
im sure eveyrone here has but it is very cool

wow talk about talent ... how did he draw that??? on paper??? or photoshop???
Rafa 5.0 said:
One thing u must learn about good ol', anything that U THINK it's new, will have been discussed before. :LOL:

rafa ... can i put that quote in my signature ... its very good ...
Anry is the artist, I think he (she) has a deviant art page somewhere.

The art rocks though!
but how the hell did he draw that ??? tahts insane

looks like hes using some sort of special mice and some pens with pen pads that connect to his compuserver ... sweeeeeet ... hes good ... what language is that??
It is russian... The first part is him thanking ppl for looking at his website.
If you look below the pics on his site, it says that he used Corel Paint, I'm sure he has a tablet to go with it too... I wish I have skills like that! I can barely draw on paper! ;(
I can make pretty autocad drawings.

But this is cool, I always tought this was part of the character studies. I sicerely hope he makes one with Alyx :)
Yeah, it came out along time ago into the public, he does have a deviantart account somewhere
The digital paint is superbly done but ah, whats gets me is that crowbars can't bend like that. Well at leats the are not like that in general.
Now that you mention it...yeah...hmm appears the forked end is twisted and therefore useless.
Good find, overlooked it myself