Fantastic HL2 Linkin Park Video

Embarrassingly awful. Also, you've posted this in the wrong forum.

I don't know that I would call the creator a genius, but yeah, he must be pretty talented. And I must say, it's a shame to see talent wasted on something like this. It's not that bad, but if I had that much time on my hands I'd probably do something a bit more useful with it.
I like the song but I found this weirdly off-putting.

I don't know that I would call the creator a genius, but yeah, he must be pretty talented. And I must say, it's a shame to see talent wasted on something like this. It's not that bad, but if I had that much time on my hands I'd probably do something a bit more useful with it.
Who are you to say what is or isn't a waste of time for someone? What a ****ing prick thing to say.
Albert Einstein was a genius. The man who made this video is not.

Not exactly the best first post I've seen. Then again, at least it wasn't one of those... well, let's not speak of them right now.
It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for all the Linkin Park.
Who are you to say what is or isn't a waste of time for someone? What a ****ing prick thing to say.

I know, right? People always make these posturing remarks like "this isn't worthy of anyone's attention" as if they're the authority on entertainment value, when really the only value is in what the viewer takes away from it. I mean you could sit here all day and try to argue one way or the other, but in the end
What do you mean
clown? Seriously, I don't get it[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

Also, just because people say something in a 'matter-of-fact' tone doesn't mean they're intending it to sound like anything other than their own opinion. I say that anime sucks, all the time, but it doesn't mean im making a factual claim. I'm saying [I]I personally[/I] think it sucks. You guys need to get better at interpreting things people say. Just like I need to get better at interpreting clown images when they're meant to symbolize a word that can't possibly mean "clown."
What do you mean
clown? Seriously, I don't get it
He was just throwing a curve ball, as I was reading I was expecting it to say 'matter', so that's basically what he's saying.

Also, just because people say something in a 'matter-of-fact' tone doesn't mean they're intending it to sound like anything other than their own opinion. I say that anime sucks, all the time, but it doesn't mean im making a factual claim. I'm saying I personally think it sucks. You guys need to get better at interpreting things people say.
Well of course it isn't a factual claim. I'm saying you're forming your opinion without sufficient grounds. And I know you aren't interested in watching more so this argument is pointless anyway.
Well of course it isn't a factual claim. I'm saying you're forming your opinion without sufficient grounds. And I know you aren't interested in watching more so this argument is pointless anyway.

I was talking about Letters and Badhat, who seemed to assume that stating an opinion in such a way was tantamount to claiming authority on the subject.
For all this, there's only one thing you should know and that facial syncing took some work, least I'd appreciate that, but in the end it doesn't really..
Would've made some more sense had it been Barney or some of the younger rebels singing Linkin Park and not old scientists.
I was talking about Letters and Badhat, who seemed to assume that stating an opinion in such a way was tantamount to claiming authority on the subject.

I was joking. Notice how the last line of my post (sans clown) sounds an awful lot like certain song lyrics.

Edit: According to the Steam-majigger up there by my name, I've been playing King's Bounty for like 3 days straight. Sweet deal.
The guy who made this video has done loads of other Source based music videos in the past, from his own songs to lip syncing existing ones like this.
Yes. But both Bad^Hat and soulslicer said "really" instead of "even". This is a big issue as it ruins their jokes in which they reference the lyrics.
I didn't notice because I like good music. I didn't even realize what song Bad Hat was making the clown joke with until just now.
Well that was terrible.

I have to commend him on syncing it really exact but that's literally the only thing I found appealing about it.

... it kind of made me want to replay HL2 and all that.. but it would only piss me off more that Episode 3 will never exist... so that's not really a bonus.
>Insert hater comment against LP

I actually enjoyed it....