Fantastic Four Trailer

Hmmm...Jessica Alba is a bit young to be playin' what's-her-name, ya?
Ohhh so thats why Dr Doom wasnt in spiderman, bugger, oh well looks very good, I'll be watching this for sure.
Why would Dr Doom be in spiderman ?
Anyways im a comics fan, but i don think this will be that good
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Hmmm...Jessica Alba is a bit young to be playin' what's-her-name, ya?

Sue richards ...ya I thought the same thing ...dont know ..could go either way is stretch ..but Ben looks great, although he needs to be more Jack Kirby-esque, especially his wiseass cracking, cigar chomping version
ooooohhhhhh the Watchmen!! arguably the best comic ever written

hopefully there'll also be room for more underground comic adaptations like Crumb or American Splendor ..both excellent films

edit: damn, Watchmen's gonna suck ..Darren Aronofsky was set to direct instead they got the guy who did bourne supremacy ..Watchmen cant be an action movie, it just doesnt suit the original material
What's with god-awful music being in every single action flick lately?
Whatever the crap that was in Alone In The Dark was ruined it for me, now this.

...okay, so not every single action flick, but two is enough
best thing in that trailer was a perfect circle:p

but seriously - although I lost my confidence in comic-based movies this one looks interesting
IonizeMyAtoms said:
What's with god-awful music being in every single action flick lately?
Whatever the crap that was in Alone In The Dark was ruined it for me, now this.

...okay, so not every single action flick, but two is enough
What's wrong with A Perfect Circle?

And wait...was Doom on the spaceship in the comic?

What's with all you people losing faith in comic book movies? Have the Spider-Man flicks not been completely awesome?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
What's with all you people losing faith in comic book movies? Have the Spider-Man flicks not been completely awesome?

I liked Spiderman enough, but I think both X-Men movies (and X-Men 2 in particular) are just about the finest comic book movies ever made.
DarkStar said:
I liked Spiderman enough, but I think both X-Men movies (and X-Men 2 in particular) are just about the finest comic book movies ever made.
I _finally_ got to see X-Men in full last night, every other time I've slept through it (not cause its a bad movie cause I ended up really enjoying it) I really liked the spiderman movies, the first two Batman movies, etc. etc. etc.
DarkStar said:
I liked Spiderman enough, but I think both X-Men movies (and X-Men 2 in particular) are just about the finest comic book movies ever made.


can't wait to see X3 and Wolverine.
he's my favourite comic book character, tied with Hellboy and Thorgal.
I wonder if we are ever gonna see his saga on the big screen. THAT would be amazing!!
Trailer looked pretty good to me, at least effects-wise. I've never been a fan of the Fantastic 4, though, so I'll just be watching this one for Dr. Doom.

And awesome, that site listed a TBA Captain America flick. Captain America's definately one of my favorite superheroes. I noticed a distinct lack of a Deadpool movie listing on that site though.

And they're making a movie of Aeon Flux...which looks nothing like Aeon Flux, surprise surprise. Tragic.
the trailer was fine except for the Human Torch saying "You know that looked cool", when really, he didn;t look cool at all, The Thing looks awesome though, I hope Micael Chiklis busts out and starts beating perps while in the costume, just cause The Sheild's so cool, anyway, looks decent, except for the Human Torch, I have a feeling he's gonna be annoying as hell, oh, and what's the name of the song?
Icarusintel said:
the trailer was fine except for the Human Torch saying "You know that looked cool", when really, he didn;t look cool at all ...... and what's the name of the song?

maybe he'll look cool in the movie:p

'counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums' - a perfect circle, from the eMOTIVe album.
Darkside55 said:
And they're making a movie of Aeon Flux...which looks nothing like Aeon Flux, surprise surprise. Tragic.

