this forum should be renamed 'Fiction'.
If this becomes an all-out fiction sub forum, I think I might crawl back here and die of starvation :O
what about explicit stuff? not that i want to but would we be allowed, in theory, to post some sort of alyx love scene? i'm just curious.
rambler said:
what about explicit stuff? not that i want to but would we be allowed, in theory, to post some sort of alyx love scene? i'm just curious.

Someone did post one and it got closed by bliink.
15357 said:
Someone did post one and it got closed by bliink.

You're referring to the garrys mod porn? I can't remember ever deleting text erotica based on hl2... but I imagine I would have to.. sexually explicit material probably wont ever get much of a home on not unless we had some 18+ area, but even then, it kinda sleezes up the place.
I'm probably a massive hypocrite because I've repeatedly screwed around with the canon HL universe myself, but I really don't think sex has any place in fanfiction :O
Well, it could be in a story, but it would have to be like it is in most stories. You would have to INFER that it happened, with no actual detail... what is the term for those books taht describe it, and are based on it? :p
I think you are referring to a "boot scene," which comes originally from Star Trek. Captain Kirk would seduce the lovely alien princess and get invited into her quarters, and then there would be a commercial or a scene change. When you returned to Kirk, he'd be sitting on the side of the bed, lacing up his boots.

It was pretty obvious what happened, but you never saw much of anything. It's become a staple of G and PG-rated fan fiction that, if you want two characters to dance the horizontal bop, you would show them entering a room, and then cut to a "boot scene."

How bout like RPing? Like action/adventure roleplaying; would that fit into the criteria of this here board?