Fan Made Black Mesa Trailers

Thank god the actual mod doesn't have those sort of graphics. Man, whoever made these trailers really overused the Black Mesa Symbol.
Why thank you, now I will post this in every forum I know. :p
First one was the best, second was just a teaser really.

First had some bad points but I liked it.
Meh both were pretty crap. Someone needs to learn that less is more and not having a black mesa logo on the screen all the time is okay, people won't suddenly forget what the trailer is about halfway through.
Meh both were pretty crap. Someone needs to learn that less is more and not having a black mesa logo on the screen all the time is okay, people won't suddenly forget what the trailer is about halfway through.

Ingrate :hmph:
What is the music from the first trailer from? It sounds familiar.
The second one relied on some pretty cheap tricks, but still better than the first.
I enjoyed them both, quite good for fan made

only thing that annoyed me was 'militarry'
resident evil movie, the first trailer was actually almost a complete rip off of some scenes in resident evil.

The guy who made it based it on a resident evil theme. He's planning on making a third I think, from the view through a security camera before and after the resonance cascade