Tell me about it. I love Aeon Flux. They better remain true to the show and have her f*ckin' die in the end.
Worst choice of music in a trailer ever. I love the song, but it doesn't fit at all.
The cast for this blows. Jessica Alba's one of those actresses that nobody cares about outside the US, right? Just like Hillary Duff and Jennifer Garner. When will the studios learn...
That looks pretty good... but then again trailers allways do. I'll watch it even if it's crap though, because i'll be bored. I allways am.

oh and "4 ever" made me cringe.
StardogChampion said:
The cast for this blows. Jessica Alba's one of those actresses that nobody cares about outside the US, right? Just like Hillary Duff and Jennifer Garner. When will the studios learn...
I would hardly equate Alba and Garner with Hilary Duff. Duff's a slave to Disney.

And what's wrong with Michael Chiklas as The Thing (is that right? I can never remember his name...)? Who would you rather have? The Rock?

Oh, and seeing as how it's an American Movie based on an American comic book that takes place in America...well...yeah. I'll leave it at that.
Suicide42 said:
oh and "4 ever" made me cringe.

Could they sound any more cheesy? "1 will be bad...4 will be fantastic." :LOL:

Meh, I need moer to look at. I'll wait until the full trailer to make my decision. As far as I'm concerned, I've already seen the Fantastic Four this year (The Incredibles :p ).
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I would hardly equate Alba and Garner with Hilary Duff. Duff's a slave to Disney.

ya but garner absolutely destroyed the Elektra character some of the miller stuff from daredevil ..they couldnt have been less faithful to the original character if they had chosen a male to play elektra. Just in the same way alba will absolutely destroy sue storm/richards character. She's supposed to be intelligent and motherlike ...alba just looks like a less than intelligent bimbo.
CptStern said:
ya but garner absolutely destroyed the Elektra character some of the miller stuff from daredevil ..they couldnt have been less faithful to the original character if they had chosen a male to play elektra. Just in the same way alba will absolutely destroy sue storm/richards character. She's supposed to be intelligent and motherlike ...alba just looks like a less than intelligent bimbo.
But she's so HOT!
yes sue storm/richards isnt supposed to be hot ...k maybe older mommy type hot ..but you usually dont appreciate that till you're in your 30's :)
CptStern said:
yes sue storm/richards isnt supposed to be hot ...k maybe older mommy type hot ..but you usually dont appreciate that till you're in your 30's :)
No, I very much appreciate the beauty that is the hot mom... the only difference between them and younger hot chicks is experience...heh heh...*sigh*
CptStern said:
ya and younger chicks will get you 10 to 15 ;)
Don't I know it...*sigh*...and moms can make you sandwiches after!
heh yes but daddys sometimes come home for lunch so always keep your clothes within reach ..also you may want to invest in a rope ladder :E
Elektra was always going to be a bad film IMO, didn't like the whole animals coming out of their bodies fomr the trailer. Havn't seen it mind, but I heard I should stay away. Besides, Garner is ace in Alias. I have to agree with you all about the choice of music. SUCKS.
"4 will be... Fantastic" Haha... Fantastic Four, GET IT? It's a 4 and they're the Fantasic Four. God kill me now. Between the cheesy as hell taglines and that suicide inducing ending "you know that looked cool", it's sadder to think that this trailer will be better than the actual movie.

To be honest the best ever comic to film transition was 'The Crow'. Maybe it was because the producers weren't trying to grab the two-minute attention spans of the PG-13 audience or maybe it was aiming to be more than a popcorn movie which will generate 'summer blockbuster sales'.

Anyways, having said that, SIN CITY will no doubt be in-f#@king-credible. The trailer was amazing and the footage released at comic-con had the perfect atmosphere and the visual asthetic was dead-on with the source material. And don't get me started on the casting of Mickey Rouke as Marv... genius.
I think the thing that makes me dislike this movie is that Reed Richards is supposed to be like fifty years old.
He's got graying hair in the comics, for cripesakes! :p

Alba doesn't really fit the character either. The Invisible Woman is supposed to be forty-ish and blond, not twenty and fake-blond.

In fact, they all look absolutely nothing like their characters all, except The Thing.

Invisible woman was my favorite superhero too, other than daredevil.
They screwed up his movie too. :(
heh then you must have just LOVED the daredevil movie :E

I refuse to watch it ...not ruining my vision of frank miller's daredevil (best era ever)